JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
What is happening in India?
by Vanderhoven7 ini read a thread recently that spoke of the wt ceasing to print watchtower and awake mags in india.
does anyone know if there is any substance/documentation to that claim?
Rub even if you have a loo, it will be a pit toilet. Squat. Toilet paper is easier to find than a proper toilet. And you WILL get really sick and no fun between the runs and vomiting. -
"High" education
by Esmeralda001 indid any of you guys disregard the wt recommendations and pursue a career.
if you answer "yes": was your journey easy?
are you happy with the end result?
In how many religions do people HIDE that they are going to college or a college graduate??
Remember, it's a cult!
What is happening in India?
by Vanderhoven7 ini read a thread recently that spoke of the wt ceasing to print watchtower and awake mags in india.
does anyone know if there is any substance/documentation to that claim?
The interest can't support the mini$try. They still have a small branch, but they no longer can print anything and let off many of the staff. If they can grow organically, great, but without their silly literature, they can only get so far in a country where there are more cell phones than toilets (they are hooked to the internet and know English, but are often very poor). And the toilet situation makes it not so fun a place to be a poor missionary. IMO. Being privileged and upper middle class in Pakistan was harder than being poor in America. Just saying. -
Care Home Exclusively for JW's "Inadequate" and "Unsafe".
by snugglebunny inthe home: http://www.jah-jireh.org/.
the independent report: http://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/new_reports/aaab3073.pdf.
Reading the report I saw how many times it was mentioned"but there were no complaints. " " residents were not aware that they had an option" " strict schedule and no outside activities seemed to ensure that these people lived under borg rules and lifestyle 24/7 whether they like it or not.
The clear and present danger of staying in the borg to please otthers is that they could put you in that kind of care center. I have seen poorly run and well run homes for dementia patients. By all I have seen its a piss poor one. Regular mental, social and physical stimulation was not happening. That flat out literally ends people's lives sooner. Its slow homicide. The only reason their scores were so high is that jws have such low expectations for their lives, having been well trained since infancy to being treated as children (while adults), to not ask for or expect options, to not do anything fun or entertaining.
This was sad to read. I kept having my buttons pushed as to the ways these people were infantilized, marginalized and personal needs and desires extinguished, dismissed-even by the residents themselves. Had the "world" given them this care it would be excroriorated.
The value of starting a new topic
by smiddy ini see some members , who have been on this board for many ,many years , who very seldom posted a topic for discussion..i would like to encourage everyone in this situation to re-think there reasons for not starting a subject for discussion.. sometimes after the event , i have thought to myself why did you start that topic ,stupid, however on reading the replies to that said topic , i have learnt a helluva lot more in having done so .in other words i learn a great deal more from the feedback i get from you guys than the question or statement i post.. you might think your question or statement is irrelevant , however to somebody else on this board it may just be the thing they are looking for to help them get through some issue of there own .. so please don`t hold back from posting a subject dear to your heart , or anywhere else .. just saying .
Phizzy, you said the coolest thing online today "It was Posting on here that changed me from the TWAT I was , to the twat I am today."
Thanks for the giggle.
The value of starting a new topic
by smiddy ini see some members , who have been on this board for many ,many years , who very seldom posted a topic for discussion..i would like to encourage everyone in this situation to re-think there reasons for not starting a subject for discussion.. sometimes after the event , i have thought to myself why did you start that topic ,stupid, however on reading the replies to that said topic , i have learnt a helluva lot more in having done so .in other words i learn a great deal more from the feedback i get from you guys than the question or statement i post.. you might think your question or statement is irrelevant , however to somebody else on this board it may just be the thing they are looking for to help them get through some issue of there own .. so please don`t hold back from posting a subject dear to your heart , or anywhere else .. just saying .
I AM silly and redundant, but unlike my family, you haven't shunned me for that or my religion or anything else. And i know I've pushed some buttons. I appreciate that I can come here and say what I think and the worst that happens is having to read what some of you think of me. . . but the posts are still replied to.
