JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Is it Time to Declare that The Great Tribulation Has Started ?
by OnTheWayOut ini don't really engage in doctrinal discussions about jw's anymore.
they seem to say some pretty crazy stuff.
but i have read some threads discussing doctrinal changes and how watchtower is really out of ideas and money at the same time.
Witness Carts - A Vehicle for Significant Decline
by slimboyfat ini was stalking to a jw today about her recent experience on the carts and with being a jw generally.
until this conversation i considered the carts as just an ineffective preaching method and a harmless waste of time.
but now i wonder if the effect of the carts might be to produce noticeable decline in jw numbers.
Cart witnessing is a slap in the face to every JW who has ever justified the importance of their d2d ministry because Jesus supposedly did it and told his followers to do it. It was critically significant to a JW to demonstrate that they have/are the truth. Now they literally have human billboards sitting on a park bench with a WT displayed in lap as they ignore passersby and gossip with the partner, who is similarly adorned with an awake. They are not even able to pretend there is any preaching involved. They are literally just magazine racks. This is what it's come down to. They are human beings! They are aware of how ineffective they are. I think it must be heartbreaking for the older ones, some who have shunned family, to see what it is. Cognitive dissonance may keep them from acknowledging it out loud, but the numbers will be telling. I think even they see now how stupid the entire thing has become. Most in other religions share their faith, they don't offer magazine's, and JWs are subject to witnessing about Jesus all day long by faithful followers. They are hard pressed to justify the WT way of things. Cart witnessing is just another nail in the WT coffin.
A Comment by Lieu Made It Obvious That I Could Not Be A JW in 2016
by TMS inthe following comment by lieu on another topic shows me that i would be totally frustrated, actually exasperated, stifled and depressed in the modern form of jwdom: "therein lies the real problem billy, no one is paying any attention at regular meetings let alone conventions.
it's too boring, intentionally i think.
humans aren't hardwired to sit through hours of lecture with no interactions.
Fisherman, that smacks of Gnostic arrogance. We were there. It's not a mystery religion, just a cult. You are trying to put one over on a bunch of folks who know better.
You wear tight pants and you will be in trouble
by wannaexit ini was reading in another forum, that a letter to the elders instructed them to speak to anybody who persists in wearing tight pants.
if changes don't happen then the instructions are to disqualify him from being a publisher but it won't be announced to the congregation.
i am am curious to see if this letter will surface.
But they can't keep child molesters from going d2d. Right. Good to know. -
She displayed a literature cart in front of my house: That does it for me!
by Tempest in a Teacup inis this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
Gaak, I saw young women just sitting on a park bench with wtbts love t propped up on their laps. No witnesses of anything but the fact that they read WT magazine. Which is not attracting attention from anyone but me and other incredulous exes who wish our hours were earned so painlessly. Stupidest witness I ever saw in an organization that is not known for being smart. -
2016 "Loyalty" Convention
by Gayle inenglish .
belleville, mi assembly hall of jehovah's witnesses .
jersey city, nj .
I couldn't go. Darn, I was so looking forward to it. God blessed me with a dead battery which was miraculously healed (warranty!) after I finally took it back to autozone. -
She displayed a literature cart in front of my house: That does it for me!
by Tempest in a Teacup inis this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
Mom,there will be no cart witnessing in my front yard. It is forbidden. There is a park/starbucks/mcdonalds in town. -
She displayed a literature cart in front of my house: That does it for me!
by Tempest in a Teacup inis this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
Did you just tell her you don't want her to do it, or to witness to neighbors? she can find a JW buddy and get a territory or witness in some park in another neighborhood.
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up....
I never knew an elder who had so much potential to be handsome. . .if he weren't a zombie. There was a definite lack of vitality and it had nothing to do with cancer. The wife was reminiscent of all longsuffering lifetime movie moms,,- the first, late one seen only in brief flash backs. The husband was a lifesize Ken doll. Pretty. It had better production values and actors than the Jesus one that was offensive and on the level of the Mohammad movie a few years ago that everyone was talking about. Anyone notice how in the first few minutes they equate confidence about Jesus with confidence in the WTBTS as having truth? That shepherd was full of zhit. -
Hey, Y'all
by snowbird inhow is everybody doing?.
it's been 8 months since i've been here.. so many newbies!.
lol.. sylvia.
Snowbird, I made some special lemon muffins for you. Stop on by. You are always welcome here, ok?