Wishing the best outcome for you tomorrow. It is scary to not know what is going on but it is also frightening to undergo some of these procedures. You need peace of mind and I hope you will get some tomorrow.. Keeping you in my prayers tonight..
Posts by arwen
May be getting a biopsy tomorrow
by MsMcDucket ini may be getting a/some biopsy/biopsies done tomorrow.
i'm worried about how i'm going to behave during the procedure/s.
Zacharia Sitchin??? does anyone know anything about his beliefs
by arwen inhad quite a discussion the other day with my niece who is a "follower" of this zacharia sitchin.
i looked up a bit on line but i found it quite deep.
she has had a bible study with jw's quite a few years ago and rejected it totally and returned all the books.. i would like to hear from anyone who reads this guy...thanks.
thanks, Santanus, You seem to always be there for me..
Zacharia Sitchin??? does anyone know anything about his beliefs
by arwen inhad quite a discussion the other day with my niece who is a "follower" of this zacharia sitchin.
i looked up a bit on line but i found it quite deep.
she has had a bible study with jw's quite a few years ago and rejected it totally and returned all the books.. i would like to hear from anyone who reads this guy...thanks.
Had quite a discussion the other day with my niece who is a "follower" of this Zacharia Sitchin. I looked up a bit on line but I found it quite deep. She has had a Bible Study with JW's quite a few years ago and rejected it totally and returned all the books.. I would like to hear from anyone who reads this guy...Thanks.
Are you making progress?
by nvrgnbk inwe're all in different stages of exiting the jw organization.. how do you feel about where you are at today, compared with a year ago?
do you see positive growth in yourself?
or do you feel stagnant?.
what a great question! " I have come a long way, baby".. I have been through many stages of the "leaving. Fear, denial, anger, sadness, relief, and happiness. I am so thankful that I am out.. I feel like a survivor. It will take many years, maybe never to fully recover but the journey is so much more pleasant now. I love not having the guilt...of never doing enough, being enough, always trying over and over to prove myself a good enough person. The things that I did back then.. I try not to go there! As far as my spirituality goes, I am searching, searching. always.. terrified to step in the water in case I get sucked in again. There is a piece of me missing someplace. I truly believe in God and Jesus Christ and I pray that I will find my way back to them. Time is the only healer... and I am healing. I am grateful to this board and all of you here. Although I don't post often, I read almost every day and I feel it was by being with you all here and hearing your stories that I have accepted that I too can become exactly who I am and be proud of it.. I have wonderful family and the support of my best friend and I am blessed to have found my way out..
Send prayers ,good vibes for TRev.Linda's gone
by mouthy into a better place he needs out love more than ever now
I am so deeply saddened by your loss. My prayers are that you will be comforted by knowing how much others care for you in your loss and for beautiful memories that will stay with you forever.
If you were stillajw ... what would you think if
by What-A-Coincidence inan elder/former bethelite stopped coming to the meetings cold turkey?
as a witness you may be thinking what???.
He has seen the "light"
I went to the Memorial.
by RichieRich ini'm just going to start at the beginning.. i was anticipating the memorial all day.
i was nervous but excited, kind of like standing in line for a roller coaster.. ok. so erika gets ready at her house, and i get ready at mine.
i'm wearing a black suit with a light green shirt, and a tie that had hues of green and yellow in it.
Great post, Richie. You really should write a book someday. I am sure it was good for you to go and show the "friends" that you are making it on the "outside". You are supporting yourself and have a lovely lady on your arm. Hang in there and all the best to you and Erica. Love Arwen
Songs that make you cry...
by El Kabong ini've been kind of sad the past few days for several reasons, but, there are certain songs that just cause the tears to flow whenever i hear them (and especially alone).
only time by enya.
i know that this song is often linked to the sept 11 attacks, but it really is just so hauntingly beautiful.
by fokyc inhttp://www.gloucestershireecho.co.uk/displaynode.jsp?nodeid=139760&command=displaycontent&sourcenode=139586&contentpk=16917608&folderpk=80785&pnodeid=139317.
date : 20.03.07. foster mother eunice spry has been found guilty of subjecting children in her care to two decades of horrific abuse.. the 62-year-old, from tewkesbury, beat them, fed them rat droppings, stopped them sleeping and rubbed their faces with sandpaper.
she thrust sticks down their throats when they misbehaved and made them eat dog food.. one daughter was forced to use a wheelchair for four years even though she was perfectly able to walk.. doctors, teachers and neighbours raised constant concerns about spry's treatment of the children but nothing was ever done by social services.. the catalogue of abuse only came to light when one of the children went to the jehovah's witness elders at the church the family attended.. spry, from tewkesbury, was found guilty of 26 charges of cruelty after a three week trial at bristol crown court.
This woman makes me sick! I sent a email to the newspaper. If she was attending meetings I am quite sure others would notice the abuse that was being done to the children. When I was in the cult I saw some things but not to that extent. I would give the mother or father some "looks" if I saw them being a little too harsh with the children. If I had ever seen this I would have gone to the police. I feel so bad for those children. They will never recover. Everyone should send an email.