Hi JayAre, and welcome
I'm just down the road from you, in Derby
i've been lurking for a while, but have finally decided to post.
this is a fantastic site with some really cool people (i feel like i know some of you already).
circumstances forced me to start my fade about 10 years ago, and pretty much start my life from scratch (socially, at least - family have always been great).
Hi JayAre, and welcome
I'm just down the road from you, in Derby
following my last thread about how being a jw stunts your mental growth, .
i was thinking f how many people here that have recently come out of the haze...and seem to be "caught up" on their mental abilities rather quickly.
does your mind catch up to your age as soon as the "flip switches"....or does it take time living in the "real world" for a while that does it?.
Personally, it didn't take me all that long, but I was only in 8
years, between the ages of 40 and 48, so I'd had a life prior
to the org, and picked up the threads again relatively easily.
I left in November 1999, and I'd stopped using jw speak, apart
from on forums like this one, within a few months. I stopped
referring to it as the "truth" while I was still a jw - I knew it
wasn't, having done my own research into the teachings.
It took a while to get over the embarassment of allowing myself
to be so thoroughly duped into joining a cult, but nowadays
my years in the watchtower are really nothing more than a
mainly unpleasant memory, and one that fades with every
passing year.
I guess it would be more difficult for those who leave having
been raised as jws, and not having had a pre-cult life.
if you can answer yes to the following questions.... .
1) did you have a full share in the ministry?
2) did you have a desire to do more?
Yes to most, until I woke up and left it.
i kinda did a terry yesterday, i just quit my job, with two weeks notice, but without having another job lined up.. i did go on an interview yesterday at a furniture design store in little rock.. i posted this april 7th of 05 at this board.....topic wt and awakes.
i have thousands of them........dating back to 1985 .
I really hope that you get the job purps.
Keep us updated
good morning!.
last night i got disfellowshiped.
isn't that wonderful?
Congratulations Lloyd!!
Doesn't freedom feel great? I da'd a few years ago, mainly to save
myself the annoyance of having the elders call here to tell me I'd
been df'd. Either way, you're out now.
can't believe it, i have been shunned by my hubbys family for d'aing and no other 'offence', and one of the members who i have mentioned before told me if i left they'd still speak etc and then went back on it, turns out they have been cheating with different partners(men and women) for over two years, yet only last week this person told my hubby i'd done wrong by leaving and so they couldn't associate with me!
also she is staying with her jw best friend despite this and none of her friends are shunning her but are really pally!, if she doesn't get d'fd for this when she's admitted it could happen again i will go mad!
sorry but i think this is such a joke, all this time and making me feel bad and this person is up to this behind her hubbys and kids backs!
You're thread is well titled dobbie!
Kind of ironic, isn't it? You did the honest thing, from your standpoint,
by da'ing because you didn't want to be part of the watchtower any longer,
yet this person is, presumably still a jw in good standing, while regularly
breaking "the rules", and you're the one who gets shunned!
being a jw that had never celebrated a birthday i thought i would get around the system and get married on my birthday.
today i turn 38 and celebrate my 10th anniversary.
to top it all off, in a few days my wife and i will be having an ultrasound and finding out the sex of my first baby.
Happy birthday and Happy anniversary!
Have a great double celebration, and congrats on the baby too.
are there still some of those jw qualities than rear its ugly head once in a while??
I hope not!
I don't look much differrent, apart from a few more grey hairs,
but I certainly act differrently.
no, i'm not here to defend them.
but you know how they love to get off on technicalities.
i'm sure all here would agree that the wt is extremely evasive, misleading, and intellectually dishonest (i.e.
Most, if not all of us who were jws have lied, and quite deliberately.
Think about this scenario on the doors:
jw: We've come to speak to you about the bible/offer you this magazine
householder: I have my own religion, read the bible and go to church
jw: Well, that's good. We aren't here to try and change your beliefs.
Ever said that? I have, and I've heard plenty of other jws say it. It's
one of the responses the org told us to use if we met a member of
another religion in the ministry, And it's a deliberate lie - the main
purpose of the ministry is to persuade people to become jws.
So yes, the watchtower has officially lied, and encouraged it's
followers to lie as well.
got to address the balance with the girlie make up thread so here goes.
my first sports love is rugby union - my team is the london wasps.
football team (soccer) is millwall.. clam .
Cricket is my first love, sports wise, and I'm a Derbyshire supporter
Football wise I support Chesterfield