This is why in the end I da'd myself. I have no worries on being outed. I know its not for everybody, but it sure feels good not looking over my shoulder.
and in a kinda funny way........this friend of mine.......who is very close friend of my df'd son and is much younger than me.....he has been dfd for ten years and shunned by his family and really reall misses them......and has been in a longterm gay relationship and i always felt bad for him because there is almost no way to come back in...then fade...if you are in a gay anyway he has heard me trashtalk wt a ton...and seemed to have zero problem with that and griped about his wt issues...... so i call him the other day and immediately respond with some comment about the damm cult.......we he says," wow oompa you prob don't know but i am going to all the meetings again!!
so i am just snap....."wow, that is amazing...i had no idea....are you just going back for family...and then try to fade?
" which is what i just knew had to be the case....and i even mentioned how that would be hard to do with his partner all it would be discovered.......get this....."oompa, i am doing this for me and not my family......they don't even know i am going so don't say anything" i am in shock and the more we talk the happier he sounds about da troof....and i mean he is like filled with the holy i mentioned how many things we have talked about that they teach that we both dissagree about.......and he says he know they prob have some things wrong but all religions do.
This is why in the end I da'd myself. I have no worries on being outed. I know its not for everybody, but it sure feels good not looking over my shoulder.
the new watchtower asks the question: "when was satan cast out of heaven?
- rev 12:1-9".
and the answer it gives is: "so, then, the bible does not reveal the exact time when satan and his demons were expelled from heaven.
I used to try to explain the discrepancies noted in this thread when I was an elder by refering to that "fully accomplished" comment they make. As in a human war, a period of time goes by. Victory or defeat for that matter doesn't come overnight. If war broke out in heaven it could have taken the four years for Jesus to win. Further the turmoil on earth was a by product of the greater turmoil in heaven. That's what I USED to teach. Now of course I know it's all BS.
Isaac Carmignani
i was disappointed in this book, i kept reading it hoping it would get better.
i guess i got spoiled by this forum.
i have found better writings and stories here and a heck of a lot more humor.
Just received and plan to read soon as I finish The God Delusion.
i never did post this here.
i am posting it now for posterity's sake.
its been a few years, but, its good food for thought.
This is such a well written letter. Amazing how so many exits begin with an "interested" person calling 1914 into question. Your feelings on your JW friends mirror mine. I hope to see them again outside of the "organization".
Isaac Carmignani
i know- you aren't used to seeing me ask a simple question like this.
so- i'll start .
i am 49 years old, will be 50 in october .
The one on my profile is real. 42, feel like 20.
I miss him too.
personally, i love chicken pot pie with a real pie crust---not the flaky puff topping..
Valilla Swiss Almond ice cream by Haagen-Dazs. That pot pie isn't bad either.
jehovah of armies.. blackwater has officially changed their name, claiming they now have a "new focus".. "the company is pushing ahead with plans to protect commercial ships, traveling through pirate-packed seas.".
(see any symbolic terms here?).
their name has been changed to xenon.. this name derives from the greek word [xenos] = strange.. .
Yeah he's strange alright.
hi, my first post here.
i stumbled across something in the watchtower 1981 magazine (in my wbts library cd) showing the faithful and discreet slave is "a composite individual".
i have never seen this anywhere before, but the wbts set-up of the fds as "a composite individual" looks somewhat similar to the trinity of three divine persons in one true god.
I had never considered that that explanation is somewhat similar to the "Trinity."
I think that it is an interesting viewpoint.
Indeed, very interesting. JW's have no problem with any explanation so long as they are the ones coming up with it.
i haven't seen any comments on this yet.... in the december 15, 2008 "study" version of the watchtower, in the last study article (the one to be covered march 1), paragraph 14 reads thusly in part:.
" january evening, the man asked his wife, jodi, what she knew of jehovah's witnesses.
she was a catholic, and she said that the only thing she linked to the witnesses to was "door-to-door preaching".
I think the comments about them trying to be hip and the one that dubs will see this as a great provision are probably right. But it can backfire as curiousity may get the better of them.