I've just been refreshing my memory about the first two watchtower
presidents, CT Russell and Judge Rutherford. It seems that both of
them were very dictatorial, especially Rutherford, who seemed to
be able to get his followers to delay marriage, not have children, and
even build him a luxury villa in San Diego (Beth Sarim).
I guess if someone seems sincere enough, or shouts loud enough,
they will always attract followers, some of whom will obey their every
word, in effect handing over control of their minds to these people.
The watchtower leaders of today may not be as charismatic as CTR
and the judge, but I imagine that they remember how easily those
two controlled their followers, and adopt the same tactics - always
demanding more money, more time, more commitment to the various
duties from the present-day jws. Coupled with the state of expectancy
of "the end" that all jws are taught to live in, and being constantly
reminded of how costly slacking off in these "last days of this system"
could be definitely contibutes to the org's ability to control so many of
their members.
Mybe CTR didn't set out to control his followers to the extent that he
eventually did, but I'd say every watchtower leader since has done so.
CTR taught them how to do it, and they learned their lessons very well.