Gen X'er here
JoinedPosts by noni1974
Which Generation Are You?
by Bonnie_Clyde inwhich generation are you?
and do you overlap with any or all of them?.
generation y has become the popular nickname for current teens and young adults.. .
Can I Please Just Say...
by AGuest inthat it's "jewel-ry"... and not "joo-lery" (may you all have peace!)?
i know, i know... very small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.
but, dang, if you're gonna host a television jewelry show, shouldn't you at least be able to say "jewelry"?
My dad says worsh for wash and it drives me nuts. He also says crick instead of creek and sUrp instead of syrup.
My mother says pacific instead of specific. I tell her the Pacific is an ocean and she still says it like that. Grrrrr
I speak in a very general accent and many people can not tell where I'm from. I've lived in Cleveland for almost 27 years and I never developed a Cleveland accent. Although, when I moved to Kentucky last year the people could tell I was a Yankee. They could not tell which part of the North I am from though. LOL
These are most of my finished projects. My last two are still at school and I will bring them home later this week. I worked very hard on these. I hope you all like them.
Go Get Em COSBY!!!
by Flash incosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
Not at the moment, why, you have some??
Go Get Em COSBY!!!
by Flash incosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
Well I don't blame you it's the second night in a row for people to be creeping in a grave yard with flash lights. Seriously are they trying to rob a grave or something?? Ewwwww
I have no idea what is up with Freydo. As you know I am part Hobbit and I don't understand them at the best of times.
Go Get Em COSBY!!!
by Flash incosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
I like banana bread too!! I also remember most of the names on this thread.
To Dissassociate or just Fade into Inactivity ? Your Choice ? Reasons ?
by flipper inthis has been asked before, however i thought it may be good for newer members of the board to read some of our reasons on how we decided to exit the jw cult and why we decided to do it the way we did.. first off - i have been faded for almost 8 years.
essentially i decided to fade into inactivity and not da because i have elderly jw parents who would shun me if i did get dfed or daed myself.
also- i like keeping open the possibilities that some of my many jw relatives may in time start doubting and have questions and reach out to me in my inactive state.
I DA ed 14 years ago because my mother gave me an ultimatim. I was living on my own and had to move back home due to finances. She told me I had to go to the meetings as a condition of me moving back home. I decided to tell her how I really felt about the religion in a private conversation between us. My mother went to the elders about our conversation. I told her I didn't believe and I needed time away to think.
I intended to only take a break and gather my thoughts and see if I really could suck it up being a witness or not. I had never believed and I felt more and more like I was being forced into a mold that did not fit and I was sick of it. After my mother went to the elders about our conversation. I DA ed the next day. I wrote a two line letter saying I no longer watned to be a JW.
In my family everyone is a JW so me being allowed to just quietly walk away was not going to happen. The first rumor that went around about me would have been reported by some member of my family. If I wanted my privacy and to be left alone from my family I had no choice in the matter really. In order to gain my freedom I had to cut my family off at the knees with my DA. I lost almost all of my family, but I gained the ability to do what I wanted without the fear of being turned in any second by my over zealous family who would always be watching me.
I'm lucky though because my parents calmed down after a while and started talking to me again. We now have a normal relationship.
Had I had the choice to fade away and be left alone I would have. In fact I tried it while I was living on my own. The second my mother thought she could have control over me again she forced the issue and I answered her in a way that let her and everyone know I would not be controlled by anyone.
Songs that express feelings towards Watchtower
by discreetslave in
Yeah this board doesn't work great while using Firefox and I refuse to use IE so I have no cut and paste ability on this board.
Thanks for posting it NC!!
Movie Critic Roger Ebert - Former JW
by RayPublisher inand he's not very complementary about 'em either....
btw i love his movie reviews they are down to earth and not snobby.
Ummm hello the link was to his own blog where he had copied and pasted an entire article except the authors name and then he posted here with a misleading title to his thread Robert Ebert- a Former JW. It's call intelectual dishonesty.
Movie Critic Roger Ebert - Former JW
by RayPublisher inand he's not very complementary about 'em either....
btw i love his movie reviews they are down to earth and not snobby.
See that is why I asked. Never believe an uncited source.