CLEVELAND YOUR PROUD TO BE FROM ONE OF THE SHITTIEST BIGGEST CITIES IN THE U.S. -It's only soda if it's orange soda, otherwise it's pop. -It's dinner, not supper. -If you get the head nod, you know you are part of the crew. -If you are white and act like a thug be prepared to run. -We are home to Bone Thugs and Harmony. -We are home to The Drive, The Fumble, The Shot, and Red Right 88. -We are the reason stadiums don't have glass bottles. -You laugh when someone tells you Lake Erie isn't polluted. -You are used to the dead fish smell after it rains. -People are trained to talk on television like us. -Buffalo Wild Wings is aka BW3. -The Dawg Pound is heaven. -We know the Browns suck, the Indians sorta suck, and we haven't won a championship in over 40 years. But we've got LeBron so we don't care. -Lake effect snow is a given. -Our river caught on fire not once, not twice, but thrice. -I live in Cleveland and I am damn proud of it. -You Know You're From Cleveland If..... -The phrase "lake effect" strikes terror in your heart -You always knew you lived in the Rock n Roll Capital of the World -Tourists ask you what time the river catches fire -You believe the Second Coming meant the Browns returning in 1999 -You don't really know any homosexuals, you just know that there are a lot of them in Lakewood. -You know you don't really have an accent, the rest of the world does. -You take Dead Man's Curve at 60 mph holding your breath. -You know about the Eastside/Westside rivalry and you support it, but don't quite understand it. -Your neighborhood schools went without sports because all the senior citizens refused to pass the levies. -You actually know how to pronounce Cuyahoga. -You can't tell Brooklyn, or Old Brooklyn apart. -You see Christmas lights still up in July. -You have gotten 3 speeding tickets, and they are all from the quarter mile stretch of a suburb named Linndale. -You have no idea how exactly to get to the Flats, you just kind of end up on a bank and start partying. -St. Patty's Day is your number one holiday, and even if you aren't Irish. -You hear there are always famous people in town, but you have never seen one. -You take credit for Cedar Point even though it is 2 hours away. -You honestly believe that Cleveland is the best city in the world. -You're still dumbfounded by the Leaping Fountain in Tower City. -You have never ridden in a taxi. -You wear shorts the first day of the year it isn't below 30 and snowing, just because you can. -You're still relishing 1987 when we ALMOST made it to the Super Bowl. -You counted down with the monument in Tower City to the exact second in 1999, when the Browns came back. -You know Tower City isn't a city at all. -You know all the 4 seasons: winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction. -You live less than 30 minutes from some college or university. -You know what a buckeye really is, and have a recipe for candy ones. -Toward the lake means north, and toward the river means south. -You measure distance in minutes. -You've had to switch from A/C to heat in the same day. -You end your sentences with an unnecessary preposition. Example: Where's my coat at? -You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked. -You carry jumper cables in your car. -You know what 'pop' is. -You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. -Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow. -You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and a flannel nightgown. -The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page, but requires 6 pages for sports. -You thought the Drew Carey Show was great because it dealt with real world how Clevelander's actually lived. -hahaha, this is SO true, too!- -You think Red Sox fans and Cubs fans are bitches for crying about some gay curse! Try being a die hard Cleveland fan with no championships in Cleveland for years!!!!!!!!!!! ..