I just realized in a world that is so full of wrong, who am I to care what others think and to judge people for their beliefs.
What a great point!
i have been out of the witness religion since the 1990's and i see from reading former witness sites that it is common for people to do something i used to do.
which was that i made a big deal out of all the wrong things the witnesses did and do.
i thought it was some how my responsiblity to tell others when i had the chance, and even when i made the chance, about all the things i knew.
I just realized in a world that is so full of wrong, who am I to care what others think and to judge people for their beliefs.
What a great point!
the odds should say that im not an atheist.
im a regular poster at the conservative website freerepublic.com.
im of african decent.
I like it. The first paper I wrote for English class 2 weeks ago had a definite JW slant. It does make terrific fodder for the classroom floor, doesn't it?
do you think it matters?
how long did it take for you to start voting?
was it liberating?.
I vote. I feel that it's my duty as a citizen.
so yesterday was a bad day, i was feeling sad, angry and hurt.
as i posted on another thread my convention starts today and i decided not to go, well yesterday i get two calls one from a freind that wanted to see if i would go with her so she would not have to go alone.
the second was from the sister i studied with.. .
Get ready for the sheparding calls. If your friend tells the elders about your doubts, they'll be forced to reign you in. Remember you don't have to answer. Expect to be asked if you believe the WTS is Jehovah's faithful slave. If you answer in the negative, you will most likely be DFed. Be careful!
i was cruising through the nicer neighborhoods today at lunch, looking @ houses.
i saw a car up ahead that appeared to be broken down.
i could see i guy in a suit standing next to it.
Good for you! You're right, he wouldn't have done the same for you.
there is a tv programme on at the moment on itv and it just got to me.
i was surprised but perhaps i shouldn't be.. it was about kids here getting their 16 yr qualifications...they're gcse's for those who are not in the uk.
anyway, it showed a girl getting the same results as me, pretty much a's for all exams, and her family listening to her results and celebrating them.
It just got to me because in my household it didn't mean much (if anything) and I was encouraged to not take it further and do "practical" exams. The reason was that I had to get myself a job because worldly careers were not what we should pursue.
It was the same way in my family. Through my first 2 years of high school I carried a G.P.A. of 3.85, including several honors classes. But in my last two years I was encouraged to go to trade schools and get a job, so I gave up. Kind of leaves you feeling like you squandered some of the best years of your life, doesn't it?
okay, we know all the gas won't dry up soon, but it sure is expensive.
i got to thinking, what would i do and what would others do if there simply wasn't any gas to buy?
myself, would it no longer be worth making payments on my home and moving to another one closer to work?
I think the real question is "What will we do WHEN all the gas dries up?". Oil is a finite resource. One day it will be gone. If we are not developing alternative energy sources now, we will be royaly screwed later. When the oil dries up, the world will plunge into a depression unlike any before it. Our entire civilization is built on oil. Without oil there will be no use in even trying to walk to the store, because the store won't have anything to sell you, it recieves all it's goods by truck. Our local and national economies are so entertwined, that a stoppage in one area will effect all others. In other words no oil, no jobs.
How many posters here know how to build a fire or a shelter? How many can kill, skin, and preserve a deer?
As a nation we are soft. New Orleans illustrates that. The majority of the people trapped were there because they lacked the ability, desire, and means to get out. If you don't have a car, start walking. If you couldn't afford a hotel room, sleep under a bridge.
N.O. is a microcosim of what will happen to the U.S. without oil.
just got this email from a jw about an hour ago: .
"i just went to an anti-jw site.
i was surprised to learn that we cover up child molesters, especially since it was announced that we should report child abuse accusations to the police.
Shortly after the Dateline program aired my elder father broke down the WTBTS policy for me. Basicly they were more concerned with protecting elder bodies, than with protecting innocent victims. According to him, elder bodies took their orders from Jehovah not local or state authorities. He was very adament that individual elders should NOT report these matters to the police. Doing such would violate a minister/parishioner trust and could discourage others from coming forth with other sins in the future.
It's all legalistic bullshit if you ask me.
someone posted this on another site and i thought it needed to be posted over here.
i hope it isn't a repeat.. thank you world!
i love you!.
It is nice to see that other countries fell love for us Americans. It feels weird also. We're used to being the ones who give out help.
I'm a little ticked at some of the press in Europe though. Contrary to what is reported, Americans do care about each other, and we are going to help our displaced citizens. The response in my area is amayzing. These people WILL be taken care of, and they're not refugees they're American CITIZENS.
sorry for this post out of frustration...... danny.
$100 will get me about 30 gallons of gas at 13mpg that will get me 390 miles that means I can drive from the northside of jacksonville to the southside 10 times... That ain't gonna cut it! I'm happy that you live in podunk usa and can walk to work. I don't...
ROFLMAO!! I just felt like bragging.