Now wait just a minute you guys/gals! I just came back from the Winn-Dixie (grocery store) and according the the latest reports as second ark has been found! There has to have been a flood that destroyed all but Noah's family.....don't tell me the National Enquirer lies!
Posts by Carol
noah's ark
by kittyeatzjdubs ini watched a tv show last night on tlc.
it was talking about noah's ark and all that stuff.
the thing that stuck out in my mind and made me laugh out loud was this....they interviewed many scientist and they all said the same thing, ''there is no natural evidence that a wordly flood ever took place.''.
First time on here- DF'd almost 3 years ago
by feelinglost ini have toyed around with the idea of finding fellow df'd ones for about a year now.
i recently got married, and of course it has made me look at how it feels like i gave up one life for another.
the only member of my family who is a jw is my mother- and it kills me that we pretty much no longer have a relationship.
Welcome! I'm a newbie too, wasn't df'd...but did have a non-JW husband. This group is great! The group for the most part ared JW bashers and we have some pretty wonderful discussions. Most important, everyone here seems to feel each others pain and with such a diverse group there's always plenty of help and suggestions!
It's a great place to be!
Gun-Toting Granny De-Ball's Two Rapists
by GetBusyLiving inthis was recently published in an american newspaper.
they think the australian granny is a hero.
hot off the press from australia.
As mentioned in my earlier post, I shoot competitively and used to hunt. I also have a concealed weapons permit and frankly I do carry my firearm, where allowed by law. I had a concealed permit in NJ and NY (very rare in either of these states because of their gun control laws) I also carried in PA, where I was robbed at gunpoint by a young man, in broad daylight two block from my home. I swore never again would I feel so helpless again (my son was 5 and with me at the time, the young man held a gun to my head for $89.00) that's when I got my first concealed permit.
This story may or may not have been true, but the magazine National Rifleman give stories every issued of legal gun owners that have protected their homes and lives with their personal firearms.
The only way Granny could be faulted, is "her actions were pre-meditated"....the prosecutor would claim! Not an act of passion (after all she took time to make sure she didn't shoot 2 innocent victims...she waited to get the criminals). If I were Granny's defense attorney, I'd plead Hebrew Law....."the dirtbags didn't make it to the City of Refuge, so the family punished them!" Makes sense to me!
Is It Me Or Are There A Ton Of New Posters On This Month???
by minimus ini've been on a mini vacation and lately i've seen mostly "newbies" posting.
this place changes sooo quickly, it's amazing!!!
i'm glad to see the "great crowd's" influx here.
In my case, I've been talking to my brother at lot lately, we've both been receiving, "time is short, the end is close, come back to the truch" phone calls from our mother. We've been talking about his time in Bethel and some of our old friends that didn't fade, they out and out started picketing bethel and the assemblies!
I've visited and read the boards a few times in the past and though I faded a long time ago, I have just recently had the personal resolution to come out and say........I just don't believe enough of it and haven't for a long time to allow it to rule my life!
Thanks for all the welcoming messages to us newbies!
The first time I've been "down" b/c of JWD...
by upside/down ini've had good and bad days since stumbing onto jwd... and i've learned more in my short time here than in the last 20 years as an "active" and true to the bone...dub.... but today (tonight) i'm really sad... the tone of almost every thread i read has gotten "ugly".... i love "spirited" discussion, but this is different.
it feels like forum anarchy.. is there no yielding anymore...?.
maybe it was just too much happened today... or solar flares or something... i don't know...don't care.... maybe my new found "love" for my country (not the blind patriotic crap) and life coupled with the obvious animosity toward this love by some...well just bums me out.
As a newbie I always look for threads you have started as they are always interesting and I enjoy your input on other weren't were being honest and that is what is soooooo great about these boards.....we can at last be honest!
Thank you for reminding us that as we can't see each others faces as we post, we must temper our comments so they don't seem angry when they're not!
There are 3 page because, I think we all care and don't want to hurt or offend each other, we've all had enough of that in our lives from the dub!
