If you are willing, making home made bread, either traditional american style loaves or flatbread like naan or pita or roti are opioid much cheaper. Flat breads can be made on stove and a batch of dough kept in fridge for fresh loaves every meal if desired. Ye as st can be bought much cheaper in bulk pound sizes rather than the criminal prices for individual packets.
Also, buy dry beans and cook yourself. Cheaper than cans, can keep in freezer and delicious.September-december has a lot of great deals-if you can stretch your budget the next few months, you can stock up everday staples.
Use foodbank. Make friends with produce guys at local markets. They . Might discard the not quite good enough or excess veg your way.
Learn how to prepare food for freezing so if you get a great windfall that you can take advantage without eating so many carrots that you turn orange. For example.
Watch brothers Green on youtube. Lots of creative ways to eat cheap and healthy. Super funny, too.