JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
Was it the president or a fox commentator thay mentioned how they were able to run al queda out of iraq? Didnt al quaeda essentially morph into daesh which are now everywhere? I dont think transferring the terrorists is the same as ending terrorism. -
Bible Versus Quran Experiment - Genius!
by cofty inabsolutely brilliant social experiment.
enjoy.. ....
No church required
Jesus respected not worshipped
I love the ideals of most of what jesus taught though I thought much of the nt was not jesus.I tried atheism and didnt ever buy it. So im a believer thst thinks jesus mattered, but couldnt worship him. Didnt sccept bible as completely inspired. Islam makes sense, even if some muslims are f'd up.
I dont call jws, christians or atheists idiots. I dont accept that from them either. I will pick on stupid actions by anyone and I have publcly cricized ectremism and isis actions, but a perfectly nice person does not get belittled by me and you have all known me long enough to know that is and has been true of me for all of our acquintance. I have been here a long time.
Bible Versus Quran Experiment - Genius!
by cofty inabsolutely brilliant social experiment.
enjoy.. ....
To the girl next door re:
The reality is, religious moderates take their scripture “out of context” more than they’d like to think. Islamic apologists, for instance, like to quote the verse 2:256, which says there is “no compulsion in religion.” They won’t tell you (and many don’t know themselves) that the very next verse, 2:257, says that those who do choose to disbelieve will be “companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.” You’ll also hear them quote verse5:32, which says, “Whoever kills a soul…it is as if he had slain all mankind. And whoever saves one—it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” But again, if you read on to the very next verse,5:33, you’ll see that Allah wants anyone opposing him or his messenger to “be killed or crucified…their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides,” for “causing corruption.”
Context? The first verse was that there is no compulsion in religion (which is something we practice on earth) and the next says that God will deal with unbelievers in hell. So, there is no contradictions that humans are not to force other humans into a religion. (compulsion)
5:33 is speaking of a defense of attacks, not randomly killing killing people. It is always best to choose peace over war, but 5:33 is speaking about those who wage war against the community. If one has war waged against them, a defensive response is not evil or foolish.
This is not about context really. Just read the verses that you are claiming say particular things.
Oh, and most folks who know v. 32 are aware of 33. Likewise 256, 257. These are famous and apologists in particular have them thrown at them regularly:) However, most properly educated kids learn BOTH those verses when they are probably 10 years old. The biggest issue is that many of them learn it improperly-just in ARABIC when they speak some other language. I have heard Muslims brag about their kids reading the quran beautifully and they have NOT ONE IOTA of an idea about what the words mean. They just learned to recite it absolutely perfectly. (Its an art form among Muslims to be able to recite the Quran beautifully and there are competitions like Miss America and spelling bees etc on this) In schools nowadays, the comprehension is being focused on a lot more, but formerly, really understanding it was left to academics, which accounts for why the religion has been able to be hijacked by extremists. Like JWs, they too can take things out of context to say what they want the message to be. Truth be darned.
As a Muslim, it was hard enough to deal with Alquada types. They were not really that vast, just effective. ISIS is a game changer for all of us, it has made us all suspect, villians and dangerous to much of the world. And I can't blame the world for being scared, because I am too. The teacher I had before I moved here encouraged new Muslims to not give up family traditions, though they should not engage in worshipful activity as a part of them. I go to company christmas parties, family parties and the town christmas tree lighting. Or I did. I rethink things too, because contrary to popular opinion, Terrorists do not have a sneaky way of warning regular Muslims that they are going to attack. I don't do malls, ever, but I shy away from popular restaurants and rarely see movies.
A restaurant near where I lived in Cairo was firebombed-probably not terrorist, but that was the first thought, right?)-and all I could think was that I went there with my husband about 7 years ago. This all hits really close to my home. I'm sorry I went so Off topic, but this is changing my life for the same reasons that it is changing yours-plus I get hate messages from relatives on FB, disowned by other relatives and shunned by others. I have the shunning from the religion I left and the one I joined. It feels pretty crappy in both directions, FYI. And being called an idiot by everyone left over is just all kinds of fun.