Gun-Toting Granny De-Ball's Two Rapists
by GetBusyLiving inthis was recently published in an american newspaper.
they think the australian granny is a hero.
hot off the press from australia.
As a competitive shooter and former hunter, I would do the same thing should someone do something like that to anyone in my is obvious from listening to the news lately......the law and the courts don't seem to be able to stop these psycho's (at least here in the US) and no I don't want to start a big long debate on gun ownership on this thread!
All I can say is "Go Granny Go"
A Letter To Grocery Store Owners Nationwide.
by RichieRich indear mr. grocery store owner, .
in an ongoing effort to maintain a somewhat mutually beneficial relationship, i will agree to return shopping carts to their proper place, on the agreement that you will satisfy two of these requests: .
1. air condition the parking lot.
One of the supermarket chains here in the South (is Florida really part of the South????oh well that's another subject), that bags you groceries and takes them to the card and tells you not to tip! Problem is...all of the baggers seem to be older retired men my father's age (if he were alive), I was raised to help people their age, so I find myself turning down the service because it is soooo darn hot out most of the time, or it's raining and I feel guilty! Go figure! If they insist because they have to go out and get the carts anyway and I tip them, I don't feel so bad, but if they are caught taking the tips they get in trouble.
The other chain around the corner, I don't use, because they put meat in with papertowels, cold/wet/frozen items in with dry.....and can't understand why I'm upset (I mean really just because I put everything on the belt together by item type i.e. meat/meat, dairy/dairy, dry/dry, cleaning/cleaning, etc) because they mix everything up!
Thanks for the vent.....and thanks for starting this wonderfully light topic RichieRich! Luv Ya!
The first time I've been "down" b/c of JWD...
by upside/down ini've had good and bad days since stumbing onto jwd... and i've learned more in my short time here than in the last 20 years as an "active" and true to the bone...dub.... but today (tonight) i'm really sad... the tone of almost every thread i read has gotten "ugly".... i love "spirited" discussion, but this is different.
it feels like forum anarchy.. is there no yielding anymore...?.
maybe it was just too much happened today... or solar flares or something... i don't know...don't care.... maybe my new found "love" for my country (not the blind patriotic crap) and life coupled with the obvious animosity toward this love by some...well just bums me out.
I'm so sorry we've put you in this mood.....but I wonder is it the discussions (yes some have been a little heated, but isn't it nice we can at last discuss our view without censorship!) or is it the fact that in 4 more days you hit a milestone in your life and you feel you've been cheated spending so much time in a cult? DON'T feel cheated.....if nothing else you can spend the next 40 years being the kind of person YOU want to be. There is a lot of good that can come from having been a'll find you are more empathetic, kinder and tolerant.
Think positive, look on each day as a new learning experience, become the you that you want to be.......use JWD as a sounding board yes, exchange ideas, stories and questions, but don't become so dependant on it that it has so much of an afffect on you life that it depresses you or keeps you from sleeping.
My Dad died 6/01, terrorists hit the US in 9/01 three days after my 50th Birthday...........You've left something you've spend a long time in, terrorist have raised their ugly heads again and hit four days you hit's traumatic...!
We love you, feel your pain and apologize if we have in anyway added to it.
am i a prophet?
by tsunami_rid3r inok im not crazy.
but ive had dreams of getting into accidents in my truck 3 times(has happened 3 times).
something bad like theft happening to this girl at work at night time(happened recently, she lost 500 bucks).
No more pickles or pepparoni pizza before bed for you young man!
If Ted Jaracz Dies Will the Governing Body Allow Blood Transfussions
by frankiespeakin ini think when he finally kicks the bucket that the gb will allow the rank and file to save thier lives with a blood transfussion.
from randy's site:.
Nathan, you can tease me any time you want! My sense of humor is so much better since I found this site. But it's obvious that maybe I should pick up a Watchtower and read it just to see how things have changed.....naw....why let the holy spirit get a toe-hold!