JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Bloodless Medicine....not all its cracked up to be.
by Lee Elder inthis is a pretty good example of the limitations of "bloodless medicine", and why the informed choice should always be "blood conservation" medicine, which retains the safety net of blood transfusion when medically required.
sadly, the watchtower fails to inform jws regarding these important limitations, and their potentially disastrous consequences.. http://www.dailyreportonline.com/id=1202750028414/jury-awards-100k-to-family-of-jehovahs-witness-who-died-after-refusing-blood-transfusion?mcode=0&curindex=0&curpage=3&slreturn=20160118223352.
You can choose to escape ignorance, but you can't cure stupid. -
1974 Special Meetings
by NeonMadman inas we all know, armageddon was just around the corner in 1974. at the district conventions that year, it was announced that there would be two special meetings during the month of september; one would be for interested people (e.g., bible studies, family members, inactive, etc.
), and the other would be for baptized publishers.
these were to be held in place of the service meetings for the two weeks, iirc.
I boned up for Armageddon by reading novels and biographical stories of the ww2 Jews. Escape from Warsaw is a sentimental favorite." The five little peppers, and how they grew" was about how a very very poor family survived in 19th century. Yes, I was a freaky kid. Anne Frank and Jo march helped me keep a balance. Books saved my childhood. Not WT books! Perspective kept me aware that we weren't being persecuted just because people disagreed or even if they though we were idiots. Then I realized we WERE idiots! -
Prince's recent passport pik!
by fulltimestudent inwell, that's the claim.
is this sexy, or isn't it?
are male witnesses now allowed to wear eye liner?.
He looks good for his age, but he is a contradiction to those who think if you live a bad lifestyle it will age you inordinately. Damn Dorian Gray! -
by biblexaminer inin 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
Don't read too much into websites that turn up in reference sites. I research businesses a lot and that is sloppiness by the compilers or an advertiser trying to get the company to buy their domain name-ever so affordably, of course! -
Almost Ready....
by BeautifulMind inso, 8 months after i realized ttat and 7 months removed from completely walking away from jw land, i think i'm almost ready to find out what it is i actually believe.
after all of the research i did while exiting the jws, i took a much needed break from any religious/spiritual or whatever things.
now i think i'm ready to explore, see what's out there.
Its a journey. Get good shoes! -
1974 Special Meetings
by NeonMadman inas we all know, armageddon was just around the corner in 1974. at the district conventions that year, it was announced that there would be two special meetings during the month of september; one would be for interested people (e.g., bible studies, family members, inactive, etc.
), and the other would be for baptized publishers.
these were to be held in place of the service meetings for the two weeks, iirc.
Pete, thanks for your story. It brought back memories. I remember that when they told us the age of understanding, it ended up being someone born around 1900, so the math was always easy for me:) Later, it got lowered and lowered to the point that one simply had to be alive in 1914. That doesn't seem to have alleviated their troubles.
Neonmadman, I don't remember you from before, so (probably really late) welcome! I appreciated the PDFs and have saved this thread and them for future reference.
Harry Holt - JW elder sexually assaulted 8 girls over 4 decades
by OrphanCrow inchurch elder who sexually abused vulnerable children was invited to speak at first victim’s wedding.
a church elder who sexually abused vulnerable children was invited to speak at his first victim’s wedding, a court heard.. a court was told harry holt, 71, now of rutland street, nelson, went on to attack seven more girls as young as nine after the jehovah’s witnesses failed to report him to police.when the matter was raised, a local beat officer advised parents to ‘just keep your children away from him’, the court heard.. holt is facing a lengthy prison sentence after being convicted of attacks against eight girls in scotland dating back over 40 years.. .
full article at link..
Facing expulsion is like a person accused in court is facing jail or divorce. It might happen, it might not. Apparently, it doesn't often happen for pedophiles, but smoke a joint and you are really anathema! -
JW husband who shot and paralyzed 7 month-pregnant wife is a convention elder.
by WhatUserName 3 ina few days ago i shared this story with you:.
He wasn't REALLY a JW. Or a true scotsman, but that's another tale:) -
Just heard from someone who was just in Cozumel that there are 9 Kingdom Halls in about a mile zone.
by Butyoucanneverleave init's because of their tremendous growth.
can anyone verify?
Mexico is cheaper than the US and much closer than angola. It also has more modern amenities than, say, Bangladesh. They still have squat toilets most everywhere there. -
Article: Free Exercise, Penance, and Delaware Court by John M. Grondelski
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2016/02/free-exercise-penance-and-delaware-court.
free exercise, penance, and delaware court.
by john m. grondelski february 9, 2016. regular first things readers know that the late father richard john neuhaus never tired of arguing that the first amendment contains not two religion clauses but one: “no establishment” and “free exercise” are not two free-floating provisions at occasional loggerheads with each other but one.
With the 14 year old boy having a sexual relationship with an adult JW woman-to JWs it is primarily a question of immorality. So, the 14 year old js not perceived as a victim, but entirely a willing participant in the JW world. They both passed puberty and had seemingly consensual sex. That there was indeed a crime being reported was not important to them, they were mad because this kid was drug into them, unwillingly, and admitted (not confessed) as to his sin. That he had no right to privacy means nothing to the JWs of the world. Confidential, donfidential. You have as much privacy as they choose to give you. They can keep it between you and one elder, tell the entire body of elders, others involved in your sin (whether you wish to involve them or not), and potentially the entire congregation/s (if you have known ties to more than one.
I'm really sick of this religion and any other trying to excuse their own bad acts/crimes by using the bible-especially when I have seen them refer to confidentiality as a important tenet of their disciplinary process. HOGWASH.