Female circumcision: my experience was knowing family where the wife had been circumcised as a young child. It is done by women to girls usually. It is cultural and according to husband, men would prefer a wife that enjoys sex and didn't avoid it. He found no value in it in any way. Wife accepted the family tradition, but she is a doctor and knows better. It hasn't ruined her life with a loving husband and healthy children, but it is not a tragedy, just a wistful regret for what could have been. Another friend said he refused to marry anyone who had been because he was cautioned by a older family member.
He didn't want a daughter because he didn't want the fight about it with in laws-who had done it to his niece w/o consent from parents. The maternal grandma was a dinosaur. Husband and wife both opposed but tradition dies slowly. These people are well educated and not living in a village.