Ha Ha, yep I am wee bit older> not too much, I see you are from the great state of Texas..... is it true what they say about Texans?????????????
Posts by arwen
(poll) Kut it or Keep it?
by IP_SEC in1. why the hell do you think i care?.
2. gross, get rid of it!
3. keep it.. 4. eh?
(poll) Kut it or Keep it?
by IP_SEC in1. why the hell do you think i care?.
2. gross, get rid of it!
3. keep it.. 4. eh?
This is Meljon visiting at Arwen's having a drinkie-poo. just read the nasty letter she got from the "sister". I am glad she has this board for support after reading all your responses. I am glad she is not taking it to heart. NOW THEN, IP SEC, I have also noticed your post with your picture about cut or not to cut. As I scrolled down I exclaimed to Arwen," Where is the rest of him?" You are one hottie!!!! I used to be a hairdresser before my present employment in the ER, and not to brag but I am still good with scissors and razors and the occasional scapel. Just kidding but I could get you in the treatment room quickly if you required sutures after the shave. Just trim a bit off and you will still be hot, hot hot. Come to GRAMMA!
I Threw Away My Entire Watchtower Library Today
by minimus ineverything from the 1st wt.
volumes in the 1800's to 2002.
Now that was one giant step to take. A big step towards your freedom. Congratulations!
(poll) Kut it or Keep it?
by IP_SEC in1. why the hell do you think i care?.
2. gross, get rid of it!
3. keep it.. 4. eh?
You look very handsome with or without. I am a happily married older lady but man you are one good looking guy!!!!
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu
by nicolaou in.
'adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu'
no not another swansong, i'm just off to cyprus in the morning with the family, see you all in a couple of weeks.. nic'.
Please stay safe on your journey. I feel so sorry for all the families in the area of fighting over there. We need to count our blessing today.
I'm a nervous wreck! (rant)
by MsMcDucket infirst they told me that my mother was in a persistent vegetative state, and that we (the family) should cut off her oxygen and feeding tubes.
i told them that it was too soon to be saying that or making this diagnosis.
they had my family believing this.
Just hang in there girl, sometimes you have to go with your gut decision even if it is against the docs. Your courage made a difference. Keeping you and your mom in my prayers today. Love Arwen
Today is my 1st Anniversary with JWD!!!
by arwen inone small baby step for arwen one year ago today has led me down a path to where i am now taking long strides.
i was reading over some of my early posts here on jwd and i have come a long way.
i finally disassociated myself on june 8 and i am so thankful that i found this board to help me get on with my life.
Thank you all for your kind words. Garybuss: My message/advice to anyone who is trying to find the truth about the WBTS or someone who is trying to leave the organization is to read as much as possible on JWD and slowly begin to trust others. My posting was the first step for me to gain courage to leave. The support of those here on the board and a very close friend made it possible for me to see myself as a thinking person who could finally make a decision about my own life. I come to the board every day to learn more, hang out with friends, and post so that maybe I might encourage someone else. There are many books out there too, Ray Franz, Hassen, Bryan's book, also many websites that offer help. Just get involved and be true to yourself! I have such freedom now in my life and I feel so much happier. This was the the best baby step I have ever taken.
Night Owl or Early Bird?
by damselfly ini can't sleep, i'm usually up until 2 (or later) every night.......then the alarm goes off at 6:30 and i'm up to start my day.
i find that i'm more alert and productive in the night time, however i am sooo tired of not being able to sleep.
so how about you, night owl or early bird?
If I had it my way I would get up at nine or ten in the morning and go to bed aroung ten at night. I have no trouble falling asleep and if I do I will take a melatonin and that puts me to sleep. Natural hormone. I like to have a lot of sleep to feel good but rarely get it as someone always has to get up and be somewhere.
Yet another newbie here!!!
by jason bourne ini just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that you are not alone...i thank jah that i found this site....i look forward to getting to talk to you all....
Welcome Jason to the board. You will find good friends here. You can speak freely and not be judged. It is very healing.
Nat's gift to Mouthy
by Lady Lee in.
gus_gus, mouthy's daughter and my aunt, asked me to post this for mouthy and nathan.
grace i don't know how you are doing this but every picture i see of you makes you look younger and younger.
Grace is a beautiful looking woman and also very sweet. I miss her posts here very much. ...I hope she is doing well.