I see a lot of sites referring to a Guardian article, yet none are quoting it directly, nor linking to it. When you find the actual Guardian arcticle, let me know.
JoinedPosts by jstalin
What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?
by Gill inwhat do you know about chemtrails?.
i understand these are toxic chemical trails left by aeroplanes that are sent up by the governments and not the same as the water vapour contrails.
some believe that in the long run our governments may be intent on ridding the earth of the majority of us by using poison gases or infectious diseases and are getting used to leaving these unusual trails inthe sky.......but i've wondered what they are for a long time and the uk govt has already admitted dropping pesticides on at least one part of the uk as an experiment on the people.. i have googled and u tubed a bit on this concerning information but want to know if there is something to worry about or not?.
What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?
by Gill inwhat do you know about chemtrails?.
i understand these are toxic chemical trails left by aeroplanes that are sent up by the governments and not the same as the water vapour contrails.
some believe that in the long run our governments may be intent on ridding the earth of the majority of us by using poison gases or infectious diseases and are getting used to leaving these unusual trails inthe sky.......but i've wondered what they are for a long time and the uk govt has already admitted dropping pesticides on at least one part of the uk as an experiment on the people.. i have googled and u tubed a bit on this concerning information but want to know if there is something to worry about or not?.
Who is Steve Quayle...? he's written gems like:
Stephen Quayle ™ is the author of Breathe No Evil, a primer for understanding bioterrorism, first published in 1996. Additionally he has authored:
- Blueprint For Survival
- Investment Perspectives on Precious Metals
- Aliens and Fallen Angels: The Sexual Corruption of the Human Race.
What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?
by Gill inwhat do you know about chemtrails?.
i understand these are toxic chemical trails left by aeroplanes that are sent up by the governments and not the same as the water vapour contrails.
some believe that in the long run our governments may be intent on ridding the earth of the majority of us by using poison gases or infectious diseases and are getting used to leaving these unusual trails inthe sky.......but i've wondered what they are for a long time and the uk govt has already admitted dropping pesticides on at least one part of the uk as an experiment on the people.. i have googled and u tubed a bit on this concerning information but want to know if there is something to worry about or not?.
http://www.earthpulse.com/ Dr. Nick Begich
What is Mr Begich's doctorate in? Traditional Medicine from the Open International University of Complementary Medicines. What is the Open International University? It's a diploma mill.
Who do these conspiracy nuts always have to make up degrees and give themselves fake doctorates?
What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?
by Gill inwhat do you know about chemtrails?.
i understand these are toxic chemical trails left by aeroplanes that are sent up by the governments and not the same as the water vapour contrails.
some believe that in the long run our governments may be intent on ridding the earth of the majority of us by using poison gases or infectious diseases and are getting used to leaving these unusual trails inthe sky.......but i've wondered what they are for a long time and the uk govt has already admitted dropping pesticides on at least one part of the uk as an experiment on the people.. i have googled and u tubed a bit on this concerning information but want to know if there is something to worry about or not?.
Doesn't matter. If a person closes their mind and seals it shut, then it doesn't matter who or what or how you try to prove something, that person will simply say that your 'proof' is flawed.
I does matter. I asked for reputable sources. Give me one. I will listen to reputable sources. I've learned to think critically about sources and claims, however. When you refer to web sites that are full of usubstantiated claims and anonymous sources, then the credibility of the information becomes suspect.
Don't get all huffy when I ask for reputable sources. You instead tell me to google it. You had a chance to quote reputable sources, but you just cut and paste from a wingnut's website that complains about how the Vatican runs the world. Give me a break. Sounds to me like you are the one with the closed mind.
What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?
by Gill inwhat do you know about chemtrails?.
i understand these are toxic chemical trails left by aeroplanes that are sent up by the governments and not the same as the water vapour contrails.
some believe that in the long run our governments may be intent on ridding the earth of the majority of us by using poison gases or infectious diseases and are getting used to leaving these unusual trails inthe sky.......but i've wondered what they are for a long time and the uk govt has already admitted dropping pesticides on at least one part of the uk as an experiment on the people.. i have googled and u tubed a bit on this concerning information but want to know if there is something to worry about or not?.
From jerryesmith.com:
In 1991 Mr. Smith and Jim Keith, author of Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order and numerous other conspiracy and mind control books, founded the National UFO Museum (NUFOM) in Reno, Nevada. From 1991 to 1994 Mr. Smith was the Executive Director of NUFOM, while Mr. Keith acted as the Chairman of the Board. In addition to his administrative duties of running the day-to-day operations of NUFOM, Mr. Smith also edited and wrote for that organization's quarterly journal, Notes from the Hangar.
At the same time Mr. Smith worked as an editor/graphic artist with Jim Keith's magazine Dharma Combat: The Magazine of Spirituality, Reality and Other Conspiracies, until Jim's untimely death in 1999. Jerry served variously as Managing Editor and Art Director from Dharma Combat's inception in 1988. He was also a regular contributer under the penname of jarod o'danu.Indeed. Very reputable.
What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?
by Gill inwhat do you know about chemtrails?.
i understand these are toxic chemical trails left by aeroplanes that are sent up by the governments and not the same as the water vapour contrails.
some believe that in the long run our governments may be intent on ridding the earth of the majority of us by using poison gases or infectious diseases and are getting used to leaving these unusual trails inthe sky.......but i've wondered what they are for a long time and the uk govt has already admitted dropping pesticides on at least one part of the uk as an experiment on the people.. i have googled and u tubed a bit on this concerning information but want to know if there is something to worry about or not?.
