JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
WBTS goes to Court of Appeal (Charity Commission investigation)
by Mephis inafter a number of high profile cases where both children and survivors clearly weren't adequately protected, the charity commission here in the uk launched an investigation into the wbts as a whole here in britain.
the main concerns are around the child safeguarding policies being inadequate.
wbts have fought every step of the way so far.. wbts have been to the high court, who told them to complain to the proper tribunal.. wbts have been to the proper tribunal, who told them that too darn right there were suitable grounds for the charity commission to want to investigate their inability to protect children.. and now the wbts have gone back to the court of appeal to demand that the charity commission inquiry be halted.. i hope the court of appeal tells them that, yes, they too need to have proper safeguarding measures for children and to get on with co-operating with the investigation.. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-defends-its-investigation-into-jehovahs-witness-charity-in-the-court-of-appeal.
KINDA MAKES YOU WONDER what they are afraid that the tribunal will discover! Seriously, if they feel that they have nothing to hide, then why not be transparent? -
Df brother in shock I spoke to him at kh
by poopie ini was vis it in a kh last night and i just thought i try something new.
when amen was said i bolted out hall low and behold there was anot her poor soul just ahead of me so since he did not know me but i knew he was df i said a greeting to him he seemed greatabsolutely shocked and horrified thst i was speaking to him he acknowledged my greeting and scurried off in t i the night it was a great moment for humankind..
Everything about this entire thread just reinforces how perverse the WT teachings and ethics are. -
Mentally challenged DF
by James Mixon inthere was a df of a mentally challenged young man he sexually assaulted a young girl.. in jesus day people were possessed by demons but we know today they had mental issues.. do you know of any cases where a mentally challenged person was df.. the case that i mention the young man was 18-20 years old and it was a case where he was.
functional, school, friends and was baptized.
i knew the family and if you didn't know he was a. typical teenager.. my question, if a mentally challenged person is able to answer the questions to qualify to be.
I have known mentally challenged people who were still able to make a religious commitment that really meant something to them. It depends on how challenged they are-but if they are highly functioning, then they can make as informed a decision as anyone else. Lets face it, the WT bamboozled all of us from some genius level types on down to reasonably functionally challenged people. No one is safe or particularly intelligent when it comes to this religion. -
Attempted arson Kingdom Hall Australia Feb 9 2016
by Watchtower-Free inhttp://mypolice.qld.gov.au/blog/2016/02/09/break-enter-arson-beenleigh/.
Witnesses at scene ID'd him? Probably a JW or an ex spouse of one. Didn't do much damage to the hall for all the hullaballoo. Probably more to his own auto. -
According to YouTube Egyptian bethel closing and special pioneer's
by Crazyguy inaccording to you tubers mike and kim and son of thunder, egyptian branch closing.
son of thunder is saying he has relatives that we're running bethel in egypt for years and they have been let go reassigned as special pioneers yet according to him this job no longer pays a wage.
he also states that 5000 total bethelites world wide are being let go.
Hey, JWs have more rights in Egypt today than the Muslim brotherhood does. -
According to YouTube Egyptian bethel closing and special pioneer's
by Crazyguy inaccording to you tubers mike and kim and son of thunder, egyptian branch closing.
son of thunder is saying he has relatives that we're running bethel in egypt for years and they have been let go reassigned as special pioneers yet according to him this job no longer pays a wage.
he also states that 5000 total bethelites world wide are being let go.
I don't know about an official branch, but they do have JWs in contact with HQ. They contacted me in Cairo when I lived there-by phone. I wasn't interested in talking, but they wanted to meet.
I don't think JWs are that hidden. Coptic Christians are at least 10% of population and the state has funded museums in Coptic district.
My Arabic teachers were openly Christian and taught primarily foreign Muslim students. Christians are not rare or normally singled out for special treatment in Egypt, officially or otherwise.
Leaked Elder's Video: How to deal with a suicidal sister
by cappytan inthis video will be played at one of the clam meetings in march 2016.. the content is kind of old news because it is a recut version of a previous video produced for the elder's school.
however, it's still significant because it shows that the organization still has dissenting brothers in positions of leadership.. my thanks to the leaker.
feel free to claim credit here.
I wanted to slap the permanent smirk off the face of the balding elder. Look up condescension in the dictionary. His face is there.
Praise jah, the chick finally offered them cookies. Tell the dips to go home and eat lunch while they send her to the garage.
Obviously they are feeling the pressure to justify all the money grubbing. I believe they are hearing the silent protests in their wallet. No one can prove anything about financial support. It's the only free speech left in the organization, for now! They will take that, too. -
Finally posting and I'm FRUSTRATED!!!
by stephanie61092 inokay, i'm about to engage in a major word vomit.
just giving you fair warning as your time may be better spent somewhere else.. so, i'm sitting on my lunch break, bawling my eyes out, and writing on this forum to people i don't know yet probably have a great deal in common with but at the same time, used to scare the daylights out of me.
for years, i would come across this forum and 'lurk' awhile if you will, or see things on youtube.
I don't know how long ago your miscarriage was, but if you have post pregnancy hormones rushing through on top of all the feelings that go with finding out TTATT AND being Df'd, you should see your regular physician and tell them the straight up truth about your despair.
Welcome to our little group. You really are welcome here. I'm sorry to your sadness now. It will get better.
If all the world were JWs....
by Tornintwo inin my former indoctrinated state, i used to yearn for a time when all the world would be jws.
but hang on minute, let's just think about what the world would be like if everyone was a jw,.
first of all, no higher education, so no medical advances, no scientific research, no modern day medicine, infectious disease rife, no doctors, no engineers, so no modern day comforts.
My mom was vaporizing about building their own houses and living in them.
Mom, you whine when the handyman take too long to come over
If I had eternity and perfect health I could do it myself
You were married to contractor for 40 years. You can't change a doorknob.
I will be able to travel and see the world. All of Jehovah's beautiful world and the Eiffel tower and croissants in Paris, and go on a photo safari. No work, no worries about money!
Me: who is building vehicles, providing fuel? Who's making your croissants and lattes? How long will the Eiffel tower last? Teleporters and magic wands?
Mom: Jehovah will provide
She thinks paradise earth is exciting. Anyone remember a promise of exciting?