This is all kind of sad. I wish I had words of wisdom, but I am curious if you think she wants to get back with you. If she did, would you dismiss it instantly or would you mull it over in your head/heart a bit.
I think a gf after 4 months of separation from a wife who (weakly) left you in bowing to family pressure would maybe not have as much hold on your heart than the mother of your child. I'm not sure what you had hoped for but for the WTBTS as regards your wife, but man, being with someone who is OCD is not the worst thing in the world, but someone who is trapped in the WT world and has your daughter captive along with her seems like a horrible scenario, especially if you have any feelings left for your ex.
I have seen first hand what divorce does to families and kids. If I could have my kid full time, even with (meh) ex and no relatives, I'd take it in a minute, now that I know exactly what the reality of being separated is for my son and both his parents. My ex was not a great husband, but I thought that my good intentions would make divorce ok for them. I didn't. And while I am happily remarried now, had I had the option to have them both back, I would have put up with the ex for my son. But we weren't JWs. As it is, my family all rejected me and my ex has made some stupid moves in the interests of getting his own revenge, instigated by idiots around him who have different agendas.
Your ex's family is the one that has agendas against you. Don't ever forget that if she stays in, not having any other options, they are going to push and support everything they can to keep you on very bad and very negative terms. It will likely never get better and your daughter is in the middle of it all. She is the one that matters. You know, but your wife is still trapped in the web and her support system is in opposition to you.
I don't know what your hopes were before this blew up in your face, but my hope for you is that your daughter is never raised in such a twisted ugly system. Not even 4 days a week.