Was it a private JW/tutoring semi home school operation? Like the new system schools which are all over the country?
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Long Beach School Teacher - you can guess the rest
by Dagney ini'm speechless.
i know this guy.
Why isn't the Boston Globe doing a better job?
by Londo111 inhttps://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/north/2016/06/29/who-are-jehovah-witnesses-who-live-among/z39a6dvdcp5lvufo7y7ozo/story.html.
why isn't the boston globe doing a better job covering this group?.
after all, the movie spotlight won an oscar about this paper and their groundbreaking journalism into the catholic church covering child abuse.
A JW probably wrote the article.
Write to the globe and speak of their "clergy" issues.
Write to the globe and discuss how they are telling their neighbors about Armageddon since before 1900, but will hide a KNOWN, even confessed, pedophile in a FS group.
Discuss their newfound fondness for baptizing 11 year olds. Eight year olds.
Terrorist attack in Turkey leaves 28 dead
by ILoveTTATT2 inhttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36658187.
There have been repeated posts of Muslims proclaiming that terrorism is evil and against the faith. They don't seem to make as much noise as a bomb blast, unfortunately.
Most will take issue with my source, but it was easier than 20 individual links. Let's be real, no one really cares if Muslims condemn terrorism-we've been doing it for a long time and you still think we are silent on the issue.
I'd appreciate it if this doesn't devolve into a debate about how stupid you all think I am. I'm kind of over that. I have denounced it often, but I'm not the leader of CAIR, Al Azhar Uni, The Arab League, etc. No one gives a crap, least of all the ones who claim to be Muslim and are committing atrocities.
Cart "Witnessing"
by Funchback inbesides being a waste of time for those doing it, and being an easy way for the society to inflate its reports of time spent in the ministry, cart witnessing is also taking up space.
i live in a hot city in brazil.
today, the jws decided to set up their cart in the shady spot of the bus stop, where people going to work have to wait for the bus.. ugh!.
Funchback quoted the WT literature,
"Sharing in this initiative has been very rewarding. One couple wrote: “Standing at the table and seeing thousands of people go by each day has impressed upon our hearts the vast work that is being done to reach people all around the world. Seeing these masses of people and thinking about how Jehovah truly cares for each person has strengthened our resolve to continue putting the preaching work at the center of our lives. We imagine Jehovah scanning the hearts of all those who pass by the table, searching for those who are worthy. We have rarely felt so close to our angelic coworkers.”
Its funny how joyful they feel by watching all the thousands of people WALKING BY THEM each day. Not stopping by, not initiating a discussion, not taking a magazine. WALKING BY THEM. Jehovah scanning the hearts of those who walk by the table? Cause God needs their stupid table? Jesus Lord, That comment is insane. I bet the angels are happy not to have to work so much to protect them from the rabid dogs they encounter in the yards that say "dangerous dog, do not trespass" while they are trespassing.
Cart "Witnessing"
by Funchback inbesides being a waste of time for those doing it, and being an easy way for the society to inflate its reports of time spent in the ministry, cart witnessing is also taking up space.
i live in a hot city in brazil.
today, the jws decided to set up their cart in the shady spot of the bus stop, where people going to work have to wait for the bus.. ugh!.
"Irritating people in the neighborhood unnecessarily"? Because their regular irritation factor is more necessary? Huh?
Terrorist attack in Turkey leaves 28 dead
by ILoveTTATT2 inhttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36658187.
Finkelstein, with all due respect, I dont want a "strong message made", I want to kick their butts off the planet. But that's just me. You are a nicer person than I am.
How do you deal with depression?
by BlackWolf ini'm currently going through a bout of depression and my eating disorder has gotten worse.
ever since my parents actually told me that they are going to kick me out when i turn 18 i've felt kind of hopeless about my life.
my parents won't take me to the doctor because the psychiatrists won't have my "best interests" aka jw crap in mind, because really that's the root of all my problems.. i'm wondering if any of you guys have any advice with dealing with depression?
If you have anorexia and they are refusing medical treatment, that is abuse. Anorexia is a serious disorder and needs proper treatment, both physical and emotional.
PLEASE see your own doctor. If they are a pediatrician, tell them what is going on, briefly and succinctly. They HAVE to report it even if you aren't saying your parents are evil brainwashed idiots. (oops, sorry). Your parents can be hateful and vindictive, or they could have the sense knocked into them. If vindictiveness is the ruling thing, then you need to run to child protective services. If they are going to put you out, get it done NOW, because the state will at least try to HELP YOU FOR REAL. Schools, local youth centers-a lot of places will help kids who need it, especially when you are a good kid, just trying to survive, not running away and committing crimes. ASK for help in the simple ways, first. Give your parents a chance to get educated on the harm they are doing.
If, when you are 18-if they do kick you out, you will have some friends here and elsewhere and hopefully will have developed some resources. You need to start looking after your future NOW, your parents sure the hell don't seem to be.
Terrorist attack in Turkey leaves 28 dead
by ILoveTTATT2 inhttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36658187.
I have been in that airport so many times. . . I saw a picture and it was a public area that looks familiar-the entire airport had a cohesive feeling, so it could have been any main thoroughfare of the airport(or maybe any airport), but knowing I have been there hits me hard. We made friends with our porter (helped me through the terminals when I was wheelchair bound) and he works there everyday. I know so many people who travel through there frequently. They hit Karachi last year and just the cargo area was scary enough, but this place was a little too up close and personal.
I hope they get everyone involved and responsible, but I don't know how they work over there. The airport was seemingly well run from my experience. I'm surprised this happened there-as stated, they have armed guards stationed regularly. That kind of made me feel more secure-even in Egypt before the revolution. Now, I don't know. I lived in a gated, guarded community in Qatar and they let me in the compound there a few times when I no longer lived there just because I was white and looked like I belonged. I didn't have a car with the sticker or any authorization at all.
Today's Text - Remember & Help Full-Time Servants!
by Divergent intuesday, june 28. we continually remember your faithful work, your loving labor.—1 thess.
1:3.. full-time servants have significant responsibilities in the most important work the world has ever known.
Wait, I thought all their donations to the WTBTS supported the missionary work. I guess when missionaries can't fulfill their duty as children of elderly parents, then the rest of the congregation is supposed to chip in-with an encouraging note. . . ? I'm confused. What the hell do they want? Feed the parents and sent a snoopy note card to the missionary?
Taking care of your own is first duty in every religion I know of. Christianty teaches it, Islam teaches it. First charity is in the home and the most blessings are from caring for your own family properly. Duh. How much more blessed will those serving where the need is great be when they are living in a expat enclave in the Philipines or Mexico while their 90 year old parents are alone in a nursing home?
Judge sanctions WTS - $4k per day penalty for not producing sex abuse documents
by Simon injudge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
I believe they use outside law firms.
- They use outside consultants.(Remember ARC?)
- They will use outside contractors. (Fancy new HQ buildings/sites)
- They are outsourcing the printing of the publications now in some country(ies?)
- There cannot be enough JW lawyers to keep up with all the lawsuits that the WT faces, especially nowadays.These are specialized and critically important. They can't have half assed screw ups. While I am sure that they have a few very competent experienced lawyers, with thousands of congregations, KH's, conferences all the time and 8 million minimally educated JWs, there can't be enough lawyers numerically to deal with it all.