Thanks everyone for your enlightenment on this subject! I really appreciate the information!
You have been most helpful. I am not an athiest and I do believe in the three entities of the trinity doctrine. I do believe that the father is greater than the son. I do believe salvation is through the son. I do believe that the holy spirit is a "helper." I do believe that they are ONE, just as a husband and wife are one. However, I don't care to identify their oneness as the "trinity." I guess it makes me feel icky! (I wonder why). I am not a philosopher and that whole concept is confusing to me, and I the way I deal with things that are unexplanable or are not explicitly stated in the bible is to ask questions (which I wasn't allowed to do as a JW) and to do research. Here is one site that I found.
But, the burning question for me was now whether or the bible states that Jesus was born, inferior to the Father or resurrected...I needed to know if the bible explicitly states (not implies) that he was created. The answer is "no", correct?
Thanks LT!