When we find stuff out about them before the majority of jws outside Brooklyn,
and discuss it on boards like this one, that annoys them.
The kn37 campaign from last October was an example of that. We had copies
of the tract on here a couple of months before most jws saw it, and I put it on
my website and emailed or posted copies to most of the local churches, as well
our neighbours, long before the jws started their didstribution, so when they came
round with it, many of our neighbours said "oh, we've already seen that, Trev and
Linda showed it us", which pissed them off somewhat. We got labelled as
"dangerous apostates" for that one.
When gb member Carey Barber died in April, I told a couple of jws I happened to
see while I was out with the dog. It was on;y a few days after the event, and the
news hadn't spread far then. They asked how I knew, and I told them that the
news came directly from Brooklyn bethel, like all the advance notice of what
the org is doing does. You should have seen their faces - wished I'd had a
camera handy.