I also sent a email to Nancy Grace. I suggested looking at the Silentlambs website and mentioned the "two witness rule" that is followed. Maybe someone will read it and look into it. One never knows. It is better to do something than to do nothing. Maybe we should all send a little note.
Posts by arwen
TONIGHT-CNN Nancy Grace Clergy Abuse
by DannyHaszard inhttp://www.cnn.com/cnn/programs/nancy.grace/ click here monday's show on tonight dec 11 cnn 8 and 10:00 esta rabbi suspected of molesting a 9-year-old boy is finally arrested.
nancy grace investigates.
tune in monday at 8 p.m. et on headline news http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5c.html?24 contact page send producers content information on relevant watchtower clergy sexual abuse cover up http://www.silentlambs.org/education/cnntranscript.cfm cnn story on watchtower sexual abuse back in 2002
Happy Anniversary and Birthday Darlin...xoxoxoxoxox
by Legolas intoday is my and hubbie's 20th anniversary and hubbie's 38th birthday.....kisses darlin!
Happy happy anniversary!!!!! Also Happy Birthday to Mr. Legolas! I can't believe you guys are so young. I hope you will have many many more anniversaries and birthdays. I wish I was there to help you celebrate but I know you will find a way!!!!!! Hope to see you the first of the new year. Love Arwen...
Name only One - one only - the best only!!!!
by AK - Jeff inyour absolute favorite song of all time.
no lists.
just your absolute favorite and artist.. mine:.
Long Train Runnin........The Doobie Brothers...
Hambeaks Extremely Heartbreaking News
by Sparkplug inour friend hambeak just got the most dreaded phone call from his jw child.
the news was passed on as he was asked for by name and not as"dad" and let known that "they" just called to let him know that his other son, brian, age 26, is dead.
he was in a car accident.
I am so very sorry for you loss. Please know that kind thoughts and my prayers for comfort for your heart are with you at this very sad time..........Love Arwen
I'm Comin' Out...
by tall penguin inof the avatar closet, that is.
whatcha think?
:) tall penguin
Hi there TP; You are much more beautiful in person than your avatar. Meljon and I were so happy to meet you this summer. Maybe next year we'll hit up the Maple place again for a meal. Take care and congratulations on "coming out"....Love Arwen
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pics in inside as if you didn't know)
by whyamihere inwell as i promised, i would have some halloween pics for you guys!!!!!.
i went as a bride for halloween....nothing scary but the dress was gaudy and tacky!.
drinking in the hotel........(yes the dress was a size 8 and my boobs didn't do well in it...lol).
Your daughter looks like a mini cinderella. She is sweet. Hope you had a lot of fun. Disney is a magical place to be on special holidays. They really do it up.
OMG Trev in hospital now!
by fullofdoubtnow intrev (dedpoet) experienced breeathing difficulties during the night, and i had to call for an emergency ambulance.
he was kept in overnight, and is still there under observation.
he was conscious and breathing normally when i left him around 30 minutes ago, having been breathing through an oxygen mask earlier.
Please keep us up to date. Prayers going your way.
by lowden ini've been playing for 27yrs but this.......is awesome!!!.
have a cushion under your jaw 'cos it's gonna drop with some force.. i've seen this 'new wave' of tapping style before...but not like this guy.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abndgwfg22k.
That was excellent. I sent it to my two sons who are both very good guitar players. They will love it. Thanks..
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pics in inside as if you didn't know)
by whyamihere inwell as i promised, i would have some halloween pics for you guys!!!!!.
i went as a bride for halloween....nothing scary but the dress was gaudy and tacky!.
drinking in the hotel........(yes the dress was a size 8 and my boobs didn't do well in it...lol).
To tell you the truth Brooke, you would look good in a potato sack. You are very beautiful. Enjoy it..and yes, we all miss your posts. Hope you are doing well. Take care..
How old are you?
by Chameleon ini'm 20. been a dub: since 1993 (year my parents started studying).
i was 8. baptized: in 2002. i was 17. stopped being a dub: mentally, 4 years ago.
I am 56...pushing 60 now as they say. I am thankful I made it this far. My life has changed so much this past year that I hope I get a lot more years. I am relatively healthy and enjoy each day. My family is doing well and my uncle who lives with me is 88 and is leaving tomorow by himself on a trip to Ontario. So I hope I am looking at a long road ahead too....Fifty is freedom!!!!