Wow, a guy is drunk and verbally abusive and gets DFd.
Legally, I am mystified about this-what can he hope to accomplish?
Naturally, I am sick that the family was ripped apart so viciously by this organizational processes-and I speak of the daughters DFing. The consequences of Mr. Walls DFing are the stuff of JWD legend. Nothing new. But the impact that DFing his daughter, and the trickle down effect just highlights the tragedy of this WT doctrine. That this CHILD was experiencing as an adolescent the consequences of her adult father should give people pause. The aspect of his DFing appeal that mentioned the lack of spiritual guidance is also telling.
Honestly, not knowing even what the court is figuring that can possibly be done regarding natural justice, I think this is a bit of a pyrric victory.But not entirely. The publicity will hopefully put some attention on the practice of DFing people, particularly children, and the chain reaction it's impact has on entire families. It is hate filled and harmful to the family in every way. This is proof.