just get it hot waxed by a pro. A professional i mean not a prostitute
JoinedPosts by DelTheFunkyHomosapien
On a cold day in Hell..........
by Frannie Banannie indo-it-yourself hair removal
all methods have tricked us with their promises of easy, painless removal - the epilady, scissors, razors, nair and now...the wax.
come home fix dinner, played with the kids.
Private schools or what?
by DigitalFokus inok, so my son is 4 years old.
his mother and i are not together and have a so so relationship as parents.
this will soon be changing since i will soon be living in the same small town and not almost 2 hours away.
Cannot give you any hard facts. But IMO it really doesn't matter. If your child wants an education they will get one public or private.
What are your biggest pet pieves...
by DigitalFokus inwhat sends shivers down your spine like the good ole "nails on a chaulkboard"?
things people do, say or don't do or say.
basically what really pisses you off.. df.
That question when you first meet someone:
'What do you do'?
Then the judgement comes. Hey fuck you numbnuts I am not defined by my occupation, and if you think your's defines you congratufuckinglations. The whole status thing shits me.
Mobile phones in cinemas turn it off or I'll break it.
Similar; mobile phones at concerts used instead of lighters, wrong and broken.
Religion - false hope for the masses with low/no self esteem.
My inabilty to fly like Superman. Damn you imagination.
What fills your 'love tank'?
by serendipity incopied from an amazon.com review:.
author gary chapman in his book the five love languages: how to express heartfelt commitment to your mate believes everyone has a love tank, and that tank is filled by different love languages.
these five languages are .
Bloody hell Sparky thats pretty grim, but I've been there. 3 and 5. Not to sure about acts of service, sounds related to 5 if you ask me.
by DelTheFunkyHomosapien inthe big yin was on aussie tv last night and the jw got a mention.
truer words have never been spoken.. billy connolly: it's nuts.
everybody's nuts except me.. .
The Big Yin was on Aussie TV last night and the JW got a mention. Truer words have never been spoken.
BILLY CONNOLLY: It's nuts. Everybody's nuts except me.
LaughterBILLY CONNOLLY: And it's beige that's doing it. It is. The whole thing's crazy. I mean who - have you ever had Jehovah Witnesses come to your door?
BILLY CONNOLLY: Now somebody must open the door and see those dreary people standing there and think that's the people I want to be with.
LaughterBILLY CONNOLLY: They must because who else would they recruit you know? You must go, 'Oh my God that's, I must do that. I want to sell a really dreary magazine with a rotten crossword round all these houses to people who have just got out the bath. That's how I want to spend the rest of my life, being sworn at by people like Billy Connolly you know?' And I don't get religion. I just, I don't, I can understand God. I can understand people having a God and believing, cause it's a nice thing to believe that there's a big guy up there looking after everything. It's a kind of consolation that, somebody's making everything nice and he knows that you're quite a nice guy but you do awful things...right? And stuff like that...
ANDREW DENTON: So these people around the world that have been saying you mustn't insult our religion...
BILLY CONNOLLY: Yeah but they can insult everybody else's apparently. You know you, you can run around saying that people should be beheaded and that's perfectly okay well, well I've never read the Koran but I'm sure that's not in it.
Full transcript here: http://www.abc.net.au/tv/enoughrope/transcripts/s1574093.htm
Is the Watchtower Society guilty of this?
by Honesty indoes the watchtower society go beyond what is written in the bible with their doctrines?.
i have doubts that any of the following watchtower doctrinal issues are specifically mentioned as 'do's" or "don'ts" in god's word:.
Nothin. It would go straight in the bin and you'd br told to piss off. Still worth doin though.
News flash for Watch Tower!
by Quotes in(since i suspect i am being watched to ensure my compliance to the terms of the settlement agreement, i thought i would take advantage of the captive audience) .
watch tower!
She has graced my desktop for years. Can't seem to find another to top her.
Can't wait for the new light WT. Free toilet paper.
News flash for Watch Tower!
by Quotes in(since i suspect i am being watched to ensure my compliance to the terms of the settlement agreement, i thought i would take advantage of the captive audience) .
watch tower!
Is this prophecy by Jesus trustworthy?
by scout575 inin the last chapter of the bible jesus is three times portrayed as saying: "i come quickly.
" the last of these three statements actually reads: "surely i come quickly.
" ( rev 22:7, 12, 20 ) does the passage of nearly 2000 years since those words were written indicate that this bible prophecy is trustworthy?
Bastard doofdaddy.
I was gunna say, ask Mary Magdalene (sp)
Would you???
by BlessedStar inyou've heard about jesus.. you've choosen to believe or not to believe.. you've accepted jesus or you haven't.. let's say jesus came down now for his people.what would you do or say to jesus if you now know he is true?
(keeping in mind that god is the judge and some people will go to heaven and most will burn in hell!!).
Jesus H Christ the OP tried to gode a response from everyone and then has buggered off. I call TROLL.
What would I say to him ...... well how about: "Nice shoes dickhead"