JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Daughter FINALLY escaped!
by MindBlown666 inwow....has it been a while!
i hope many of you are doing good!
it's awesome to see many of you holding strong, and keeping the site going!.
Really great and joyful news! -
What sort of EX JW Book do you like to read?
by punkofnice inwhat sort of ex jw books do you folks like to read?.
i want to write another one.. i'm wondering what my next project should be...............
I like facts, quotes, nothing fraught with emotion or horror. I don't like scary movies and when I see the anger or fear mongering, I lose credulity. It's kind of a quirk. I'm gullible and i know my soft spots, and weakness. OTOH, humor and jokes and funny stories would amuse me in small doses. I can't abide exaggeration and that comes from coming out of a cult that tells the story they want us to hear. I don't give a crap about what you are trying to prove. Don't feed me crap and call it chocolate. I know how bad the org is, but I have seen flat out mis-statements, too. I know that JWs have live through horrific families that were JW. Too many are totally true and I can't bear a whole book of that.
That's my truth
The fraud that is the WT member numbers
by Crazyguy inok i'm just thinking out load here so to speak.
but let say in the year 2000 the wt says they have 1 million publishers and at the end of the year they say they had 300,000 people get baptized so in the beginning of the year 2001 they show 1,300,000 publishers.
then in this new year they state another 300,000 get baptized but with 50,000 deaths and 50,000 disfellowshippings they stated at the end of year 2001 a total of 1,500,000 total members.
I think that's a high rate, not low. -
Seeking Reinstatement
by Quendi inno, i'm not seeking to be reinstated so don't worry.
but i did want to raise a point in relation to this.
i know this was true in my case and i've seen it in others i have talked to about this.
Disassociated lady,
Welcome. Sounds like the Christian custom of welcoming the prodigal is not part of the org. It also seems the elder wants to get dirt, details of your dissolute life as an apostate. Even if you were just a soccer mom. They need to believe/teach we are all degenerates to sucker doubters to stay in.
Do you think it is truth now or do you want your folks back? Why are you seeking reinstatement?
Seeking advice doctor & staff presentation
by azor inmy son is nearing completion of his 3-1/2 year chemo journey.
i have an appointment with his primary oncologist at the end of next month as an end of treatment exit meeting.
she and her team are leads at this particular hospital.
Just go straight to the director of that dept. They can incorporate as much as they feel is important into the regular training which is yearly for each employee (I've done contract work for medical services and yearly training on hippa is standard and I think, required). You could volunteer to make a video or something of what they could be alert for without it being directed just at JW or blood patients. There can be other kinds of abuses or invasions of privacy to be alert for (ex husbands, people trying to force themselves on patients regarding living wills/ wills or Medical POAs or stuff)
Hawaii: Catholic Church settles 30 of 40 priest sex abuse lawsuits
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://m.hawaiinewsnow.com/hawaiinewsnow/db_330510/contentdetail.htm?full=true&contentguid=l1jefdzq&pn=&ps=#display.
honolulu (hawaiinewsnow) - the roman catholic church has reached settlements in 30 lawsuits filed by people in hawaii who claim they were sexually abused by priests decades ago when they were children.. they are among 63 people who have made abuse allegations against priests in 40 lawsuits, according to legal documents obtained by hawaii news now.. some of the cases have been reported in the media, such as the 2012 lawsuit filed by mark pinkosh claiming two priests at st. anthony church in kailua sexually abused him.. pinkosh said when he told then-father joseph ferrario that another priest had raped him, ferrario told him to keep the incidents secret and then ferrario raped him.
ferrario, who is now deceased, went on to become the bishop of the catholic church in hawaii.
I hope they paid through the nose. I cannot BELIEVE what men allow to continue in the churches or any organization where abusers are KNOWN. Anyone involved in that kind of crime should pay, in whatever context that they supported it\or perpetrated it. The church memberships of all these churches are ultimately the ones that pay the money, but the children are paying with their innocence. It's all too sad. Hawaii is not that big a place and historically, the population was quite small (and actually still is, relatively). -
Nice looking door!
How'd it go?
Kinda Sad Re: Cart "Witnessing"
by Captain Schmideo2 inslightly redacted for privacy of those involved.. so, this is "park witnessing" in oklahoma.. the parks in this community are basically walking trails and some tatty playground equipment.
most of the time, sparsely used, and today was a very blustery day.. notice the justifying comment- "quite a few" checking out the cart.
i am sure they were..... .
Northern OK? I was there a couple of springs ago for a funeral and thought I would freeze off some parts that my husband rather likes. We had to all snuggle up to the poor widow at the cemetery or she would have been carried off by the wind. I will say as it was totally in the deep dark sticks, there were no JWs invading the cemetary. That was good. -
Seeking advice doctor & staff presentation
by azor inmy son is nearing completion of his 3-1/2 year chemo journey.
i have an appointment with his primary oncologist at the end of next month as an end of treatment exit meeting.
she and her team are leads at this particular hospital.
I think it would be more useful to set up a meeting with the person in charge of human resources who deals with training and licensing as regards HIPPA and privacy generally. Those are the people that educate the staff about the basics of the laws. Usually, they have to update these yearly (I think) and that person/training staff would be in a position to spread the message about this confidentiality issue with the staff and perhaps work in some new safeguards for the patients and families.
I think you have a great idea and I think the doctor deserves a great big thank you and yes, an acknowledgement that you were in a bad place and your appreciation for helping your son and your family when you may have been a family that kept them up at night (and you likely were, according to my oncology doctors).
Stepping out of the shadows
by contramundum ini have been lurking on the site for a few months and thought it about time i plucked up the courage to step out of the shadows and say hello.. i am in the process of fading after realizing all is not right with the organization i had trusted implicitly for over 40 years.
there have always been 'truths' i have struggled to accept entirely, even as a child, but was confident that trusting in jehovah, building my faith and remaining patient would be enough to settle any nagging doubts that remained, so i pushed any inconsistencies to the back of my mind and concentrated on being the best witness that i could be.. over the last few years, however, i have been preoccupied with a number of crises in my family and stepping back slightly from 'theocratic' activity has allowed me to re evaluate a number of concerns and research sources other than the sanitized wt publications.. my eyes are now wide open - i found things which have appalled me and left me feeling extremely let down and disappointed by people i had really trusted.. i tried gently raising a few subjects with my mum (who was baptized early '70s and still remains a staunch wt supporter) but she will hear no criticism of the organization.
i understand this because the best part of her life has been invested in the religion and to acknowledge it may have got things wrong would be to recognize the last 40 years have been a vain waste.
Welcome to our wacky world of misfit toys. That's how I felt about myself and to a certain extent, still do. You are in good company.