Nice looking door!
How'd it go?
Nice looking door!
How'd it go?
slightly redacted for privacy of those involved.. so, this is "park witnessing" in oklahoma.. the parks in this community are basically walking trails and some tatty playground equipment.
most of the time, sparsely used, and today was a very blustery day.. notice the justifying comment- "quite a few" checking out the cart.
i am sure they were..... .
my son is nearing completion of his 3-1/2 year chemo journey.
i have an appointment with his primary oncologist at the end of next month as an end of treatment exit meeting.
she and her team are leads at this particular hospital.
I think it would be more useful to set up a meeting with the person in charge of human resources who deals with training and licensing as regards HIPPA and privacy generally. Those are the people that educate the staff about the basics of the laws. Usually, they have to update these yearly (I think) and that person/training staff would be in a position to spread the message about this confidentiality issue with the staff and perhaps work in some new safeguards for the patients and families.
I think you have a great idea and I think the doctor deserves a great big thank you and yes, an acknowledgement that you were in a bad place and your appreciation for helping your son and your family when you may have been a family that kept them up at night (and you likely were, according to my oncology doctors).
i have been lurking on the site for a few months and thought it about time i plucked up the courage to step out of the shadows and say hello.. i am in the process of fading after realizing all is not right with the organization i had trusted implicitly for over 40 years.
there have always been 'truths' i have struggled to accept entirely, even as a child, but was confident that trusting in jehovah, building my faith and remaining patient would be enough to settle any nagging doubts that remained, so i pushed any inconsistencies to the back of my mind and concentrated on being the best witness that i could be.. over the last few years, however, i have been preoccupied with a number of crises in my family and stepping back slightly from 'theocratic' activity has allowed me to re evaluate a number of concerns and research sources other than the sanitized wt publications.. my eyes are now wide open - i found things which have appalled me and left me feeling extremely let down and disappointed by people i had really trusted.. i tried gently raising a few subjects with my mum (who was baptized early '70s and still remains a staunch wt supporter) but she will hear no criticism of the organization.
i understand this because the best part of her life has been invested in the religion and to acknowledge it may have got things wrong would be to recognize the last 40 years have been a vain waste.
hey ya'll!
i have been lurking for years on this site and others but never had the courage to post anything.
actually i was afraid of posting on an apostate site in the event i was wrong.
hey ya'll!
i have been lurking for years on this site and others but never had the courage to post anything.
actually i was afraid of posting on an apostate site in the event i was wrong.
mealy mouthed article in the may study wt here:.
tacit approval to bribe, oops, i mean "tip" your local governmental official so they can grant you a cartilla card, or whatever else you might need done..
My husband's family is being fined for what local utility says is an illegal electric hookup from the legal one. It is emanating from outside the home and not by them. Rather than coming out and unhooking the illegal connections and going after the recipients, they are fining our family $300 mo(usd equiv which is a fortune). We are having an old friend who used to run utility force them to do their job(more wasta than bribe). If they actually give a gift afterwards, it will be truly that, in gratitude as he is retired to another continent, now and has no obligation to the utility or our family.
Paying to have cards signed that certify that something was done when it is not, is a flat out bribe. The Malawi situation has no bribery element, all they needed to do was pay for a stupid, required card that wasn't optional(giving Cesar what was his).
I hate the WT mealymouthed world. Just be honest about allowing convenient bribes or forbid them.
last night, during our "christian life and ministry" meeting, we had a session on local needs.
elder opened the talk with a disclaimer saying that this was a reminder (cited psalms about how david loved jehovahs reminders).
he reminded us of how bless we are of having our own local assembly hall.
the man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
a new letter was posted in to the elders who are under the brazilian branch:.
january 25, 2016to all bodies of eldersref .
: clap when given a readmission addear brothers:we would like to inform you about a recent adjustment.
The whole thing is nuts. I can see why I left as a teen. I hate to be infantilized! This is really not even worth noting hardly as one of their flip flops, but yet it demonstrates how flexible the "bible" is. They used a buttload of scripture to forbid it. How many will they find to allow it? Were the old scriptures wrong or were the old GB members/writing committee wrong? If that was wrong and it doesn't even matter, how much more should we be cautious of the teachings that affect life or are very unique in the Christian world? Clapping is the least of my issues.