JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
If all the world were JWs....
by Tornintwo inin my former indoctrinated state, i used to yearn for a time when all the world would be jws.
but hang on minute, let's just think about what the world would be like if everyone was a jw,.
first of all, no higher education, so no medical advances, no scientific research, no modern day medicine, infectious disease rife, no doctors, no engineers, so no modern day comforts.
No, sharia is better. I was a Christian in countries where sharia was in force. (Sharia is defined differently in different places). I was safe to be me, safe to go to church. Uncovered, etc. Most Muslims are not into converting the unwilling or ELSE! That world of JWs allows no diversity. -
Thoughts during the meeting today
by stephanie61092 inwhile i'm politely sitting during the meeting today, restraining myself from rolling my eyes as the brother drones on about how "having an independent spirit is devilish in nature" and "independence from gods organization only results in pain and strife", i only have one thought going through my mind over and over.
"what would happen if i pulled out a gun and blew my brains out in this kingdom hall?".
would anyone notice or care?
Stephaniel, is it worth what you are paying for the privilege of being reinstated? Please find a person to talk to IRL. We aren't there, but we do care. Who give a flying toenail what those dipwads think? -
Funeral Memorial Service: Who was this mystery man?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inlast night,my wife and i went to my cousins funeral memorial service.it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be.they had two video screens with pictures of my cousin from a baby to the end of his life.they stopped playing as soon as the service started and the screens were raised out of the way.. the family and close relatives arrived one hour earlier to find seats near the front rows and have a little family time.. there was a mystery man that was seated near the front with a tablet,a jw.org pin on his suit jacket and just sat there writing on his tablet the whole time without greeting anyone or even speaking.. does anyone know who this man could be?
was he sent by the society to make sure everything went well?.
At a KH, filled with JWs? Good turnout! Probably just socially challenged, maybe there to check out single sisters or something. Unless your family is very prominent, doubt there is a dramatic story here. -
I have too much crap!! How to declutter/dehoard.....
by Muddy Waters insome areas of our home are very nice, tidy, clean.
and other rooms are just junk and clutter and clothes and papers.... omg.
and now that we are getting older, we realize that we face a time of transition -- and this is hard to cope with too, as we believed the lie that we would never get old, etc.
Flylady.com has a system, online and free. It saved me and my sanity in a 3 bd 1 ba 1000 square ft home. 5 people. It was so easy to get ready to sell a couple years later, and super easy to make an international move a couple years after. . It was a system that starts slowly and simply.
I also watched Sharktank the other night-you can hire someone to do that for you if you have the money. Majormom.biz has some suggestions, but she is more a business.
I got down to bare essentials. Then added personality. One you get down to essentials it is easier to see life without the rest of the crap. Easier to get rid of the unimportant stuff. Short of an apocalypse, most every bit of info is out there online or can be saved to a cloud. So can photos of sentimental stuff that is worn or used up. Real treasures are rare.comfort and things that add beauty and value every day don't fall on your head when you open cupboards or closets. They don't attract mice, bugs or other critters. They aren't broken, unusable or redundant. You don't trip on them or bump into them. Real treasures were kept in good repair already.
I am an unsentimental fool. I know. Once I made the break with crap, I became intolerant of it. I told my husband that and he stays useful😊
Omg New Borg Kingdumb Song, they went all Lion King theme Lol
by MrsR-Awaken inthe borg is turning into a disney music making machine check out their new kingdumb song (caution it might make your ears bleed).
I think the MTC knows the words without songbooks, but I could be wrong. I do know that they have a much better choir, however. Seeing a JW choir at all is a bit jarring to my memories. . . I remember an orchestra a couple of times, but rally, the songs were enduerd, not celebrated. By the looks of things, they are they are under an illusion that they are musicians and composers now. They need to get over that idea. And if your choir knows the lyrics, it looks stupid to hold songooks that are chaep and tacky. -
Jehovah's Witnesses' Brooklyn tax exemptions totaled $368 million
by OrphanCrow injehovah's witnesses' brooklyn tax exemptions totaled $368 million.
downtown brooklyn partnership ups its pressure on the tax-exempt organization to donate $50 million.
the jehovah’s witnesses have been exempted from paying at least $368 million in taxes on their brooklyn real estate holdings over the last 12 years, according to an analysis by the downtown brooklyn partnership and consulting firm bjh advisers.
Fisherman, the 5.5 million is for that park that they OWED money for according to an agreement that they made well over 10 years ago and NEVER made good on in all that time. Most think that 5 million is inadequate, but I think they will be lucky to get anything out of those schemers. -
Jehovah's Witnesses' Brooklyn tax exemptions totaled $368 million
by OrphanCrow injehovah's witnesses' brooklyn tax exemptions totaled $368 million.
downtown brooklyn partnership ups its pressure on the tax-exempt organization to donate $50 million.
the jehovah’s witnesses have been exempted from paying at least $368 million in taxes on their brooklyn real estate holdings over the last 12 years, according to an analysis by the downtown brooklyn partnership and consulting firm bjh advisers.
I think that Brooklyn isn't holding its breath about 50million dollars parting gift from the WTBTS. Ultimately, they should just have a party and figure good riddance to bad rubbish. They were great about taking care of their own property while their tax status meant that the neighborhood got NOTHING in return(witness that park/subway stop). I would donate champagne for the party and I don't even drink. -
Analytical trend after broadcasts?
by juandefiero insimon,.
i'm not sure if you ever share analytics data.. but i've been noticing a trend.
it seems that every time a new jw broadcast, we get a seeming increase in new members the week after.. does the data show that?.
I loved the bread demo! It got me in the mood to bake and in one day I made Sesame bread, French Bread and Naan. Then I decided that cookies would be good and made pecan tea cookies. Yesterday was a good day for the men in my life:) -
Regarding That "Tag-Line" of The X-Files
by titch ini don't know if any thread has already been posted regarding this or not.
(if it has, then just disregard this posting!
) but, i thought about something with regards to the new, 6-episode stint of the famous show on fox, the x-files.
Don't know about the tagline, but while watching the latest episode, I had a profound moment when I realized that "X-Files" is "Scooby Doo" for grownups (who may or may not be stoned).
This was the "Were Monster" episode. Made me miss my ex husband and I rarely miss anything to do with him, but our marriage may have survived as long as it did while it was on because it was something we could talk about besides our kids (yes, it is pathetic, I know it)
Court denies summary judgement for Laurel Jehovah's Witnesses congregation
by OrphanCrow incourt denies summary judgement for laurel jehovah's witnesses congregation.
a motion for summary judgement is denied in a case against the laurel congregation of jehovah's witnesses and some individuals over child abuse reporting issues.a lawyer for the congregation maintained that elders were exempted from reporting requirements under a state law because of clergy privilege and confidentiality.the case resulted from allegations that elders did not report an unlawful sexual relationship between a woman and a 14-year-old boy, both of whom were members of the jehovah's witnesses congregation.. download the court opinion here.
Fisherman, do you understand what the genuine issues of material fact were, in this case?
It wasn't the status or religion of the clergy or the JWs. It was the fact that there was no indication that there WAS penitence happening and the fact that there was no expectation of privacy. They were able/willing to give leeway on a different church and even the fact that JWs were not "priests" and it wasn't in a confessional booth. The genuine issues were the fact that there was not really any penitence indicated(they were DFd after being drug to a juddical committee meeting) and there was no privacy given or expected in the process. The whole "clergy / penitent confidentiality" business can be flexible about the clergy, but this case clearly was missing some material facts for it to even BEGIN to come under 909. There was no surmounting them.