''I want you to remember the testimony from local Elders talking about how in 2004, once they knew that Max Reyes was a known child molester, they could sit in the front of the local Thompson Falls church and look out on pews, much like we've got right here -- much like we have right here in similar position as you -- and they could see a little girl.
This right here (indicating), that's the little girl they could see and that's what she looked like then. They could see that little girl sitting next to a known pedophile, a pedophile that they're the only people that know the sick things he does.
They could look out and they could see her and they could know that on the weekends she's in the home with a very, very dangerous person. And those folks knew that the authorities had not been alerted and they knew the danger that that known pedophile presented to them.
At the beginning of this trial and through this trial I'm sure the question came to your mind why, why on earth would Elders refuse to follow the law?
What would make a person do such a thing? And now, through the course of this trial, we have the answer. And the answer is we showed what the policies are of the church.
We showed you what the two witness rule is and we showed you their policies on keeping secrets. And where do those policies come from?
Those policies come from the very top. And that tells you what a very powerful organization this is.
You see, this case is not about these folks over here in these pews (indicating) that attend church in Thompson Falls. This case is about the powerful organizations up here (indicating) at the top that are setting the policies, that are exercising the kind of control that would make a person know about a child molester, see him with a child and refuse to follow the law after they know that it's the law in Montana.
Everything that happened in 2004 on this chart was done by the book. Whose book? Their religious books.
It was done according to their plan. It was done exactly the way that these guys up here at the top running things -- their Elders behaved exactly like they wanted them to behave, exactly how they had been taught to behave and exactly how the fear of God had been placed in them for how they should behave.''