If Mr Porter is to NOT be DF'd for his sexual predatory way with children, then NO ONE should EVER be DF'd in the JW Cult ever again!!
What you say makes sense, and I agree with you there, but I doubt the jws will. I could see them df'ing him because of the bad publicity, but if he's "genuinely repentant", (as all offenders like him are when they get caught), they have no grounds for df'ing him according to their rules, so he may well get away with it.
How can you compare his sin / Crime to the 'crime' of another JW simply criticising the Baffoons that make up the FDS or the GB?
Obviously, there is no comparison in real life, but in the warped reality that is the watchtower society a repentant child molester that still supports their teachings is likely to be seen in a better light than one who disagrees with the org's doctrines, so they'd be more likely to df a dissenter than a sexual pervert - sickeming I know, but true.
How can you compare his crime to someone who has accepted a blood transfusion!
Again, in watchtowerland it's a far worse offence to save one's life by accepting a blood transfusion than to potentially destroy the life of a child by abusing them. It's hard for me to believe that intelligent people can't see how twisted that such a policy is, but I'd be willing to bet that that's how they view it.
The WTBTS damn themselves with their sheer stupid, cult like behaviour!
True, but actions that seem completely sick, twisted and irrational to outsiders can be made to seem completely rational to cult members. That's how cults thrive, by getting their members to accept every rule, no matter how ridiculous, and no matter who it hurts.
I imagine that the watchtower are working on a damage limitation plan right now, which may or may not involve Porter being df'd. Or maybe they are just waiting for the publicity regarding this case to blow over. Whatever, I have no doubt that they will be able to come up with something that will keep most of their brainwashed followers from reading to much into the implications of this case, even if Porter isn't df'd.