Lol, this is hilarious!
My real name - "Viscountess Horny Toad"
Screen name- "Princess Gabby Guppie"
My sisters is "Dutchess Had-It-Up-To-Here"
just for fun (movie is coming out soon).
you need to cut & paste, i tried it as a link & it leaves out the last ,0 and it won't work without it.
Lol, this is hilarious!
My real name - "Viscountess Horny Toad"
Screen name- "Princess Gabby Guppie"
My sisters is "Dutchess Had-It-Up-To-Here"
someone named me meme sent this what you will with it.
i'm posting it for the entertainment value.
i already know the answer how about you?.
Okay,This would be my advice.
If you don't want to take any chances then don't gamble.
If any of the elders don't like you they can and will use something like this to nail your ass to the wall.
If they all absolutly love you they will probably look the other way unless someone makes an issue of it.Which brings me to this, if you do gamble, don't talk about it to other Jws or let it be known in the community.
someone named me meme sent this what you will with it.
i'm posting it for the entertainment value.
i already know the answer how about you?.
This person was crushed and felt so worthless that they went on a gambling binge for months after their selfrightious mate kicked them out of the house!They couldn't live with a DF'd mate.The sick thing is the elders did not discourage this.
After 911 the Df'd person went crawling back with tail between legs claiming to have stopped and was reinstated shortly after. I do not believe this person has stopped gambling I just think they learned to be more decietful.
someone named me meme sent this what you will with it.
i'm posting it for the entertainment value.
i already know the answer how about you?.
Someone very close to me was DF'd for gambling.
This person had responsibility in the cong. A wordly person mentioned to a witness that they saw this person at the casino.The witness told the elders.
This person was hauled in before a judicial comittee and stripped of all privledges and publicly reproved.They were told if it continued they would be DF.This persons mate turned them in later for gambling again and then they were DF.
This person was put to death spiritually for gambling.This happened just over a year ago.
just feel like i need to vent.
my wife accused me of seeming not to enjoy being around her.
this was an accurate assessment on her part though i didn't acknowlege that.
Good idea.That's what I had to do to my teenage daughter.
She threw freshly folded clean clothes in the dirty clothes because she was too lazy to just open her drawers and put them up after I did all the hard work and she would sometimes stuff dirty underwear and socks in her drawers of clean clothes.I couldn't get this to stop until I just quit doing her laundry.I told her that she would learn how hard the work was and she would think twice about doubling my workload anymore.After she learned her leason I started doing it again and every time she backslides I go on strike again.
I just had another thought. Scary isn't it?
It looks like you may have spoiled your wife when the family was smaller and more managable and you tried to continue being superman when the family grew.Anyway it sounds like you just need figure out what support you need and then communicate.
I was such a pushover that it took more than communication for them to believe me.It may be this way for you too.
just feel like i need to vent.
my wife accused me of seeming not to enjoy being around her.
this was an accurate assessment on her part though i didn't acknowlege that.
I can tell that you are a very kind person.I think you are feeling taken advantage of.I have felt like this many times only to realize that part of it was my fault.I let them run over me and I didn't say NO and stand my ground when it needed to be said.
If you make that cornbread I am going to woop you!
I am joking of course and if you promised to then I understand.
But this was a perfect example you gave.It is unreasonable of her to expect this with all you have to do.She needed a reminder and a flat out refusal.
You just have to stand up for yourself because by taking the non-confrontional approach with her it gets worse because you are secretly brewing with all this pent up resentment and she continues to take advantage of you partly because you let her.
I hope you don't mind me saying these things.I have experience with this and have to work hard to practice what I preach because it goes against my grain. Anyway,Just think about it.
from: "nowaytess" < [email protected]> .
date: wed may 22, 2002 12:26 pm.
subject: just had jw at my door.
{quote]I guess the Soceity
is trying to prepare these guys and just did not expect it before
Dateline airs I guess.[/quote]
LOL,It doesnt sound like they were very prepared to me. That surly wasn't a rehearsed reaction to flip out.
Service is going to be very uncomfortable for awhile.
an israeli scientist has bred a featherless chicken which he says will revolutionise the poultry industry.. .
that pic isn't very good - they showed them walking about on the news and they looked just like an about-to-be-cooked chicken on legs.. wierd!
Poor naked chicken.
I would probably want to make outfits for them to wear.
LOL,they would automaticly cook in the sun, you wouldn't even need an oven! WOW!They're energy efficient too.
just feel like i need to vent.
my wife accused me of seeming not to enjoy being around her.
this was an accurate assessment on her part though i didn't acknowlege that.
I realized after posting that I could have had the situation backwards. I was interupted before I could get back for an edit.
Anyway,I had a feeling I was close on what was going on.
I really feel for you on this and think it is good for you to vent here.You may get some good ideas and things to think about.
It is really a sad fact that just one person can turn a household upside down and cause unhappiness.
You may end up having to have a family meeting with her or each write letters to her having each one communicate to how they feel. It would be hard but it could be a powerful tool to wake her up.At least you could find out if this selfishness is pourposful or if she is just not being honest with herself.
If she refuses to make changes after you all communicate then you may have to make decisions for the best interest of the family.
I like your ideas.
just feel like i need to vent.
my wife accused me of seeming not to enjoy being around her.
this was an accurate assessment on her part though i didn't acknowlege that.
No, you are not a dork.
You just have to be honest with yourself first and figure out why you are feel this way before you can communicate with her about it.
With that many people in the home I would guess that your wife may feel out of control and may feel the need to get everyone to cooperate to make the house run smoothly.If she doesn't feel she's getting this help she may not be enjoyable to be around.
Is this any where near what's going on or is it something else?