" Dr. Applewhite's report is therefore rejected. "
Angus is my hero. He has been for months and he still remains so!
will just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
" Dr. Applewhite's report is therefore rejected. "
Angus is my hero. He has been for months and he still remains so!
this is not an attack upon the rc.
it is an example of the sheer volume of work they are dealing with and the scope of events they have dealt with.. i went to the rc support place here in wa.
it seemed that many people (staff) were dropping out from this place due to illness, holiday's ..family ....and so on.
there was a letter sent to elders in australia on 18th november 2015 asking for details of publishers that are solicitors, barristers and accountants.
what would be their motive for these details?
the rest of the letter outlines 8 specific pieces of information to compile and send to bethel's legal department, and reiterates to collect the information only be "as you understand, without consulting the publisher.
Well, with the ARC bringing legal and financial obligations aplenty, this is not a surprise. They are likely working out how to get out all money that is liquid and how to liquidate all the rest to send it to some country where there are not likely to be anyone suing for abuse issues. Like the Congo or something.
In the states compiling databases of individuals using public info is perfectly fine. That's how you get on mailing lists I don't see the issue with that, other than you know those poor guys having been vetted already by the local monkey factory will have to do some talking to get out of obligatory service to the borg.
does anyone else have those things that everyone else seems to know ... except you?
it's like you were off the day it was taught in school and you don't know that you don't know about it.
but everyone else does.. i have a couple .... first, days of the month.
forgive me if this has been covered before but i haven't seen anything about it recently.. in exploring the two faiths, mormons vs. jehovah's witnesses, which were both founded in the 1800s with the mormons being slightly a slightly older religion it seems mormons is a more attractive religion than jehovah's witnesses.
do not get me wrong, i'm not looking at joining the mormon church.
but i still enjoy studying other faiths and different belief systems.
Reeses are controversial too? I've been craving one since my son brought a bag of Reeses christmas trees home tonite. Now I have to go swipe one. With my earl grey. Its nearly midnight. NOT helpful:)
Whats the story with REeses? I am kind of contrary.I kind of like pissing off ridiculous people with insane things that offend them. Like red coffee cups sold by zionists who hate christmas/islam/clean cut baristas.(I can't think of one unbearded male barista lately. What's that all about? Are they all proving they aren't JW or ??)
edited to say-I think I am getting slap happy. Probably should skip the tea.
If you are the guy in Houston, check with me after the new year, I should be home by then.
through this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
BTW, good work, UmbertoEcho. I know this is hard to do and I admire your guts to do so. This issue figures greatly(if kind of indirectly) in my decision to leave the borg after going through the kangaroo court as a victim. Thank you from all the victims-my voice doesn't count much in australia, but I'm so glad yours is being heard, literally, for all of us.
I did write the ARC, from across the world and explained that this isn't a local issue, it is world wide and harmful. That may not be officially counted as yours is, but its contributing to the roar that is made up of all the voices of individuals who are speaking together about this. I'm proud to stand by you anonymously and in your good company.
through this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
How about strict rules for both getting checked out if in ANY miinisterial or church role (any publisher-pioneer-MS-Elder-etc) and mandatory reporting (no clerical privileges to anyone catholic or JW in any role). THose should be laws regardless of non profit status or not. FURTHERMORE, they LOSE non profit status if they do not comply with those requirements while providing evidence of the checks and a written statement, signed by the highest authority in the organization nationally, that they are in compliance with this law and have provided training as regards the mandatory reporting. There should be a severe penalty for falsifying such records as well as being open to all kinds of litigation if they do not.
This is a push and shove into decency, but most JWs can comply and those that can't will not be counted as publishers or allowed to go door to door and other JWs will know it. They should also have strict guidelines in place to educate parents in any group that has had the tendency (like the JWs) to previously DISCOURAGE individuals/families from reporting to (real) authorities. That one needs to be hammered in because of the WT propensity for discouraging it, whether directly or in their sneaky little ways.
forgive me if this has been covered before but i haven't seen anything about it recently.. in exploring the two faiths, mormons vs. jehovah's witnesses, which were both founded in the 1800s with the mormons being slightly a slightly older religion it seems mormons is a more attractive religion than jehovah's witnesses.
do not get me wrong, i'm not looking at joining the mormon church.
but i still enjoy studying other faiths and different belief systems.
so i'm loving the fact that my little one gets to be a "normal" child and take part in everything at school.
however i still have that stupid niggling in the back of my head that she shouldn't be doing it and it's wrong etc.
at the moment she is rehearsing for the nativity play and keeps singing the songs at home (she is going to be an angel!
Give yourself time. Don't overthink any of this. That is how the WT dudes came up with their stupid ideas.
Your little girl is singing about loving Jesus. . I think it is less scary to focus on loving "baby" jesus when one is a little child. Or less creepy. Kids are kids and love everything. They are happy and joyful. Our JW parents were thunderclouds over that holiday and tried to ruin it for us forever, but the basics of Christmas for believers is sweet and about faith, not stuff. Your daughter can get a taste of that sweetness. Whether it sticks or not, she is going to have sweet memories rather than bitter ones at the holidays. You may never be able to change your gut entirely, you have been programmed. But you can insure that she never has the uglies associated with a holiday that should be positive, even for irreligious folks.
I gave my mom a cranberry bliss bar yesterday and feared she would refuse it because it was a seasonal item for christmas (She didn't!-but seriously, who could refuse one of those?) Your daughter is not going to have to worry about wearing too much red in December, or putting lights up at her house or being caught in the christmas paper aisle at walmart by an elder. She will eat christmas cookies with no guilt unless she is dieting (another thing I'd steer her away from, weight obsession). Let her have that. You can give her that gift, if nothing else.
It took me about 15 years before I stopped thinking about it all the time at holidays. As above, I still get twinges, but not gut wrenching ones. You have a good future.
forgive me if this has been covered before but i haven't seen anything about it recently.. in exploring the two faiths, mormons vs. jehovah's witnesses, which were both founded in the 1800s with the mormons being slightly a slightly older religion it seems mormons is a more attractive religion than jehovah's witnesses.
do not get me wrong, i'm not looking at joining the mormon church.
but i still enjoy studying other faiths and different belief systems.
My best friend in HS was a Mormon. Later came out as gay and died of AIDS at 26. His service was held in a fully packed LDS church and he was surrounded by his family at the end.
That is what tells me of the critical differences between the two. Religion wise, they are both strange, I know what both believe and while the LDS has nutty doctrines, they are more of a lifestyle religion(the religion promotes family and life), where the JWs are about making sure no one does anything that doesn't promote the religion. Family is an accessory, and an unecessary one at that.
There were some wrong things earlier said about LDS. Women get callings even if they don't get married before getting out of college. Women can serve missions, too, but aren't expected to as the young men are.
Family planning, as long as it isn't an abortificant(?) is now acceptable. Premarital sex, not. People can come back from it easier than JWs, and it is kinda a job to get excommunicated as a mormon. You have to really piss off the powers that be. Which is why there are so many "jack" mormons. (I'd be the one drinking coffee unrepentently!)
No joke, the theology is whacked and probably more so than the JWs.(coffee???!!!) That racism was a part of it while slavery was unacceptable is odd, but I've seen both of them up close and personal, and if I was to hang around LDS or JWs, I personally think LDS are generally a lot nicer, kinder and more fun. I also see them helping others, LDS or not, Tithe payers or not. I don't see JWs helping anyone, not even each other, mostly. Their religious lives(LDS) are built around serving each other and helping others and that says more than their wacky theology IMO.