JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Hey ya'll! My first post. Please help. In need of advice/comfort.
by Stepford Wife inhey ya'll!
i have been lurking for years on this site and others but never had the courage to post anything.
actually i was afraid of posting on an apostate site in the event i was wrong.
Shepherding calls can turn into JCs and you could find yourself DAd when your conscience doesn't allow you to give them the answer they want to hear. That happened to me when I wasn't even baptised. Careful. The folks here are right. Don't even meet them. -
Mexico-Malawi Addressed Finally, JW.org Gives the Nod to Bribing, errrr Tipping Government Officials
by LostGeneration inmealy mouthed article in the may study wt here:.
tacit approval to bribe, oops, i mean "tip" your local governmental official so they can grant you a cartilla card, or whatever else you might need done..
My husband's family is being fined for what local utility says is an illegal electric hookup from the legal one. It is emanating from outside the home and not by them. Rather than coming out and unhooking the illegal connections and going after the recipients, they are fining our family $300 mo(usd equiv which is a fortune). We are having an old friend who used to run utility force them to do their job(more wasta than bribe). If they actually give a gift afterwards, it will be truly that, in gratitude as he is retired to another continent, now and has no obligation to the utility or our family.
Paying to have cards signed that certify that something was done when it is not, is a flat out bribe. The Malawi situation has no bribery element, all they needed to do was pay for a stupid, required card that wasn't optional(giving Cesar what was his).
I hate the WT mealymouthed world. Just be honest about allowing convenient bribes or forbid them.
$10 per pub. Money begging session last night
by StarTrekAngel inlast night, during our "christian life and ministry" meeting, we had a session on local needs.
elder opened the talk with a disclaimer saying that this was a reminder (cited psalms about how david loved jehovahs reminders).
he reminded us of how bless we are of having our own local assembly hall.
I know I am not getting an inheritance in any case, but knowing my mom is putting her day to day resources into that nonsense makes me sad for her. In her current town everyone has more money than her, so I am sure that their assessment is higher than in her old town. Frankly, the old town and JWs generally are in $eriou$ trouble$ and could use a food bank more than an AH. It would be a lot more useful for them as the town is closing down. -
The wt has now changed Jesus definition of neighboor
by poopie inthe man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
What would the world be like if everyone applied the words of the lesson, Jesus' counsel to love one's neighbor?Super, but if they applied it the way the WT did, there would still be no clean water or food for many. They'd get no education to apply modern medical techniques, hygiene, engineering, transportation, etc.
New Light: Clap when it is given a Reinstatement ad
by TheTruthBR ina new letter was posted in jw.org to the elders who are under the brazilian branch:.
january 25, 2016to all bodies of eldersref .
: clap when given a readmission addear brothers:we would like to inform you about a recent adjustment.
The whole thing is nuts. I can see why I left as a teen. I hate to be infantilized! This is really not even worth noting hardly as one of their flip flops, but yet it demonstrates how flexible the "bible" is. They used a buttload of scripture to forbid it. How many will they find to allow it? Were the old scriptures wrong or were the old GB members/writing committee wrong? If that was wrong and it doesn't even matter, how much more should we be cautious of the teachings that affect life or are very unique in the Christian world? Clapping is the least of my issues.
44 years old and having I.V.F help to have a baby thanks too bastard "this Generation" lies!! Wife wants kids in 2016! My story.
by Witness 007 inas a young witness married couple in the 1990's we knew "this generation" of 1914 did not have long to go!
oh how cute a young pioneer couple we were.
we wont have kids till "afew more years pass" and we are in the new system.
Good luck! Just remember, the IVF is a trial that you will both have to endure. Kids are worth it.
Hippies at a chinese nY parade. -
Snow fall in Jan 2015
by Lostandfound inwill the expected heavy snow isolate warwick ny, or brooklyn.
i hope the snow traps the gb showing clearly jehovah's favour and blessing.
Upstate NY gets its share of rough weather, but I doubt it will be that isolated. Maybe they will piss off the county and they will do their road last:) -
Ex elders vs. Current elders
by dothemath inin our congregation there are now more ex-elders than current ones.
(probably very common).
what i notice most of all, is that the ones who were the best speakers (we actually had some good ones) are the ones who have all stepped down.. i'm of the opinion the better teachers recognize its all a joke, and can't be bothered to reach out again.. so the ones left who are taking the lead are the most boring ones available.
The elder arrangement was pretty new back when I left, so I had no idea that this was a "thing". I figured folks would just LEAVE. But obviously, that is not always the case, even if they'd like to. -
by Tigger inim new here, so go easy with me!
just wanted to know if any one has any idea's or personal experience in regard to drug and alcohol abuse in former jw's.
all the one's i know have just lost the plot when it comes drugs and alcohol, especially drug use.
I never thought to turn to drugs before a recent experience as they held no appeal. My limited experience with prescription drugs left me muddy headed or delusional (literally). I don't like alcohols taste or effects. I recognized those things well into adulthood and far beyond the JW experience ( I didn't leave to experience the forbidden, but just because I recognized that I wanted no part of their arrogant claim to have the truth).
I recently had a experience that, with my broader knowledge of the way that drugs and alcohol messes with the consciousness, I can see it as being appealing when going through a serious struggle of any kind-and losing friends and family because of leaving a religion is definitely a miserable thing. I was as close to suicide as I could be (a JW played into it, but it wasn't really about the JWs) and wished that I was one of the people that enjoyed that kind of alteration of my consciousness. I'm just not one of them, but clearly a LOT of people like the feeling of being buzzed, high or drunk.
I think it is an escape from current reality and I would have welcomed it a few times if I wasn't more miserable using those things than otherwise and I know that my family is rather prone to addiction, so I am extra wary of all of it.