Wow. Thank you for sharing that. The religion really is a trap that is hard for many to extricate themselves from. I'm sorry that your dad is compelled to live his life like that. I'm proud of him for reaching out to you, rather than letting such important things go unsaid.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Disassociation revealed what type of man my father really is.
by Paul Mooney ini began my exit from the jehovah’s witness organization about 5 years.
i was a 4th generation born-in, with all the baggage that comes with having the “spiritual heritage” attached to the group.
i was an elder/bethelite/pioneer/whatever other useless privilege there was, i had no family or friends outside of the organization… my entire life was that org.
I don't think I will be able to escape the JWs ...
by nevaagain ini know i will get a lot of backslash on this forum for saying this, but as it looks like, i won't ever be able to escape the jws.
i have been a born in, third generation jw and awoken in one way or another (i joined this forum 15 years ago) for a very long time.
but i have adapted to the jw lifestyle to a point where it does not bother me anymore.
You are in a comfort zone and have a sad lack of confidence. You are kind of a perfect JW.
Your generation is more mobile and often have to make new friends. You got an automatic batch with a new congregation, but they are not your real friends, and we all know it, so it is a shame that you are giving up on building relationships (friendships or more) outside of the organization.
As to women. You are divorced from a woman that cheated on you. I don't know if that indicates that you really "get" even JW women. You might want to spend some time in groups of people participating in a hobby or activity that you like and find some friends with real interests in common.
The JW choice is easy now, but what about after marriage and children? What if your wife is gung ho or if she leaves the org and wants to stay with you? What JW woman is going to want a guy with no real ties to his congregation-who flits about to random assemblies and doesn't reach for more privileges? You do have an advantage in being male, but you are in a precarious situation if you marry a JW.
All the debbie downer stuff aside, I hope you find some happy in your life. You seem like a guy who really wants some roots. The WT doesn't encourage it, not really. They just want your obedience, not your happiness. I hope you grow the kind of roots you want in this life. Good luck!
CO visits me today
by Chook ini'm at home and hear knock on door , i sneak and look i see two men and recognise one voice and go back into lonunge and ask wife ( who is inactive believer) does she want to speak to elders ,she says no ,then literally 3 minutes has pasted another knock the 3 minutes seemed like an eternity.
so brave heart me think fuck it i'll answer ,i invite them in for coffee, i recognise one older man he is a unique elder who i genuinely was fond of when i was in his name is andrew ,the other guy i didn't recognise we will call harry ( not real name australia doesn't have that many cos with his same name).
so i think to myself i will tread lightly and not cause to much of a fuss for the wife's sake, but my personality is very the opposite of treading lightly ,as you read my threads you will realise i'm not timid.
Man, your shins must be bruised by now. Who starts a friendly conversation with the phrase "your words won't be used against you"? They think they are the police AND God?
I doubt they will call you. You are already DF'd. You said it in front of 3 witnesses and two of them are elders who will report to the others. The good news is that this is only for your good, so in that sense, your words are not being used "against" you, but rather to your benefit.
Jehovah's Witnesses ARE Christians, why do so many ex JW's deny this?
by nicolaou injehovah's witnesses accept jesus as christ, the son of god.
they try, in their own way, to live by his teachings and imitate him.
they pray, read the bible and meet together regularly for worship.. i won't minimise any of the harm and damage they cause but for the life of me, i can't see how anyone can credibly deny that they are christians.. why do so many former jws have a problem with this?
For me, it's because their cult puts its confidence that salvation is inextricably tied to being a devotee and obedient to a group of men, and conformity to changing rules. Not just to their acceptance to men or a religious group, but stating that such obedience is required by God for salvation, notwithstanding that their requirements and stated understandings are relatively fluid and sometimes difficult to keep up with, as well.
Christians are supposed to follow and put their confidence in Jesus, not just pay lip service to following Jesus while jumping to do the bidding of men who require things of them not even suggested by Jesus.
They are not alone in denominational salvation teachings, but they are not even subtle- and many churches are promoting Samaritan type work while JWs mock it, mock mercy and mock charity in general. How that is Christian is beyond me.
Big Day fast approaching Letting go
by rebelfighter inthe big day is two days away when she will say "i do".
i knew this day would come someday but as a mom you just want to hold on even though i did everything to train her to be very independent.
she has been making most of her own decisions since middle school.. she moved away 5 years ago but still was totally mine till 2 years ago when mr. wonderful appeared in her life.
Congratulations to your family. Have fun with all those kids and visitors! When will life settle into the mundane again? I bet you are a bit fried by now:)
Dinner plans canceled because "I need to talk to the elders". Huh?
by Darkknight757 inso this past week the wife and i have received several phone calls and text messages from our old hall.
we were also invited out to dinner to catch up with some old friends.
an hour before dinner this guys wife messaged my wife and said that she "can't wait for tonight!!
"I'm sorry that you and your spouse are having troubles and need to speak to the elders. I'm sure that you will soon be back in good standing and all of our friends can socialize with you again. You will be in our prayers."
Our christian love,
I found a list my Wife is makingof subjects i have told her about the BORG.
by goingthruthemotions inso me and my wife have not been on speaking terms for about 5 weeks, and when we do .
talk…it is arguing about the jw cult and more of a barrage from me telling here all the stuff i have learned.
i know i shouldn't do this....but, i get so freaking p.o ed aobut what this cult has done to my family.
You could go to the elders, get her in a JC (you have her tablet which is proof of her doubts) and see how the truth of Jehovah's spirit works on those elders.
That is my evil thought. She wrote those things down. If there is no mention of you, then they are presumably, her thoughts.
Trump supporters want to repeal 19th amendment
by keyser soze inseriously, you can't make this shit up.
and these same people will accuse hillary of rigging the election after she wins:.
Trump is throwing it or desperate so far as the Bill Clinton references go. He is such a creepy little worm.
What kind of cheese do you like?
by Iamallcool ini went to and they have 160 different kinds of cheese.
i just do not know which cheese i want to order.
any suggestions?
I forgot! Brie. I must get some. That and gruyere are my faves.
Combining my two fave things, I make gougeres, which are cheese puffs. So, I get bread and cheese. Yum
New Video Series On Courtship May Open Some Eyes
by JW_Rogue inso the wife was watching the latest installment of jw broadcasting and near the end there was a new segment on dating and courtship.
it starts at about the 39 minute mark:.
Shane realised he had a close call! He saw the hypocrisy of it all and accepted a job transfer out of town and faded out of the organisation.