maybe its the first case of jehooba using an online miracle.
"And the wicked web page was cast out of the internet as if by the winter wind that blows the debris from the path of the rightous one" (The new bible for the New Order, Hencshel 16:4)
is quotes web site off line temporarily or permanently shut down?
maybe its the first case of jehooba using an online miracle.
"And the wicked web page was cast out of the internet as if by the winter wind that blows the debris from the path of the rightous one" (The new bible for the New Order, Hencshel 16:4)
how about every lurker on here and all others spreading the news that unhappy jw's worldwide are to do a general boycott of all jw related activities (meetings, fs, etc) in for the entire month of february 2006. would be interesting to see what happens to the us average publishers for that month.. power to the people!
The "lurkers" - GB spies.
Already I can see the feb KM " Febuary - few days, many hours"
Any other lurkers, give it a go.
didn't know where to put this so i figured here was as good as anywhere.
if you don't like this location, go ahead and move it.. i was raised as a jw.
around 14 i stopped believing, for the most part.
You have a great deal to give to people with your experiences, remember that. If you can, let a bit out at a time and always follow your intuition. Welcome to the board, from a fellow Newbee.
my (non-jw) son refuses to talk to any of his jw uncles, aunts and cousins.
his daddy (me) da'd over 30 years ago and has been shunned by the large jw part of his family ever since.. so, in my adult son's words, he had declared jihad on the wtbts and refuses to acknowledge any of them.. he's a successful popular fellow that everyone looks up to.
they will miss him.
I suppose if family can't transcend belief, why would you or your son bother with them? A large part of family do not exist to me also, but thats their choice. Life is great and rich, if they do not understand that "blood is thicker than water" , then may they continue in their mental vacuum, and pursue a world that is never coming, or could exist without the diversity that is "human".
Good fortune to you both!
when you were a witness did you get depressed around the holidays ?
tell me what your feelings were then and now.
Never depressed as I knew (in the sense I had been bought up a JW and knew no different) I wasn t missing out on anything, and when you rationalize christmas like the dubs do, it makes sense. However upon leaving I found the concept intriguing and thus sought to find the real meaning of this event. What I m talking about here is the giving of gifts and goodwill to all part, and I believe I found something of great merit in christmas. That when you give a gift to a person, you must think of what that person may want or need, and to do this you have to think about that person and their likes and dislikes, thus providing a gift to be pleasing to them. It makes you think of people. And I find thats the meaning of christmas, you make time for those you cherish or are close to you, when otherwise its hard to find the time for such. This is my 5 th christmas this year and I m over all my slight hang ups I had about it. Its a good time to realise that its those that mean the most to you, desreve your thoughts.
By the way did I mention Saturnalia?
isaiah 45:7 says he did.
gen. 3:16/17 says that he placed the tree of knowledge of good and bad in the middle of the garden.
didn't god say in gen 3:22 that after man ate of the fruit he has become like us (the gods)knowing good and evil.
Could we have good without evil and vice versa? Could we have a right holy god without an evil god? I don t know the answer, its a case for the philosophers to debate, but its sounds like the "ying-yang" way of belief and I think there is merit to the fact we must have an opposite to all things for that thing to exist ( this is basically speaking here, I know you can be shot down in this forum unless you know ALL the facts, and I dont.) So the way I see it please dont destroy Satan, god, we need him to balance the equation.
ah theocratic warfare, how we love to hate you.
the more literature i see left out pointed in my direction, underlined or highlighted of course, the less i want to consider their point of view.
it just reinforces my decision to leave even more.
......of course my "69" th post had to have sexual inuendo.
ah theocratic warfare, how we love to hate you.
the more literature i see left out pointed in my direction, underlined or highlighted of course, the less i want to consider their point of view.
it just reinforces my decision to leave even more.
Sister So and So, why were you caught sucking Brother Thus and Such's Dick?
"I was checking the helmet of salvation"
are jws the only group to refer to a.d in dates as c.e, also like wise for b.c.e instead of b.c, or is it another proof of their divine right ( because the rest of the world is ignorant, and under the influence of satan) to only know the correct way to state dates?
Are JWs the only group to refer to A.D in dates as C.E, also like wise for B.C.E instead of B.C, or is it another proof of their divine right ( because the rest of the world is ignorant, and under the influence of satan) to only know the correct way to state dates?
i remember always having one of the best imaginations in my class even when i was in high school.
my secret?
all those meetings to zone out in.
Yes I have this gift also, and to blame it on many hours of the absolute bore called meetings. I took a test on a site called Tickle (google it, you can do IQ tests, subconcious, ink blots etc really good stuff.) and to my surprise I do actually have an imaginative mind, more so than the norm (apparently). So there you go there was a positive to it all. Start using that imagination, and make it work for you.