JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Congregation average
by dothemath ina while back at our co visit, he commended the cong.
because our average hours had gone up.. we went from around 7.3 to about 7.5. i recall the days when anything less than 10 was considered awful.. of course now, they don't even print the hours in the km or anywhere.. i was wondering how these numbers compared to other congregations?.
Wow, this so sounds like a sales organization. Only they usually provide the materials and actual training. Pay for gas. . . .JWs should take the one thing they learn how to do and become life insurance agents or something. Maybe employee benefits-aflac. . . -
Articles: Foreign-born adoptee abused by JW adoptive parents
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/adopted-children-deportation-adam-crapser_566a0cd9e4b080eddf57b949.
crapser was originally adopted, along with his sister, by a michigan couple, who relinquished the siblings after six years.
Burglarizing his own home with his things inside of it! Oy.
Wonder if they are still considered good JW's? Anyone in Oregon? Keizer?
Morning all! Just here to say hi and join in the discussion
by park ave boy ini'm happy to join every ex-jw.borg site i can and support in whatever way i can.
i now regularly donate to these sites when available.
i'm bitter but i don't hate jws because they were brainwashed like we all were.
Welcome. I'm angry at the practices in JW-land, but we were all the people. Most people are sincerely trying to do the right thing. So, no sense hating on individual JWs, though I do hate the Ruling class and its manipulations. -
All schools closed in L.A. county today, a bomb threat.
by James Mixon insomething needs to be done 960000 kids have the day off, 900 schools closed.. our way of life is changing, get use to it..
They said it was a hoax because the writer didn't capitalize allah or makkah. I would not have determined/assumed from that that it was a hoax because in Arabic, there are no capital letters. I used to teach English to Arabic speaking students. Proper nouns weren't a terribly difficult concept, but they commonly forgot to capitalize until they got used to writing in English a great deal.I tried to explain, using Allah, that in English, addressing God as "god" was diminishing Him and bad form, besides being incorrect.
Now, it is clear that today/yesterday, they didn't blow up the schools and it does seem to be a hoax---but if they are determining hoaxes based on poor English skills when they are apparently clueless about their language or culture, we are in a world of hurt.
I'm so glad it was a hoax, but it is scary to think that is how they decide whether to worry about a threat or not. Can't the powers that be get better intel than that? They seem as clueless as Joe Blow (all respect to Mr. Blow!)
Do terrorists ever really give useful warnings ahead of time in any case? Is that a normal thing? Or do they just take "credit" for it afterwards?
by Terry inwords my father never spoke.
"the last time i saw wes he was standing over your baby bed reciting something from--oh, i don't know--shakespeare or the old testament.
then, he leaned down to kiss you instead of picking you up.
It's funny, you write and I see, vividly, the scene. Things you haven't written are clear, somehow.
It's very cool and grounds the story. They are hard to read because of it, though.
OK friends lets be honest, if a Nuclear Holocaust took place today how many of you would return to the KH?
by James Mixon inspeaking for my self, no way in hell.. this question to see if you really have been deprogramed,.
do you 100% believe it is not the truth.. a fourth of the world hit by a nuclear attack..
Not me! My jw family response to 9/11 offended me with its pure stupidity. The more my mom went on about it the more I wished the planes had targeted bethel. What would they do w/o the FDS? Dissipate into an embarrassing interlude for most. I don't want people dead, I want the Borg to cease operations entirely. -
by Esmeralda001 ini need some advice guys.
how do you get people to mind their own buiseness without coming off as rude?.
i was invited to a jw gathering last night.
Id say, " this reminds me, everytime I am at a gathering with a bunch of JWs, they start asking me really intrusive questions. Is that a relugious duty, or am I just meeting a lot of rude people?" -
Fade update...
by StarTrekAngel ini have attended only one meeting in the past 3 weeks.
i know there is no way to leave this cult fast enough, but is my fade too fast?
Seems like no one cares now, they are not likely to (actually) care if they never see you again. Does wife go? Is she making excuses for you (both) about FS? If she isn't, then no one really cares. If she is, then you may get a CO coming to visit visit eventually. -
"And Your Little Dog Too...." WTS not content with taking kids' ice cream money, now they want them to give up their puppy dogs too.
by sir82 indon't know if anyone else caught this subtle but malicious photo from the 12/13/15 wt study article.. not sure how to post pictures here, but the photo is on the website's copy of the article, just below paragraph 12:.
note the 3 pictures in sequence tell a "story":.
Making kids give up ice cream and puppies. . . man. That's cold. -
"And Your Little Dog Too...." WTS not content with taking kids' ice cream money, now they want them to give up their puppy dogs too.
by sir82 indon't know if anyone else caught this subtle but malicious photo from the 12/13/15 wt study article.. not sure how to post pictures here, but the photo is on the website's copy of the article, just below paragraph 12:.
note the 3 pictures in sequence tell a "story":.
awww, give serena a break. She never got baptised and she is walking a fine line to keep her family and her career. She's getting away with what none of us really could (but wish we could!!) . She could be one of us here, telling us how she is trying to fade without losing her family. And lets face it. she kind of gives the WT the one fingered salute frequently and gets away with it. She's having her cake and eating it too. She's beautiful, strong, rich and once her mom dies, she and sis will probably announce that they no longer consider themselves associates or JWs. (BTW, I in no way wish ill on their mom-they obviously love her to be playing this game so long.)