JoinedTopics Started by TheItalian
Activity in other countries
by freedom96 init seems that most of the postings on this site are from the united states, england, and australia.
that could be a result that computers and internet are more easily available in those countries.
plus, do to the fact that most postings are from those countries, we also have the most complaints.
Hi! Just a Newbie Here.
by auntiem ini have been looking for a place like this.
seems pretty cool.
i am about 1.5 years inactive and have no plans to go back.
New name for the WT.........
by rocky220 ini put some thought into this.......since this "borganization" has truly put a blotch on god's true name and purpose.... i give you[drums rolling]:.
the blotchtower!!!!
!....a most appropriate and truly functional description of behaviour for the last 120 years!!!!!!!
Help "TheItalian" Alleviate Boredom!
by LovesDubs inadd things to this list that he can do, as long as he is stuck going to meetings!.
hey italian!
welcome sweetie!
Got My Masters
by Athanasius in.
finally earned my masters on this board.
it took 15 months of hard posting, but thanks for the honors.. athanasius.
Weird and unusual Kingdom Halls
by Junction-Guy indoes anyone here have any experiences with any unusual kingdom halls, such as architecture, location and furnishings.
in eaton ohio there was a small kingdom hall that sat next to the railroad tracks and everytime the train went by it shook the building.
in salyersville ky there was a small kingdom hall in a storefront buliding, no sound system and they had a kerosene heater at the back of the hall.
Elephants Yeah!!
by expatbrit inmy cultural contribution for the weekend, for pavarotti fans:.
My First Post - OK, I'm In Now.
by TheItalian ini apologize in advance for the length.
when i finally resolved myself to choose a nick, after a year and a half spent as an infamous lurker, i very likely thought to be the only one from this vaticanland interested in this weird net-place and its inhabitants.
but yesterday i found out it's not this way.
I am new here - sharing my story
by YellowLab ini am new here and this is my very first post.
i've been following the message threads over the past few months and decided it was time to register.
(i couldn't decide on a unique username or else i would have done it sooner!).