How sad is it that I am comforted by hostile acknowledgment more than silent castigation:)
Plus, Flipper always has something nice to say to everyone, even me. I think being here is worth it just to see what he's up to and the latest Sasquatch sightings. Which have NOTHING to do with JWs, and I thank Flipper for sharing them with us. I am a believer in the possibility of Sasquatch existing. And I can come on this site and say so and if you make fun of me, oh well. Next week you might agree with me about something. This is mostly a pretty good natured place to be, because we all have something in common that has hurt us a bit. We are all in different stages of going through it or getting over it.
I'm amused by the Flying spaghetti monster, conspiracy theories, baby pictures and links to ridiculous JW videos. I learned about the ARC.
Someone STARTED all those topics. THANK YOU, PEOPLE!!! Thank you Simon for giving us a place to start silly and brilliant and wonderful and ridiculous topics. For our sad news, happy news and sometimes tragic news. I want to know what happened to you all when you disappear. I want to hear about your stuff. Some of you keep me better informed than relatives do. And I don't think it is pointless or silly. I want to know how your mom is. I am fascinated by crazy shunning letters. I love hearing about the latest JW stuff that my mom doesn't know yet.
Keep it coming, people!!
Could Wt afford to proselytise in China if they were allowed in.
by joe134cd ini was just thinking today if china opened it doors to wt, and there was the surge of interest as was the the case with the european eastern block countries when communism 1st fell.
what would be wt reaction toward it.
could wt even afford to proselytise in china.
They can't afford it. The Indian Branch cannot be self supporting and still print anything. They are cutting way back because they can no longer be subsidized from outside of the country.
While the WT would be allowed to send money TO China, they would likely always have to send them money-it would not be self supporting because of the size and overwhelming poverty of the only people that they could entice into it because of desperation or bad education.
Can you imagine the costs of taking care of overseers with a tiny population of JWs and such huge amounts of territory? I am sure they have JWs there already and I'm sure no one is visiting them with any regularity, officially or unofficially
recently left, need some advice
by loner1995 inok. some back story.
i was born into the jw thing.
so was my dad and mom.
You are going to do fine. Just keep on living your life and don't focus on the JW bit.
You are a grown up. Believe it. Embrace it. Don't apologize for your choices to your parents unless you do some dumb ass thing that literally harms people. Your personal choices of home, partner, job, medical care, hobbies and sports are not up for their approval. Like all parents they may offer advice, good or bad, about different things. Learn the art of smiling noncommittally.(Freedom of speech is limited when you are an ex jw with JW parents if you want to maintain the relationship)
Normal non-JW life: Most people just want to connect about the things that matter to you now. Figure out things that you love to do/see/play and pursue them. Let your life focus on what you love, not what you left.
suggestions for a bird lover
by sowhatnow ini want to know id anyone has an inexpensive easy way for me to install some sort of sound system so i can hear the outside birds in my house in winter.
i have to doors closed its like 30 degrees outside, i stepped out to toss some bread crumbs and heard so many birds outside, and i would love to hear those birds in my kitchen while i eat.
would a cheap baby monitor work ?
Check out the Hud-hud, it looks like a bunch of leftover bird parts put together. Very random bird. -
suggestions for a bird lover
by sowhatnow ini want to know id anyone has an inexpensive easy way for me to install some sort of sound system so i can hear the outside birds in my house in winter.
i have to doors closed its like 30 degrees outside, i stepped out to toss some bread crumbs and heard so many birds outside, and i would love to hear those birds in my kitchen while i eat.
would a cheap baby monitor work ?
I love hearing the birds too-wherever I have lived in the world, when I could hear birds outside, it always made me feel "at home" and safe. If the birds lived there, I sure could! When in Egypt I saw and heard a lot of different birds than I ever did here-its a treat.
I didn't really see or notice any birds in Pakistan. I'm sure there must have been some, but they have hardly any windows because of the heat and dust. I hated that place. People were great, but it was NOT at all scenic where I was. My husband (later visit) visited a professor friend of his in the north and it was gorgeous. I was so ripped by being stuck in Sindh!