One way or the other, no individual JW was ever going to see any of the money again. Whether the WT forced it or just manipulated more gently, all the money has been going to the borg anyway. How many KHs ever had an active charitable arm? Whether for members or not? None. An individual may help out a friend, but that is where it has always ended. Congregations pay for the needs and even when I was in, decades ago, the extras got sent to NY. I honestly don't know why you all seem to think this is a new ploy. They are just demanding it now instead of quietly expecting it as their due.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Major congregational quake in Southern California
by Hecce inthis notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
Rape Victim Forced To Listen To a Tape Of Her Assault In A JC
by pale.emperor inthis is absolutely outrageous.
a rape victim was forced to listen to herself being raped while the elders stopped and started the tape claiming she was consenting.
even though during one of the assaults she was duct-taped, gagged and had a pillowcase over her head.
I don't think that expecting that known abusers would be kept in check in some sort of way is naive. Until I left, I had no idea that men who were known abusers were going out in service. I thought that known "immoral" people would not be going to doors. Was I naive??? YES, and you want to know what? Fourteen year olds SHOULD be naive, and if parents see their kids spending time with other kids that all go out in service as MINISTERs, they are all going under the impression that they are in clear standing. Most don't sit there with a handbook of how bad one is allowed to be and still be considered to be "in good standing". Most assume the best of people who call themselves BIBLE INSTRUCTORS. While in the borg, we are told we are the best of the best, and that we are the chosen people. So, people are stupid and buy that crap. I don't anymore, but my mom would not believe and does not believe any of the news reports about rapists or abusers still in service, or known abusers being in good standing or any of that. Or that the WT policies have aided and abetted abusers for a long time. Naive is what JWs are about other JWs. I had no dad who was an elder to warn me about certain other JWs. We only had our guts to go on in my unconnected house.
I knew nothing about anything but DFing or being in good standing when I was a kid. No one talked about marking, reproving was a mysteriously vague kind of notice.
JW's know how to guilt trip....
by HereIgo inwhen i left the org, the jw's tried their best to guilt trip me.
some of the questions i was asked and things i was told:.
"how could you possibly be happy outside of jehovah's organization?
You are just rebelling! You know this is the truth (35 years after I left, at age 50)
Rape Victim Forced To Listen To a Tape Of Her Assault In A JC
by pale.emperor inthis is absolutely outrageous.
a rape victim was forced to listen to herself being raped while the elders stopped and started the tape claiming she was consenting.
even though during one of the assaults she was duct-taped, gagged and had a pillowcase over her head.
People have spent decades going to the doors telling folks that they are bible teachers. They INSTRUCT people on the bible in bible studies. One must be QUALIFIED to be ministers> Remember the title of the book? Who's doing the vetting? The elders. And no matter what they try to explain away by explaining the classes and positions in the religion that they say there is no class system in, no hierarchical positions, the fact is that they do say that all their members are ordained ministers and supposed to to teach and instruct others about the bible.
The theocratic school to to teach people to be effective ministers and teachers. . .[search_id]=e328ab25-2090-48b2-80fe-bccb2e6ce4ea&insight[search_result_index]=9
"Purpose: To train publishers to be effective preachers and teachers of the good news".
The WT says this, "Like teachers and instructors of the Bible in the past, Jehovah’s Witnesses today are engaged in a Bible educational work in 239 lands worldwide. (Matthew 28:19, 20) Week by week, they help well over nine million individuals to understand the Bible. Many of those learners come from non-Christian backgrounds. These study sessions are free and can be held at one’s home or at another convenient location. Some people even enjoy their lessons by phone or video, using a computer or a mobile device."
If the abuser was accepted by the elders in the congregation as a publisher, then he was indeed an "instructor" by the WT own definition, so I object to anyone claiming she overstated his position. EVERY JW is considered to be a minister and instructor of the Bible. They are sent out in FS with that understanding and there should be something to that, or their qualifying as ministers means exactly zip, zero, zilch.
If publishers are not in good standing and NOT qualified to be a minister, then why are they allowed to represent themselves as ministers and instructors? When I was a JW, you accepted that those around you were decent. They would send you home if your OUTWARD appearance didn't meet their standards( my friends tights were too racy when she was 13!), but they let known sexual abusers go door to door? Even a person known to be immoral by the standards they set? And they will stop a guy with a BEARD from going out in service unless he has a note from his freaking doctor? Come on! But a guy who rapes OR seduces 14 year olds is qualified? Passing around mics? EVERY (non elder, apparently) person in the congregation would think that those boys are the reliable ones.
Anyway. I hope she has some good lawyers because whatever her part in the situation leading up to the JC was, the way she was treated in that scenario seems abusive, villainous and litigable to me.
My Ex Wife Admitted She Doesnt Believe It's The Truth
by pale.emperor inmy ex-wife actually opened up to me today over the phone.
she was quite anxious and, i could sense, i little upset.
for those that dont know my situation im separated from my wife.
This is all kind of sad. I wish I had words of wisdom, but I am curious if you think she wants to get back with you. If she did, would you dismiss it instantly or would you mull it over in your head/heart a bit.
I think a gf after 4 months of separation from a wife who (weakly) left you in bowing to family pressure would maybe not have as much hold on your heart than the mother of your child. I'm not sure what you had hoped for but for the WTBTS as regards your wife, but man, being with someone who is OCD is not the worst thing in the world, but someone who is trapped in the WT world and has your daughter captive along with her seems like a horrible scenario, especially if you have any feelings left for your ex.
