leaders of the newly armed nuclear states do not calculate costs and benefits in a manner similar to the United States
Good article.
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
leaders of the newly armed nuclear states do not calculate costs and benefits in a manner similar to the United States
Good article.
initial analysis of the times square bombing attempt.
and so it is with target new york.
it is entirely possible, nay likely, that the recent times square car bomb was placed at the doorstep of the viacom building's main northeast entrance because of the south park controversy.
I said today's liberals.
initial analysis of the times square bombing attempt.
and so it is with target new york.
it is entirely possible, nay likely, that the recent times square car bomb was placed at the doorstep of the viacom building's main northeast entrance because of the south park controversy.
So you suspect anyone different from you?
Will this stupid argument ever end?
If today's bleeding heart liberals ran things during WWII the Japs would own most of Asia and we'd all be speaking German.
initial analysis of the times square bombing attempt.
and so it is with target new york.
it is entirely possible, nay likely, that the recent times square car bomb was placed at the doorstep of the viacom building's main northeast entrance because of the south park controversy.
Wish you guys were around last night when I was lambasted by some liberal poster. LOL
initial analysis of the times square bombing attempt.
and so it is with target new york.
it is entirely possible, nay likely, that the recent times square car bomb was placed at the doorstep of the viacom building's main northeast entrance because of the south park controversy.
By P.J. Gladnick (Bio | Archive)
Tue, 05/04/2010 - 14:46 ET
It appears that it wasn't only media types such as MSNBC's Contessa Brewer who were disappointed that the Times Square bombing suspect turned out to be a Muslim. They were joined by virtually the entire leftwing blogosphere in their frustration that the suspect wasn't a tea party activist or a member of a "rightwing" militia group. Before the identity of the bombing suspect was made known, Kossack "waterboard sean" conducted a poll on who the perpetrator could be. And here are the hilarious results of that poll (I am using Kossack terminology here):
An al Qaeda terrorist ---4%
An American sympathetic to al Qaeda ---5%
A militia wackjob ---30%
A teapartier ---32%
A religious wackjob ---9%
Gee! Let's see... Virtually all acts of terrorism during the past dozen years have been committed by Islamic terrorists yet only 9% of the clueless Kossacks suspect them. Instead, 71% ascribed the act to the group that Contessa Brewer was hoping would be guilty ...conservatives.
Just as funny as the absurd results of this poll are the comments by waterboard sean and his fellow Kossacks. Here is waterboard sean acting like quite the "expert" on the identy of the bombing suspect:
I am beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that the "Times Square bomber" story is going to get very ugly for the Fox News/Limbaugh types.
So far what we know: He's a white guy. He stole someone's car (not a rental?) He didn't blow himself up. He used nonexplosive fertilizer (manure?) which suggests he has no training in bomb making.
So, could this be an anti-government wacko? Or something else?
Something else like an Al Qaeda member/sympathizer? Where could we get a crazy idea like this? The other Kossacks chime in with their views:
You didn't list Dick Cheney in your poll
Does it make it better if it is a non-American?
Most likely a right wing McVeigh wannabe
Perhaps Beck inspired, but Beck himself, not so sure.
A paid shill by BP to keep the media attention diverted from the earth changing disaster unfolding and worsening day after day! Am I paranoid or what?
So a day goes by and waterboard sean is forced to post a new thread, umm...it appears I was wrong, when the identity of the attempted Times Square bombing was made known. Watch as waterboard sean, with an egg-covered face, is forced to eat crow in a most humiliating manner:
Yesterday I put up a poll to see what folks thought would be the outcome of the Times Square bomber case. While about 40 folks said my posting was stupid, 459 people voted.
Given events, I think the outcome was interesting. Only 24 people (I can't do math, so I don't know the percentage, but it's low) said that this fellow was an American sympathetic to al Qaeda. On the other hand, more than half -- 288 -- said that the would-be bomber was a militia or tea partier guy.
Now, Faisal Shahzad should be presumed innocent by all of us. However, the probability that this had nothing to do with any conservative movement is now extremely low.
That leads me to one thing I should say: I argued my belief that this would be an anti-government type. I was wrong.
Given the criticism, I felt like my posting was wrong to do. But now I'm glad I did it, because we have some information that gives us -- particularly me -- something to think about. . It is interesting to see how many of us -- me included -- went the direction we did in our predictions. And I don't know what that says, but perhaps it does mean we are classifying tea partiers too strongly. Perhaps not. But I think it's an interesting thing.
Don't feel so bad, waterboard sean. Many in the MSM, such as Contessa Brewer feel just as you do...disappointment that the suspect turned out to have the background that was the obvious choice to most rational folks.
Of course, the DUers at the Democratic Underground were also disappointed that the background of bombing suspect wasn't what they wanted it to be as you can see in these comments:
All I hope is that they have ties to the teabaggers
My Guess:
Right Wing
White Male
Flag Waving Patriot
McVeigh / Ruby Ridge / Waco fanatic
2nd Ammendment Gun Nut
Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian
and most importantly:
Anti-Immigration Zealot.
Hmm... Does Contessa Brewer have a DU account? You can read more of DUer hope and disappointment at the DUmmie FUnnies.
is that a tumor?
i know that wasn't there yesterday.
no, maybe the cats got into it while were gone for a couple of hours....resident cat swipes at the kitten (whose name is adventure) and this is a blood blister and/or infection.
What flavour was the juju bee? Was it still fresh? Hope you didn't waste it
have you ever noticed that when someone mentions the property in ny that the organization has and the values of it, many jws get all excited over it.
first, they act like they are going to get a chunk of it.
second, they think all that money goes to preaching and building kingdom halls.
Unfortunately, millions of those dollars came from my family over the past 60 years.
Can I get it back?
I'll even accept a paltry 5% on the money.
british judge: christian beliefs have no legal standingfirst posted: 04-30-10 09:10 pm | updated: 04-30-10 11:20 pm.
london (rns) a top british judge has ruled that christian beliefs have no standing under secular law because they lack evidence and cannot be proven.</form>lord justice john grant mckenzie laws made the declaration on thursday (april 29) in throwing out a defamation suit by christian relationship counselor who refused to offer sex therapy to gay couples.. gary mcfarlane protested that he was fired because offering sex therapy to same-gender couples violates his christian principles.. but laws said "religious faith is necessarily subjective, being incommunicable by any kind of proof or evidence.
" he added that to use the law to protect "a position held purely on religious grounds cannot therefore be justified.".
But shouldn't everyone's rights be protected (if they don't harm others) regardless of whether they're provable?
does everyone remember a few years back, when the km directed that nobody should wear shorts after the convention while out and about?
i don't have the reference, but i remember a brother in our hall made a comment that night at the meeting while it was being discussed.
he was a very poor brother, with 3 children.
My absolute favorite (not) was when I went to the international convention in Moscow. I got Switzerland as the side tour, and even though the convention was over and we were in another country, the females all had to be in skirts or dresses wherever we went. Including our hike up the alps, which wasn't a lot of fun in a dress, by any means.
That's hilarious.
Same with me. We were in China where we were told not to preach or mention that we're witnesses. But my wife was instructed to still wear only meeting clothes and no pants even though it was -20° in Beijing.
So silly!
she was fine an hour earlier.
we went to bed at 10pm.
she was laying in her bed next to mine.
Sorry about your loss.
I saw what it did to my wife when she lost her cat of 15 years.
No one to curl up with her in her arms at night anymore. It's tough.