Brooklyn 94-96 I now actually live in the neighborhood and just had lunch a few doors down from the Bossert about a week ago. It's funny though, if you aren't working in Bethel, the JW presence in the 'hood is pretty imperceptible - and this area is the base of their world headquarters! I am glad I went to Bethel because it provided even more awareness that the J-Dubs were not "the truth."
Posts by tonic
Where are the ex-bethelites?
by betty boop inhi everyone, its betty .
i was just wondering if theyre are any bethelites who were in brooklyn in the late 90's-2003?
i knew a lot of guys there when i was still in the borg.
by REBORNAGAIN inthe city of philadelphia has decided to punish the boy scouts of america because it will not allow homosexuals to serve as scout leaders.
city officials said they will charge the cradle of liberty scouts council $200,000 a year to use the city-owned headquarters.
the council was paying $1 per year (since 1928).
I don't really understand the "it's CONFUSING" issue. Life is confusing, death is confusing, friendship is confusing, love is confusing. That's why a good parent helps un-confuse things by talking about them to their child. For instance, your child sees Uncles Tom and Joe hug, etc... is your child confused? Then you might say, "Oh, Uncle Tom and Joe are gay. That means instead of marrying a woman, they married each other." I would think that the longer you PUT off exposing your child to reality, the more confusing that reality will be when they are forced to face it eventually anyway.
by REBORNAGAIN inthe city of philadelphia has decided to punish the boy scouts of america because it will not allow homosexuals to serve as scout leaders.
city officials said they will charge the cradle of liberty scouts council $200,000 a year to use the city-owned headquarters.
the council was paying $1 per year (since 1928).
Journey-on, I think that a child seeing gay men being affectionate (not inappropriately) would introduce them to reality and tolerance. Believe me, NOTHING can make you gay or straight. Otherwise, considering all the things I tried, I'd be straight as an arrow. I have a friend who explained to her five year old that "some princes like princesses, some princes like other princes, and some princesses like other princesses" that's just acknowledging fact. Of course, some princes just find frogs.
by REBORNAGAIN inthe city of philadelphia has decided to punish the boy scouts of america because it will not allow homosexuals to serve as scout leaders.
city officials said they will charge the cradle of liberty scouts council $200,000 a year to use the city-owned headquarters.
the council was paying $1 per year (since 1928).
For what it's worth, I'm gay and in I'm surrounded by gay men. I've never even ONCE heard anyone alude to being attracted to children, adolescents, etc... not even jokingly. Being a gay man means being attracted to MEN not children. And as was correctly said, the majority of pedophiles are straight men. Pedophilia generally is about power, not natural sexual attraction.
Dumbledore is gay.
by Priest73 indidn't see this one coming...
It's great. I don't see how it ruins the book in any way. Rowling knows her characters more than anyone else could. Also, she wasn't championing or trumpeting Dumbledore being gay - she was asked a question about him where acknowledging he is gay made sense.
Anybody Watch "A Haunting" on Discovery Channel?
by erynw init's very spooky.
gives me the heebiest of jeebies.. .
Why would the existence of spirits or ghosts drive you back to the JW's? I've had experiences that make me certain spirits exist, but nothing that makes me believe that they are anything like those believed in by the JW's. If spirits and ghosts DO exist, why would they have to fit into those roles?
I have seen the show. It doesn't scare me, but scares my boyfriend a LOT...which makes it really fun to watch! -
What's your favourite line out of a song?
by lfcviking inhere's a couple of mine;.
"eleanor rigby, waits at the window wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door" eleanor rigby - thebeatles.. "there's a hole in my soul, you can see it im my face it's a real big place" feel - robbie williams.
"you give me yours
i'll give you mine
cause i can look your god
right in the eye"
---Pancake by Tori
There are some great lyrics posted in this thread... definitely gives some songs to explore. -
The Journey
by tonic ini had to chose a poem to memorize and recite and i found one by a poet who i've enjoyed for several years now.
it seems to fit the situation that many of us found/find ourselves in.
it's very comforting when we all realize that there are so many who face the same thing one way or another: .
I had to chose a poem to memorize and recite and I found one by a poet who I've enjoyed for several years now. It seems to fit the situation that many of us found/find ourselves in. It's very comforting when we all realize that there are so many who face the same thing one way or another:
One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice--
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do--
determined to save
the only life you could save. -
Has any body ever read this book "Lamb" by Christopher Moore?
by ldrnomo init's a great book if you have a sense of humor about god and christ in fact he quotes voltare in the begining.
"god is a comedian playing to an audience that's afraid to laugh".
I read it and laughed a great deal. Definitely worth reading.
You know that kinda gay guy in your old hall?
by changeling inyou know him, every hall has one.. he really knows fashion.
he hangs out with all the middle aged women at the hall.
his gait, voice and gestures are feminine.. if he were a "wordly" man he'd be a "flamer".. well, here's my question: is he or isn't he?
When I was at Bethel, its cup was definitely running over with gayness. I know of at least three other brothers who served at Bethel with me who have since come out of the closet. Three others (non-bethelites) that I had suspected have come out in the last 3 years as well.
I was married for a little while and my wife and I counted 26 people that we firmly believed were gay.
As an elder on a body of 7 (I think), 3 were gay. The Presiding Overseer actually came out to me right before I left. In order not to act on his homosexuality, he had to keep so busy with all things JW that he was exhausted. Poor guy. I wonder how he was doing.
It's possible for a straight guy to just be asexual or effeminate...but, from my experience, it's rare. Sexuality is relatively fluid for some. Then, there's bisexuality but there's the saying "Bi now --- gay later." kidding.