Hey I'd go to a "black" church.
With 8 years of boring meetings, hot assemblies, nosy people. I deserve some fun.
wow, they sure do focus a lot on praise worship, and the boring sermon was like 15 minutes.
but there was homecooked food served in the back after the services.
i think i might attend a catholic church next weekend.
Hey I'd go to a "black" church.
With 8 years of boring meetings, hot assemblies, nosy people. I deserve some fun.
i remember that in the mid to late 1980's the wt wrote a condemning article on watching "soap operas".
i was wondering if the society felt it was a "sin" for jw's to watch soaps or was it just an admonishment.
my jw "pioneering" aunt used to love watching "all my children" and mentioned it to her pioneer partner.
One elder here said, that we should becarefull watching soap operas, so it was one of those you can watch it but it can't be about fornication/adultery episode. Which is basically in every episode. My mom still watches it.
living in a "spiritual paradise" is not without its dangers.
at every turn lurks those who harbor private opinions born from independant thinking.
all are suspect to elders on a witch hunt.
They are hiding in every corner out to get the JWs. While they are at work, or at sleep, apostates are persecuting JWs everywhere. Even coworkers who don't know anything about JW religion are apostates out to get them. Everyone including the children at school, the bus driver, the mailman, the nosey neighbor, the actors on tv, the Mcdonalds Cashier worker. As long as you have a brain that can think your an apostate. At one point everyone says their skeptcism about the JWs. Its time to head for the HILLS!!
As an "apostate" roughly defined by the JWs, I have to make sure they don't know I am one because right now I don't want any added drama.
speaking to a sister while i was in, she mentioned to me some trouble she was having trying to get her young daughter into a skirt for the meetings.
to cut a long story short, the girl just did`nt like skirts.
simple as that.
I hated dressing up for meetings. I don't even like dressing up for anything. I've seen some people slip by with casual clothes in the KH, only because they were rebuilding a house for another brother so they were allowed to wear timbs.
many persons studying with the jws go ahead and get baptised, but many others do not, do you know such ppl and the reasons they gave for stopping contact with the jws?
they did of course the right thing and spared themselves a lot of potential trouble and exploitation in the future.
a person i knew gave up all contact with the dubs after a year of studying with them, because she found them to be too pharisaic they put a lot of demands on the members but don't do anything to help them, like modern day pharisees.
Well My story goes like this, While I was depressed in highschool because of this screen name, they came to my door, got my mom back in the truth and I had to go along with her just to not get her mad. Then all of a sudden I had a bible study even though I said no, because I thought JW religion was about choosing if you wanted to be one or not. Instead It was forced upon me so I just went along with it to make people happy. So every week after I was tired from school, I had to go study these dumb books, and underline. I had to study with these people who only said
I know you would make a great JW, Jah is watching over your family and helping you. Jah is doing this for you, Jah is sharing his holy spirit, Increase your Meeting attendance and Jah will help you, Join the Ministry School and jah will help you.
So I did practically what they said and got soooo paranoid over if someone sees me playing videogames in the mall they would tell on me, and other crap. So for some years I did the meetings, the assemblies, the Conventions, and after a few years I just got fed up with going to college, then coming home to go to Meetings that end at such a late time, So i lost time studying for school, and time relaxing. They make it seem like if you can spend 5 hours watching TV, why can't you spend 2 hours with Jah. Yes that would be great if it wasn't on Sunday, Tuesday, thursday, and Friday for Book study. After I finished my first Book study I decided that I didn't want to study any more books, but NOOO, they suggested it to me until I couldn't give no for an answer.
After a while though, when I reached 20, I sort of looked back and figured, why should I be scared of them seeing me watch a show with magic in it or play a violent videogame. I wasn't smoking or harming myself with stuff, I just wanted to live my life. But you can't really leave the religion so easily even if you are unbaptized. Now i'm in the process of fading by depression since both my parents are sick, one recovering from a coma. So that just lead me away from the religion and focus more on taking care of my family and myself, and not on trying to look spiritual to these people I don't know or want to know. My mom still gets upset that I don't go to meetings, but I have to toughen up and say I choose not to go.
The JW religion just looks at things black and white, the grey area doesn't exist, its just covered up. Sometimes they don't understand that you can't just define a person with siding with Jehovah or siding with the Devil. They don't ever try to look at the person "sitting on the fence". Do they ever see that maybe the person is sitting on the fence because they see the JW religion just as bad as joining the devil?
If your unbaptized, don't do anything, just stay there if your forced to and wait until you can find a way out.
meeting survival guide games we play
one doesn't grow up religiously attending '5 meetings a week' without developing a strategy for survival.
mine started at about ten years of age and gradually grew more sophisticated as the years assemblies rolled by.
wow this is better than watching the pattern of ceiling lights.
okay guys... .
my friend mr.beaker is travelling to america tomorrow and spending time all over the place including nyc.
well his father feels that he should go to bethel while he is in ny and check the place out.
Its really hot inside, and everyone there is all ooohing and aaahing at printing presses like they were magical gifts from Jehovah. Then you follow the white lines and see the young Witnesses smiling because they are cleaning elevators, then you go in the basement where you actually see TVs and how their Kitchen is the cleanest in the whole NYC. The Health Inspectors always leave early.. then you see even more happy people wandering around oohing and aahing at the rooms and how cute they look, and the fun things they get to do. Then you ooh and aah more at the people from the different countries working there in the hot conditions and how quick they can make boxes because Jehovah made them skilled in that field. Then you ooh and aah over how the Watchtower is translated into more languages than Time Magazine. Thats basically it.
mine are, in no particular order:.
"the friends".
We Must not Forsake the gathering blahblahblah.
I got this alot, and then he would look to me everytime when he was on the platform saying this. Then a murderous thought came in my head.
i just decided that i was a 36 year old female from kenya
My location is wrong but because i know the area, I can use it :P
i finally got to see it tonight.
actually i wanted my wife and me to see it yesterday, but we were both too tired.
it was very touching, well-made.
I don't think I'm going to watch it, but i've heard that some people didn't like it because it showed them cheating on their wives with each other, and they just left it at that.