Don't give the guy too hard a time if it was an opiate OD. Pain, real pain, takes medicine to control, and sometimes the medicine starts to TAKE control. He was always kind of a strange cat, but he seemed to have control of himself and there is an intent issue, I guess that I give him a break about. Prescription drugs can be mis-used accidentally or can harm without going against the prescription. Thats why anyone using any kind of drugs should be monitored carefully by doctors.
That being said, we don't know the cause of his death, and I hope he didn't suffer. I'm not a particular fan, but as another poster said, he is definitely on the soundtrack of my life in a few places because his music sticks to you-even if you don't listen to that kind of music much.
Reminder to all of us to not be cavalier about taking prescriptions or OTC meds, whether they are painkillers or blood thinners or even tylenol. They are drugs and carry a risk of some sort.