Unfollow - How a prized daughter of the Westboro Baptist Church came to question its beliefs.
by Captain Schmideo2 inhttp://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/11/23/conversion-via-twitter-westboro-baptist-church-megan-phelps-roper?mbid=social_twitter.
Ah, yes. The cross! I did that one too, personally! IN fact, I tried to do a school paper on it and had to use resources beyond the WT literature. This actually was a factor in my learning the truth about the truth (TTATT). I did the paper. I also played the WT games so that I could tell the story I wanted to tell. That sat on my conscience like you would not believe. It also opened my eyes to what we do as JWs and humans to prove our point. Honestly becomes less important than proving that we are right. It took me decades to get over the need to be proven "right". Mostly:) -
Bible Versus Quran Experiment - Genius!
by cofty inabsolutely brilliant social experiment.
enjoy.. ....
Unfollow - How a prized daughter of the Westboro Baptist Church came to question its beliefs.
by Captain Schmideo2 inhttp://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/11/23/conversion-via-twitter-westboro-baptist-church-megan-phelps-roper?mbid=social_twitter.
LoveUni. . . .I grew up in the era where checking "christian" in a box was pretty much denying our faith. If our option was Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or other, we were to chose other. Identifying ourselves with Christendom at that time was pretty much anathema. Now they changed the name to "Christian Witnesses" because all those years that I was in pretty much convinced the world that JWs didn't consider themselves to be Chritians, between correcting (in those days) anyone who asked what church we went to (had to clarify it wasn't a church, that it was a KH and if possible, lecture them on the WT explanation of church and why we didn't call it that. It was an obnoxious time). If we were wished Happy Easter or Merry Christmas-again, we had to correct and educate them on the subjects if at all possible.
Now, I see JWs commonly referring to the org as a church. I think they even did during the ARC. I still think they flinch a little at that. My mom still lectures on Christmas and why she doesn't hand out Halloween candy or look forward to any holiday.
Legalized marijuana. It's coming to canada and I want to try it.
by hoser inas a good jw i never smoked a joint or nibbled on some brownies.
I moved back to the states and all of the sudden they were selling hard liquor/booze in the regular grocery stores and I had a choice of medical or non medical marijuana-sold on the streets-EVERYWHERE.The little green crosses are everywhere-one is next door to my local KH!
The one thing age gives us is a little more experience and knowledge of ourselves and our bodies and our family history. My family has addiction issues on both sides, I have hallucinations with anything codeine based, and alcohol literally makes me ill. This makes pot seem a little less enticing to me. Ok, It removes it from my consideration altogether. I'm glad all this didn't happen when I was younger because I could have easily justified it as legal and it would have been a really bad thing for me, personally. I didn't know all this stuff when I was 18 or 22. I didn't even know about the drug reaction until I had to take it for an illness in my late 20's. Healthy people don't usually mess around with pain killers much, so I was clueless as to narcotic drugs.
You know yourself.
(My sis tried it and was unimpressed and it didn't help her migraines as hoped).
And I would have tried it in brownies back in the day without a bit of guilt if it were legal.
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
I wish it would be more useful than a politician blowing hot air up our arses. -
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Cofty, I just read the OP now.
You made a great argument that definitely could be used with a JW who actually cared about what the Bible says on the subject.
Therefore, the only flaw in the approach is that most JWs are really more interested in what the WT tells them that the Bible says on the subject.
It is still an excellent, cogent argument that I will try to use some day.
I couldn't take it anymore, although still in because of my wife, I did this...
by LevelThePlayingField ini dressed up in a hoodie, double layer so that the cameras at the kingdom hall couldn't recognize me.
i looked in the mirror up and down so i knew that the cameras, at least at the angle that i knew couldn't see my face.
i took this disassociation letter, stuck it in the envelope, labeled it, "(congregation's name...boe" by hand and sealed it.
good one!