JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Do you know any JW who has ever done this?
by Esse quam videri injesus had much to say about the kind of giving his followers should practice.
for example, the following:matt 6:3 '...but when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing...'.
matt 10:8 '... freely you have received; freely give...'.
there are great human beings who are jws. in spite of the org not because of it, -
my 2 cents
by SloppyMcFloppy inall religion is flawed because its led by man.
jw is not bad religon if it changed some of its doctrines and thoughts.
if it didnt "shun" members and "worldly people.
Welcome, and please dont take offense, but its like saying a hot fudge sundae would be healthy if you took away the ice cream, the hot fudge and the sprinkles. -
Bending Truth - CO Talk - Time and Money Invested
by berrygerry inwatched the bending truth video last week - an essential for those asking "why?
" people join, and why people stay.. the co's talk on inspired truth and inspired error made much reference to habakkuk "not be late.".
and then, they actually verbalized the bending truth video, for those wondering about the delay, and what to do.. "think about how much time and money you have already invested in serving jehovah.
Steve-totally worth the time! -
'I Got You' -Shannon Johnson
by freemindfade inwith all the focus on the shooters and the rehashing the cowardly acts of those determined to spread violence and fear, i think its good to talk about those who are not cowards and its their names we should remember most to take the power away from the martyr cowards.
i got you: san bernardino victim shielded female co-worker during shooting, saving her life.
I am awed by that loving kindness that the man showed to his coworker. That was beautiful. Its funny that no one is mentioning his religion-it doesn't really matter anymore. He showed what and who he was by his actions. I think he got what Jesus said better than most "religious" people and I don't know if he even believed. . . .You will know his disciples by their love.
Talk is cheap. He got the message that i think ALL real spiritual leaders taught about-however he got it- to care for others lovingly. That didn't take a "declaration" of faith or a "witness" of his dedication. He didn't get baptized or take shahada or anything to SAY who he really was, and what he really believed. Not fighting a war, not telling others how they should believe. James says our religion is what we DO. Take care of others. Not talk about doctrine. Good principles for living life, rules, are for the sake of society, but who we truly are is not defined by the building we worship in, or the format or ritual, or how well we perfectly follow the rules.
He told us his religion. He lived it and he died it. I wish he could have survived. I appreciate his credo and I think it is what the creator, which "I" believe in, wants of us. "I got you". Bless him, Whether he believed in God or not, he figured out how to be a real human being.
Somebody forgot where they parked
by JeffT inhow does this happen?http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/08/aviation/malaysia-aviation-airport-abandoned-aircraft/
Divergent, I (mis?)understood that the previous owner was known and it had passed through a couple of other hands and current owners were unknown. I read about it elsewhere and so didn't follow the link here.
Weird how you can just park a plane for a year in a public facility (airport). Try parking on the side of the road or in a public lot for more than 12 hours and see what happens!:)
I need some friends!!
by BlackWolf ini literally have 0 friends, actually i've never had any close friends.
its really started to get to me.
i homeschool and my parents keep me super isolated and all the other kids at my hall are complete a**holes!!
Be cautious. There are creeps in the world that will take advantage of your loneliness, and they might be at the hall or online.
You are in a tough situation. I hope when you are of age that you get yourself out of the environment ASAP. It will be hard without friends, but you will soon make some. Try getting a job now if you can (even if you have to work for a JW). You will meet new people and be able to save money. I don't know how much talking to your parents will help, but I won't assume that they are evil JW parents. The isolation may not be something they even really see happening. There are a lot who care about their kids and are trying to do what is best for them. Without alarming them, you could mention how you feel so isolated and see about taking a community schools course or volunteering somewhere "wholesome" that will give you some transferable job skills. I am sure they don't want to support you forever.
Get out of the house, exercise and meet your neighbors. Maybe make the neighbors cookies or bread or a pie (I don't care if you are a boy). You can tell your parents its a good witness to do kind things for neighbors without an agenda. This will get you out, more freedom, talking to others, helping them, perhaps. Even if you meet "old" people, you might enjoy the experience and learn about the world from a non-JW point of view.
I wish you well and happy, truly. You are in a great time of your life. THe entire universe is open to you. Some of us here are a great example for you of finding your way out, some of us are cautionary tales. Your life is a fresh slate. I hope you live it beautifully and fill it with love and joy and color and lots of people that you love.
Somebody forgot where they parked
by JeffT inhow does this happen?http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/08/aviation/malaysia-aviation-airport-abandoned-aircraft/
Nice to know how accurate and up to date that they keep airliner records. With all the disappearing planes, blown up planes, terrorism, evil governments (N. Korea!) and other random badness, you'd think they'd know who owns million dollar airliners! What good are the IDs on the planes if registering them seems to be optional? -
More than half of UK population is non-religious
by bemused inthe british humanist association web-site has reported on the results of the british social attitudes survey, which is a major annual survey, the latest report covering the year 2013:.
for the first time, those people saying they are not members of any religious group are in the majority in the uk, up by three percentage points from 47.7% to 50.6% in just one year.
I could tell you of a couple of trendy clubs in Cairo if you want the bellydancers and the middle eastern vibe. And lots of Stella. -
State lawsuit against Jehovah's Witnesses
by Coded Logic inthe first of many lawsuits?.
november 09, 2015. wilmington, delaware the attorney general's office is suing elders of the sussex county congregation for not reporting an unlawful sexual relationship between a woman and a 14-year-old boy, both of whom were congregation members.. state law requires any person, agency, organization or entity who knows or in good faith suspects that a child is being abused or neglected to call a 24-hour hotline.
The mom made the kid tell the elders and the elders forced it out of the perpetrator. Penitence would be if either had come to the elders willingly. The child was a victim and disfellowshiped (lovely, lovely religion that it is!) and the elders didn't think they needed to report a full grown woman having sex with a child.
EVERYONE is supposed to report. That means them. The mom took her sweet time, btw, but at least she did the right thing ultimately.
In the past we taught it, but now we teach other thing....
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading the watchtower study edition of march 2016. here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:.
when were gods people held captive by babylon the great?.
that spiritual captivity lasted from the second century c.e.
Never heard the flat earth as a reason for that one. . . I do like how NOW they pat themselves on the back for not being dogmatic (LOL). 1918/1919 . . . well, that bit was pretty self serving and allowed them to keep their date while changing its meaning by 180 degrees! They literally turned it upside down! They are kinda sneaky that way, eh? They did the same thing when Jesus return in 1914 wasn't visible. . . when everyone had forgotten that he was already invisibly present before 1914 (from an earlier no show where he was declared invisibly returned), he suddenly got invisible and present (newly) in 1914. That Jesus had all kinds of trick up his sleeve!
Talk about being doomed to repeat history.