Ok, 4 questions sprang to mind in light of the recent elders letter. If you get to the kingdom hall and its on fire, brother A says he saw brother B set it ablaze purposely, Who do you call first and why?
911, silly!
If you get to the kingdom hall and the sound system has been stolen, sister A says she saw brother B loading it onto his van, Who do you call first and why?
Bro B to mention that the others saw him removing it and ask when he plans on bringing it back. Maybe bro. B is getting it repaired. No reason to go all judicial on the guy!
If you get to the kingdom hall and there's a dead body on the platform with blood everywhere and brother A says he saw sister B commit the murder,Who do you call first and why?
911, dude, there's a dead body on the platform. After the cops are done THEN you call the brother in charge of crime scene cleanups (you know there is a brother who does that professionally, right?) to tell him of the opportunity he has to provide his services as "an offering to Jehovah". First things first.
So, if you get to the kingdom hall and a little one is claiming that brother or sister so and so has sexually abused them, Who do you call first and why?
Bethel, of course! They need to know for their records.
(Now sing along if you know it) One of these things is not like the other, 3 of these things are kinda the same,
can ya tell which thing is not like the other by the time we finish the game
Now, now, you know that the elders can't answer THAT one. . .its not in any elder's manual!