I love him as Khan.
I love him as Khan.
i dedicate this song to my second husband.
he is a jw.
i married him at 23 and we divorced when i was 43. i just couldn't live up to his "raised-in-the-truth" fairytale expectations.
Bon Jovi-You Give Love a Bad Name!
An angels smile is what you sell
You promise me heaven, then put me through hell
Chains of love got a hold on me
When passions a prison, you cant break free
Youre a loaded gun
Theres nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done
Shot through the heart
And youre to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name
You give love a bad name
Paint your smile on your lips
Blood red nails on your fingertips
A school boys dream, you act so shy
Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye
Youre a loaded gun
Theres nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done
johannes wrobel, the founder of the watchtower history archives in germany, responsible for the stand firm-video and the stand-firm-exhibitions resigned in november 2008 and left the german branch office.
he was also the responsible person for many of the wt sponsored websites on jw in the 'third reich'!.
there are no further details known yet but this could be big news!.
As Farkel hints at, it seems like every time there is a big WT research project, someone pivotal ends up resigning, speaking out or leaving. Makes me wonder.....
my wife and i had a discussion.
regarding genesis 32. in particular versus 24 through 32. her church this morning said that.
jacob was wrestling with god.
Another whacky Bible tale INMO, for all the above mentioned reasons.
i am in good standing (of sorts) with the wts.
i have not gone out in service for 10 years - i have not been to a meeting in about 2 years - i skipped last years memorial.
my dad is a pioneer and elder.
I actually walk a tight rope with this. My Mom and my ex try to indoctrinate my daughter. What I do with the grandmother is NOT to DIRECTLY oppose it. She is allowed to study with her. But it is not regular. I put every roadblock possible like scheduling issues and schoolwork. Further, I choose the material, which means that I avoid the particularly dangerous material. I ask my Mom to use the YPA book and focus on tween issues like boys and puberty, teen sex, that sort of thing. At least those are issues where I want my daughter to have some of the JW ideals. For the most part with my Mom, once I let it be known studying was okay, the wind was taken out of her sails and she chooses not to fight me on my choices of material.
you can't help but feel bad for many long time jehovah's witnesses who believed that "the end" was "right around the corner".
these oldtimers recognize that everyrhing they preached about was wrong regarding the "generation".
they know that they are going to die.
Accepting the inevitability of my death was quite refreshing and made me consciously value and celebrate my life like I'd never done before.
So true. It gave me the motivation to appreciate each day even more. To take better care of my health. Funny JWs often hurt their health for the sake of "the truth". I gained the most weight I ever gained as an elder because I was so busy. Its almost as if since they have eternity in front of them they can squander their health today. Kind of like a rich person not counting pennies. Sad because their dream isn't real.
tonight: separated by a sectshe escaped warren jeffs polygamist cult with 8 of her children.
so why did one of them return?
we talk to author carolyn jessop and the daughter who refuses the outside world.
This is on CNN, 10pm ET.
tonight: separated by a sectshe escaped warren jeffs polygamist cult with 8 of her children.
so why did one of them return?
we talk to author carolyn jessop and the daughter who refuses the outside world.
TONIGHT: Separated by a sect
She escaped Warren Jeff’s polygamist cult with 8 of her children. So why did one of them return? We talk to author Carolyn Jessop – and the daughter who refuses the outside world. Tonight, 10 ET
i have written about typical negative symptoms former cult members may experience.. but a recent anonymous commenter reminded me we don't stress positives enough and that may discourage people from beginning recovery.. now, i know "symptom" lists are powerful things for my therapy clients.
lists offer some inkling that, yes, perhaps you suffer from a syndrome but you are not alone.
Very, very true.
there was a thread a few months back that contained a scan of (i think) the dec 15th watchtower where they said that the watchtower was to be considered part of the bible.
i really want to find that thread, i've been looking for hours i thought i had commented on it but it's not in my 'threads posted on' and i've been going through pages and pages and pages of threads and i've tried search but just can't find it.. .
does anyone who might have posted on that thread have a link to it?
That being said, it's clear from their use of the parenthesised "the truth" they mean something more than the books of Matthew through Revelation; JWs understand their religion to be "the truth". But as has been observed on this thread already, it's not explicitly stating they believe Watchtower teachings are part of the Bible.
True, its WT spin and bait and switch tactics. Of course that cuts both ways....