I know why ex JWs sometimes go off the rails entirely. JWs are manipulative and false, and can get everyone buying into the abuse THEY received when a non believer speaks plainly. They are like an ex spouse who paints the picture so that former in laws reject you. Only your family is all looking at you sideways because your parent is so distraught by your "cruelty". I sometimes start to think that every happy family picture is a big fat lie. The funhouse mirror is now the only way they see the world so the lies and manipulation is done with a perverse sincerity in their eyes.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
RANT: Isn't Cognitive Dissonance Amazing?
by Sorry inthis is piggybacking off my previous post (about my 'personal study').
while i haven't been a long time member, i'm sure if you have my posts you'll know that i'm disenchanted with the wt and am just grunting and bearing until i have a stable enough support system to break away.
however, lately i'm just getting extremely angry at nearly everything that's going on.
Shunning & separation from family
by CJxfarmx ini was raised in jw as a child.
my dad was a jw my mom was not, they are divorced now.
i was never baptized or anything but i stopped going once i had the choice at age 12. now i am 41 and my dad will not associate with me, my wife or my 3 kids.
Your dad is a jerk. Had he stayed in any kind of contact with you, it likely would be to harangue you and assault your ears with his theocratic speeches. You haven't lost much in that man. I"m sorry you were orphaned.
Sex & Divorce
by IMHO in1. you can't have sex until your married.. 2. you're not married until you've gone through a legal ceremony.. 3. you get 'unscriptually' (although legally) divorced therefore not 'free' to remarry'.
4. can you still 'scriptually' have sex with your former spouse?.
Atomant, are you a virgin or have you never used a condom? Because there is skin to skin contact even with a condom.
As to the WT, their opinion really doesn't matter. What are they going to do? DF you for having sex with the person that they consider you to still be scripturally married to (barring infidelity)?
Is this another Trump backflip?
by fulltimestudent inwe've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
He's a lot older than Hitler. Seriously, he is too old for this.
One bright thing, so far as the economy and foreign relations and the Supremes, with republicans in control of everything, they have no one to blame. Let's watch our govt and see what can or does happen when they have a blank slate with economy alone. I just hope for the best. I am poised to flinch, though, about what they might pull socially or about human rights.
Millionaire JW Elder hypocrite?!
by Alostpuppydog inso i know one should remove his own stick from his own eye before ones self judges another, but i noticed something.
it seems that the wealthy witnesses are the elders, the circuit overseers, the governing body... are they really different from any other 'worldly' religions or even organizations?
i mean look at the jewels the friggen pope wears.
Nothing wrong with having money or spending it. He might well be what's keeping your local congregation afloat and you know any excess is sent to the org. I don't account to others how I spend, do you? If he's an irresponsible or greedy person, cheating folks, then he's got issues. If he's forbidding others education or counseling against any material trappings, then he could be a hypocrite. That the WT seems to elevate rich men to positions, might definitely show a class system in the org beyond heavenly/earthly expectations.
How many Christians live in communes?
How to accept and move on from JW's?
by Alostpuppydog injust like the title says, how does ones self start the transition out of the jw's belief system, since i will never be allowed to go to a kingdom hall and believe a lot of what they teach.. i guess more importantly how have you guys here moved on that have had some exposure to the jw's?.
any advice is more than welcomed and i thank those that have thus far replied to me!!
As a believer, build your spiritual relationship exclusive of any other human. You go before God individually, not corporately, for judgement. If your dad is praying, thank him for the care, but point out you are seeking God alone as those people have cast you out physically and metaphorically. They aren't an option. Just state the fact with no recriminations. Then move on to better things.
Oh, no. Not the election.........
by punkofnice injust to set the scene; i loathe politicians.
i am revulsed by people like trump, clinton, merkel, may and uncle tom cobleigh an' all.. however, i have a question about something that someone said.
i've googled it but couldn't locate.. now, i know you folks will give me a specific answer.....and sorry to bring up that usa election.
I just hope he has some self interest that would make him back off of nuking anyone. Most of those he would want to nuke have something he wants or needs or is close to an ally. Jerusalem is at the center of the middle east. North Africa is near Europe, the rest of Africa has animals he or his kids get off on shooting. . .Russia can fight back and will. China. . .iffier. Mexico is close and he's investing inThe wall. . . He can't get money out of a nuclear wasteland. Unfortunately, he seems to act, then think. Hope his handlers have some strong zip ties.
How to route out an apostate... according too this site.
by Thisismein1972 inhttps://jwadvisor.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/leakinginfo.html.
jehovah's witness advisor.
leakinginfo: what can be done to find out who is leaking documents?.
They should not be writing anything internally that they are ashamed to show the entire organization since they don't have any clergy or more important folks. Don't write and do stupid or ethically dodgy stuff and there won't be any issues with leaks. Then you don't need diapers to stop your leaks.
Welcome President Pence!
by Wasanelder Once incan we expect legal problems for trump to cripple his authority?
remember that trump u. is still pending as well as multiple accusations of groping.
there is that one case of the woman claiming he raped her at 13. wow america, you really know how to pick'em.
The civil suit regarding the rape was dropped. No criminal charge made. I think the university and fraud stuff is civil rather than criminal. There are two suits there, I believe.
Did anyone vote yet?
by NewYork44M ini voted today in nyc.
a well organized process.
very busy and most of the people voting were african american.
I voted, Houston, no lines, no issues. If you move in TX, you have to vote at precinct you are registered in on voting day, so hubby and I had to drive to where he was registered from his old address. 5 minutes away, no worries. Both places had no lines. Dont like the machine much and can see how mistakes could be made if one is careless. I was not!