We are all here because this damn cult survives by destroying families, relationships, and self esteem. Some yhat came here did kill themselves! People I cared for who felt unloved and unlovable.
Myvmom has told me how ugly, hateful and unworthy I am my whole life. I know she is full of shit. At 23, it may be hard to see beyond her space right now. I hope she gets good care. There IS a whole life beyond 23. Hell, I am 50 in 3 weeks and if I lost it all again I would be devastated too! But ive rebuilt before and I know there is good out in the world and I can/do make it better. So can the poster who thinks all is lost. Stop protecting your abusers and shouldering the blame. As many say, a life well lived is the best evidence of the WT falsehoods and ugliness being reality. They are not THE TRUTH.