What I've noticed is that I keep seeing people saying such and such said such and such, but I don't see any direct quotes or links to what was actually said. In this way, they're attempting to invoke the credibility of whomever they're mentioning, but they're not allowing us to see the context or know what was actually said. It's important for all of us to learn how to analyze and weigh what is said, rather than being easily duped by crackpot theories.
Exactly. "Bob said this." Well, how do you know? Who is Bob? This Will Thomas site says it is extensively footnoted, but I have yet to find one footnote.
What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?
by Gill inwhat do you know about chemtrails?.
i understand these are toxic chemical trails left by aeroplanes that are sent up by the governments and not the same as the water vapour contrails.
some believe that in the long run our governments may be intent on ridding the earth of the majority of us by using poison gases or infectious diseases and are getting used to leaving these unusual trails inthe sky.......but i've wondered what they are for a long time and the uk govt has already admitted dropping pesticides on at least one part of the uk as an experiment on the people.. i have googled and u tubed a bit on this concerning information but want to know if there is something to worry about or not?.
A couple of excerpts from the Will Thomas web site. I'll let the reader determine if this is a "reputable source."
All of my work is thoroughly documented and footnoted. Much of my current reporting is based on a trusted insider, well known to me over our 15 year working relationship. “Hank”--not his real name--is a behind-the-scenes player on the world stage who draws on extensive contacts in the US military and intelligence communities to reveal stories presented only on the pages of this website.
Rich says that the fences and the barricades surrounding the [World Trade Center] site remind him strongly of the Pearl Harbor memorial. Years ago in Oahu, on a day just like this, he had remarked to his business partner that he could feel the souls of drowned sailors around them. “They're still here,” Rich had said to his startled companion. “A lot of them haven't left.”
Now he says the same thing to me.
“They're here,” my friend exclaims over the phone.
“Who?” I ask.
“The people who died here. There's a lot of them. It's the same thing here. I have the exact same feeling I had at Pearl Harbor: lies and deception. It's the same message: 'Tell the truth. We were betrayed.' That's all I'm getting. I get the same feeling I got at the Arizona memorial… the same message: 'We were fodder. We were just used.' They were sacrificed. I get the same thing, man!”
On this Saturday afternoon just shy of five years since the towers were toppled, Rich estimates upwards of 2,000 people are at Ground Zero. The crowd is very quiet, he reports. Even the children appear somber. Looking at the people around him, he counts 13 women and three men. Another group includes 10 women and only one man. “Women outnumber the men by 10 to one,” Rich says over the phone.
“Why do you think that is?” I ask him.
After a pause, he says, “The women are being pulled because they're sensitive to the souls. When women give birth to children, they're sensitive to this.” But the women drawn in such numbers don't know why they're here, he adds. “They all have the look of lost children.”
The phone is silent for another moment. When Rich next checks in, he is standing nearly alone on an observation platform overlooking Ground Zero. “They led me here,” he tells me, referring not to helpful onlookers but to the lost souls of the WTC. “I'm 28-feet above the hole,” he says in a voice hushed with are. “There's no fence. No obstructed view.”
It was time for another check-in with a well-informed military man who never fails to astonish me with revelations that never seem to appear on Fox or CNN.
“What's new?” I asked Hank.
“Oh, dude.”
My friend and deep source for more than 16 years sounded tired. And shaken. This veteran of the Gulf War, and personal intrigues and interventions at all levels of the U.S. government and military, does not rattle easily.
Since we'd last spoken, Hank related, he'd stopped to help a stranger “on a tight deadline” change a tire on his car. Hank asked no questions, which must have impressed the mysterious motorist. Because weeks later he “got a nice little knock on the door, and there he is again.”
You know where I live, Hank thought. Damn!
“What do you need?” he asked aloud. “Another tire fixed?”“No, just some of your time.”
The visitor on his doorstep was not the first insider to check Hank out, review some of the pieces we'd done together, and come forward. But this Vatican Jesuit “who helped run things” was certainly the highest placed. Over subsequent visits, Hank was introduced to enough of “his friends, neighbors, compatriots, ner'do-wells” to establish this man's veracity.
What do you know about 'CHEMTRAILS'?
by Gill inwhat do you know about chemtrails?.
i understand these are toxic chemical trails left by aeroplanes that are sent up by the governments and not the same as the water vapour contrails.
some believe that in the long run our governments may be intent on ridding the earth of the majority of us by using poison gases or infectious diseases and are getting used to leaving these unusual trails inthe sky.......but i've wondered what they are for a long time and the uk govt has already admitted dropping pesticides on at least one part of the uk as an experiment on the people.. i have googled and u tubed a bit on this concerning information but want to know if there is something to worry about or not?.
There are still some people when presented with the data from reputable sources, will then decry the reputable sources as disreputable or stupid. There is no winning - one can only present evidence....swife
Well, what's your reputable source?
JW's stole a song from Queen / Freddie Mercury
by Gopher ini used to be the piano player at the kingdom hall (before they made the halls play tapes/cd's).
i had no idea that whenever i played song 72, i was doing a song by queen.
queen's song "lazing on a sunday afternoon" was on their 4th album "night at the opera", the same album that had "bohemian rhapsody".
You don't have to be making money to violate copyright. Copyright is just that, the right to copy, regardless of who is doing it or why. It can be a $250,000 fine.
Copyrights now last 90 years.
Is there a better way to spread democracy?
by nvrgnbk in<http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article4187835.ece>.
michael smith | the sunday times, june 22, 2008. .
british forces in afghanistan have used one of the world's most deadly and .
Lol. Chavez is another petty wanna-be dictator. If he's so "pro-democracy" why does he shut down all opposition?