JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
No Birthday cards
by Xanthippe inso no cards again yesterday from my daughter's uncle and aunts, my jw siblings, for her 21st birthday.
😀 no i didn't expect any but i just wonder if they even know she's twenty-one now.
do her cousins, one of whom has a baby of his own now?
I'm sending warmest felicitations to your daughter. Congratulations to you on encouraging her education and celebrating her life. You had a huge bully discouraging both. -
One less JW in Scandinavia
by Powermetal4ever inyes that's me, i am victorious!
i had enough after about 4 years knowing ttatt.
sent my da letter and it has been anounced at the meeting.
Congrats on taking back your life! -
The New World , Utopian or Dystopian?
by BluesBrother inlike many others on here i was raised and spent many years of my life looking forward to , and basing my life around the anticipated "new world" .this utopian paradise would "satisfy the desire of every living thing".
we would enjoy eternal youth in perfect health,have abundant good food ,comfortable homes ,even welcome our parents and forebears back from the dead - what's not to like?i found this description of a dystopian world on the net :"characteristics of a dystopian society• propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.• information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.• a figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.• citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.• citizens have a fear of the outside world.• citizens live in a dehumanized state.• the natural world is banished and distrusted.• citizens conform to uniform expectations.
individuality and dissent are bad.• the society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world."hmm.
made me look at n. Korean propaganda art. Their Armageddon type pics portrays them as victims of evil US military men
A big thanks to all you good good people
by aboveusonlysky in"when the truth is found to be lies, and all the joy within you dies" jefferson airplane.
until that is you find websites like this!
i want to say a big thank you to all of you for everything i've learned here, as well as jwfacts, jwsurvey, coc, isocf etc.. i'm a born in and i spent more than two decades of my adult life in full time 'service' for the (b)org.
You are right, they are bullies and it's not anecdotal, it is based on what the WT has stated explicitly as being their practice in their monolithic rulership over JWs. That they deny it, sometimes in the same bullying article, doesn't change what they state and expect.
My Bible Study Is Wide Awake To The TTATT
by James Jack ini ran into my old bible study at the kingdom hall recently, he was baptized as a jw 8 years ago.
we started talking about small things and catching up about our families and then the bombshell.. "my wife and i are deeply troubled by the watchtower change of doctrine, prophecy, and their history"!
"did you know about charles russell and his failed marriage... his view of pyramids... generation mistakes... and dates... that place in california for returning prophets..."and on and on he went.. i told him i knew all about it and then show him a publication on display in the foyer (i think it is divine plan of the ages), and it had a fold out of a pyramid and a description on bible verses that showed 1914 was the year the big a was going to happen.
I have a family member that this.'s the org is what keeps her straight. It's her version of AA I think. I bet if James Jack got some counseling from someone sensible and down to earth, he would be able to realize that the religion is not saving him OTOH it's kind of like his blankie. You know, the one that served a purpose with the soft plush and the silken border. . They get washed hundreds of times after being peed on and barfed on and walked on and slept with. . .until you realize you don't have a blanket any .more. you have good memories, but all that is left is a few fraying inches of the binding border. You grew up and you don't need the comfort anymore. It isn't even comforting anymore. It is actually. . A rag. Trash. -
My Issue: How To Step Down As A MS Without Getting Noticed
by JW_Rogue inso that other thread was fun but now i need some help with something.
i was born in the truth most of my family is in.
although they aren't outwardly super spiritual i doubt any of them would ever leave.
I left the org when a teenager. I sometimes diluted nth understand the angst, but I was a stubborn hardheaded kid.
Why can't people just say "I don't want to do this anymore. I resign."?
It's a big responsibility. People step down from demanding church assignments all the time and are often given a "thank you for all your service" party.
If they persist, just hold your ground. No need to be harsh or acrimonious or to make up stories. Let your no mean no!
Things JWs Say VS What A Normal Person Would Say...
by JW_Rogue inwhen someone says "merry christmas" or "happy holidays".... a normal person: responds in kind.
a jw: says "thank you" or launches into a speech about christmas' pagan roots.
when a couple is celebrating their wedding anniversary... .
Hi Jeff, I like your beard. They wish theirs would grow so nicely! -
2016 "Loyalty" Convention
by Gayle inenglish .
belleville, mi assembly hall of jehovah's witnesses .
jersey city, nj .
I'm close to Rosenburg, TX. I could take one for the team, I guess. I haven't in decades, but no kids nearby, no family that knows. It would be interesting to go as a complete stranger. -
Prince died from overdose?
by TweetieBird ini just saw where the emergency landing that prince made several days ago in moline was due to an opiate overdose.
this came from tmz and sounded pretty credible.
if true, just curious if he would still be given a jw funeral, if that is what he wanted..
Don't give the guy too hard a time if it was an opiate OD. Pain, real pain, takes medicine to control, and sometimes the medicine starts to TAKE control. He was always kind of a strange cat, but he seemed to have control of himself and there is an intent issue, I guess that I give him a break about. Prescription drugs can be mis-used accidentally or can harm without going against the prescription. Thats why anyone using any kind of drugs should be monitored carefully by doctors.
That being said, we don't know the cause of his death, and I hope he didn't suffer. I'm not a particular fan, but as another poster said, he is definitely on the soundtrack of my life in a few places because his music sticks to you-even if you don't listen to that kind of music much.
Reminder to all of us to not be cavalier about taking prescriptions or OTC meds, whether they are painkillers or blood thinners or even tylenol. They are drugs and carry a risk of some sort.
Under WT rules, can JW women file for a divorce? Or can only men file?
by JimmyPage inthe reason i ask is because while watching the "dateline" episode about ralph candelario, the claim was made that only jw men could file for divorce, not women.
i had never thought about this before.. also, how does this apply in cases where a husband is "apostate" while the wife is faithful to wt?
To clarify, the divorce rules are technically identical for both spouses(understanding that rules are not always adhered to)