I have seen first hand what divorce does to families and kids. If I could have my kid full time, even with (meh) ex and no relatives, I'd take it in a minute, now that I know exactly what the reality of being separated is for my son and both his parents. My ex was not a great husband, but I thought that my good intentions would make divorce ok for them. I didn't. And while I am happily remarried now, had I had the option to have them both back, I would have put up with the ex for my son. But we weren't JWs. As it is, my family all rejected me and my ex has made some stupid moves in the interests of getting his own revenge, instigated by idiots around him who have different agendas.
Your ex's family is the one that has agendas against you. Don't ever forget that if she stays in, not having any other options, they are going to push and support everything they can to keep you on very bad and very negative terms. It will likely never get better and your daughter is in the middle of it all. She is the one that matters. You know, but your wife is still trapped in the web and her support system is in opposition to you.
I don't know what your hopes were before this blew up in your face, but my hope for you is that your daughter is never raised in such a twisted ugly system. Not even 4 days a week.
Rape Victim Forced To Listen To a Tape Of Her Assault In A JC
by pale.emperor inthis is absolutely outrageous.
a rape victim was forced to listen to herself being raped while the elders stopped and started the tape claiming she was consenting.
even though during one of the assaults she was duct-taped, gagged and had a pillowcase over her head.
Any one who is a publisher is supposed to be in good standing, so far as elders know. That is what JWs assume-anyone known by elders to be a danger should not be in a position as anything, isn't that what fireproof and DFing is about? So they won't endanger others?
It seems though that the worst offence here is the treatment that the elders subjected her to while in the JC being forced to listen as she was being used sexually. First the evidence of what occurred with the young man, then the way the elders subjected her to it again. In front of her mom and dad.
Did they all leave the cult after that or are they shunning their daughter? The guy who knows the situation could enlighten us a bit with the rest of the story.
Major congregational quake in Southern California
by Hecce inthis notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
A good thing to donate to would be a fund to help foster kids when they age out of the system. (My personal pet cause these days) Or a regular sum sent to the local food banks fresh for fresh food or toiletries (hard to find in a food bank).
Finding out that jws are not what they make out to be
by nomorepain13 in*warning this is long* it all started on the last day of the "remain loyal to jehovah" convention.
a little background story, i've been raised as a jw, been in and out of the religon, never baptised but was made an unbaptized publisher about 3 years ago, always felt out of place in the congregation, blamed myself for this because if i had just went to meetings and did all the right things then i would have friends and not be in the mess that i was.
right after becoming an unbaptized publisher i met my now fiance, end up leaving my mother's house to live with him, elders haven't contacted me about my situation even though i'm sure they know as my step father is an elder...but anyway on the last day of the convention my fiance came with me as i was visiting my mother and had planned to go with her and her husband to the convention.
It seems like you are not as fully in as many were at your age. Now is the time to ease out of it gracefully and your weekend at the convention seems a good enough reason to pull back.
I don't know how your parents (mom and stepdad) are treating your fiance or how they feel about your relationship or what kind of people they are, but please be careful of assuming the worst about your stepdad. Not all JWs are monsters or pedophiles. . . otoh, that your mind went there immediately after learning about the ARC and JW actions in that area does concern me, so please examine yourself to see if it was a knee jerk reflexive response to all the new info about pervy JWs or if there might be something more to it.
Don't let anyone here sour you on your belief generally. We are all kind of cynical on the subject, even when we are believers. You will come to your own conclusions but right now, the organization is the issue.and there is no harm in removing your belief in God from your belief in the org. Fully separating yourself from WT indoctrination will allow you to examine and explore what you truly DO believe, but don't let any of us put you down for it, whatever that might be, whether they are laughing at you for believing at all or if they are trying to get you into their new faith.
Most here are motivated to help. You saw through the org, so now is the time to start trusting yourself generally to evaluate the information you are given and its veracity.
Good luck!!!
Week 16 Since My Disfellowshipping - Update
by pale.emperor inhi guys.
i could really do with you advice regarding my current state since being disfellowshipped 16 weeks ago.. since being given the boot (i did try to fade but it failed) ive been on a rollacoaster of emotions.
lately im getting frequent headaches, tiredness and i have about 3 or 4 thoughts running through my mind at all times.. im passed the sadness phase of discovering it's a cult.
Fading is not an option for everyone. He tried that already, nowwhat?.
To P.E. I don't think that there are any defined phases. We all get to the point of leaving the org in different ways and realizing the truth about it is not always rolled into that, so we will all differ.
I do think though that its safe to say that you are barely out and everything is feeling a lot more raw now than it will in years to come. Everything in your life now is colored by this, but soon it will just be an occasional distraction. You know it isn't right. Check. You have your daughter nearly half time. Check. Your social life is a clean slate, and your baggage doesn't involve a criminal record, so you are way ahead many folks. Just keep moving forward. Don't let this cult be your focus anymore. Your future and that of your child is what matters now, so work and build for that. Actively go out to make friends and companions in activities or sports that you enjoy; Put extra into your work and get WAAAY ahead of the game.
Do well and be happy. It's not about revenge, its about living your life.
Disassociation revealed what type of man my father really is.
by Paul Mooney ini began my exit from the jehovah’s witness organization about 5 years.
i was a 4th generation born-in, with all the baggage that comes with having the “spiritual heritage” attached to the group.
i was an elder/bethelite/pioneer/whatever other useless privilege there was, i had no family or friends outside of the organization… my entire life was that org.
Wow. Thank you for sharing that. The religion really is a trap that is hard for many to extricate themselves from. I'm sorry that your dad is compelled to live his life like that. I'm proud of him for reaching out to you, rather than letting such important things go unsaid.