Eh, rounded numbers are the least of my issues with the Bible.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Jehovah loves "even rounded numbers" or could this be a way to disprove the inspiration of the Bible?
by notjustyet inwhile i am not able to recall them all at this time, i remember so many instances that when a number was quoted in the bible, especially large numbers, they were all "rounded up" to the nearest hundred or thousand.
for instance the angel killed 185,000 syrians, not 184,879. sampson killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass, not 961. and on and on on the even rounded numbers.
i would guess that it could be agues that these numbers were correct but is that realistic?
Rumor: Discouraging news from GB at upcoming CA?
by bohm inthis is on the reddit frontpage and sounds super weird.
can it be confirmed in any way by anyone here?.
Magnum, that would require the kind of transparency that once sees in many of "babylon's" churches. Not gonna happen.
JWs do Volunteer To Help Worldly Organizations Distribute Food to the Needy
by Athanasius insome months back i posted a topic asking if jws were now encouraged to volunteer their time for charitable organizations, as one of the volunteers who i work with was promoting to one of the spanish speaking workers.
because of that, i guessed that he was a jw..
well the other day as he and i were folding and stacking tables after distributing food to the needy, i mentioned that after i retired i got bored and decided to do volunteer work.
If he was working in a food bank, it might well be that he is using it and feels obligated to take part in the labor. Speaking as a former food bank recipient. 3-4 times at the food bank and I ended up volunteering for years in a couple of different towns.
I think that the WT has been making noises to the effect that volunteer work in the community is not inherently a waste of time. In a recent article or talk mentioned here, it had a much different tone than the ones of my youth. It might be that more and more JWs are now the recipients of worldly charities, or that JWs have been PUBLICLY shown to be the recipients (remember that little kid a few months ago with one of the "go fund me" accounts that was made public in the media, and her religion was highlighted? The WT needs JWs to be just as publicly giving as getting, and I am NOT talking about their PR release kind of "charity" when there is a tornado or flood.
How Many Disfellowshipped Are There In The US?
by Village Idiot ini've read in the watchtower, as well as observed personally, that 1% of the congregation gets disfellowshipped every year.
i'm not good at the math but i figure that it's 40% since 1975 (yes i know, they're growing).
i know that quite a few return but still, there must be a large percentage of disfellowshipped jws who will never return.
My aunt was reinstated so many times that I kinda lost track after 3. She is nearly 60 and has been in and out like a jack in the box. Probably had something to do with coming of age in the 70's, being raised by halfhearted "studies" and my mom who was kind of a slacker in her younger years, for all that she believed the schlock.
THe last time reinstating didn't take her too long and she soon became an exceedingly annoying pioneer(she is kind hearted, but really dippy about "the truth" while she puts on this know it all stepford wife voice that make you want to shock some sense into her. She brought in her (3d or 4th) husband and he has just been appointed an elder after maybe 5 years "in the truth". She is closer in age to me than she is to my mom but man, they were bamboozled thoroughly, Must be our overlapping generations.
Help Me Regain Contact With My Still In Family
by pale.emperor insituation is, i'll never return to the wt.
my family with never leave the wt.. depending on who you ask you'll get the following answers when you ask about me:.
my family: he's confused.
I just read what happened at the train station. Maybe your letter was too nice. That was pretty evil of her-I'm sorry to say it about your mum, but that is not human.
Letter To My Mother
by pale.emperor inseeing as im being shunned by my family and friends.
i've decided to turn the tables and shun them back - but using the same methodology and reasoning they use on me.
i've written the following letter:.
Good job. There is a little confusion in the verbiage here that probably resulted from cutting/pasting "And if that’s you’re sincere believe I’ll respect that." but the letter is kind and respectful, while at the same time heavy as a hammer; Good on you!
JW's opinions on bunker video
by neat blue dog inthe so called bunker video isn't just getting attention here but among jws as well.
i've heard a fair share of cracks, some half joking half serious about the prospect of the video playing out in real life .
but something else i've heard is that the video was meant to be figurative, an illustration representing the 'interior rooms' prophecy..
This is manipulative fear mongering, feeding their persecution complex (and expectations). I grew up in the 70's. They will push this and push this and then say-HEY, we never drew any conclusions. . . .it is just all the weak minded sheep who bought into that nonsense-er, who read too much into it.
ORRRR, it couild be some awake people in the org who thought that the WT needed a real "jump the shark" moment to get this show OFF THE AIR (Thank you Fonzie, you knew it had to end sometime, right?). I think that JWs will take this in a lot of ways, but a good deal of them will be coming here and registering in a few months when they get their nerve up to do so.
Ok, I hope a bunch of them will! And that there is no "Joanie Loves Chachi". That was just WRONG.
Another Egyptian relic discovered at Hazor, northern Israel
by fulltimestudent init doesn't look significant, but it is - the jerusalem post reports:.
the finding – coupled with a sphinx fragment of the egyptian king mycerinus (who ruled egypt in the 25th century bce), discovered at the site by the research team three years ago – are the only monumental egyptian statues found so far in second millennium contexts in the entire levant.the discovery of these two statues in the same building currently being excavated by the research team indicates the special importance of the building, which was likely the administrative palace of the ruler of the city, as well as that of the entire city of hazor.shlomit bechar, a doctoral student at the institute of archaeology, who has been excavating at hazor for a decade, is the dig’s co-director, and oversees the main excavation area.during the course of nearly 30 years of excavations, fragments of 18 different egyptian statues – both royal and private – dedicated to egyptian kings and officials, including two sphinxes, were discovered at hazor.“most of these statues were found in layers dated to the late bronze age (15th-13th centuries bce), corresponding to the new kingdom in egypt,” said ben-tor.“this is the largest number of egyptian statues found so far in any site in the land of israel, although there is no indication that hazor was one of the egyptian strongholds in southern canaan, nor of the presence of an egyptian official at hazor during the late bronze age.”ben-tor added that most egyptian statues found at hazor date to egypt’s “middle kingdom” (19th-18th centuries bce), a time when hazor did not yet exist.“it thus seems that the statues were sent by an egyptian king in the ‘new kingdom’ as official gifts to the king of hazor, or as dedications to a local temple, regardless of their already being ‘antiques,’” he said.“this is not surprising, considering the special status of the king of hazor, who was the most important king in southern canaan at the time.
the extraordinary importance of hazor in the 15th-13th centuries bce is indicated also by the biblical reference to hazor as ‘the head of all those kingdoms’ (joshua 11:10).”all the statues at the site were found broken into pieces and scattered over a large area, he noted.“clear signs of mutilation indicate that most of them were deliberately and violently smashed, most probably in the course of the city’s final conquest and destruction sometime in the 13th century b.c.e,” said ben-tor.“the deliberate mutilation of statues of kings and dignitaries accompanying the conquest of towns is a well-known practice in ancient times (i samuel 5:1-4; isaiah 11:9), as well as in our time.”the hazor excavations, which began in the mid-1950s under the direction of the late professor yigael yadin, are carried out on behalf of hu.
I loved that part of Egypt. I wish I had studied up more beforehand!
by stan livedeath inso--ive bought a house--got the keys yesterday--took a car full of stuff over to it today--i'm upstairs--heard my wife talking to someone downstairs at the doorstep.............. yep--2 dubs--handing our invites to an assembly next month.
but its in a town called bournemouth ( uk )--which means an hours car journey--plus a very expensive ferry crossing.
( i live on an offshore island ).
Hoser, do the locals KNOW you are a dub? Do any of them associate with you or are you one of the faders that they are trying to lure back? Or do they just have no social lives so that they would know where you or any of the congregation lives?
by stan livedeath inso--ive bought a house--got the keys yesterday--took a car full of stuff over to it today--i'm upstairs--heard my wife talking to someone downstairs at the doorstep.............. yep--2 dubs--handing our invites to an assembly next month.
but its in a town called bournemouth ( uk )--which means an hours car journey--plus a very expensive ferry crossing.
( i live on an offshore island ).
I saw our first JW (that would speak to us, because we speak English in Houston!) since I moved here and they pushed an invite, refused conversation and rushed back to the safety of the culdesac. We have local congregations that we have never been invited to-but Mormons and some random Christians have invited us to theirs a few times in all the homes I have lived in for the last few years. No JW has said a word to us other than to ensure that we don't speak Spanish. Though they spoke English too. . . they just left because we aren't hispanic.
Do they not do public talks anymore? Why would anyone give up an entire day driving to Rosenburg Texas and back for even ONE assembly day when they know nothing about them? This last assembly would scare away anyone uninitiated into the insanity of the organization-the first morning! I saw the talks and videos. That stuff is NUTS.