Sometimes it seems that way. But don't let it stop you taking the opportunities.
Your point is well taken.
we're allowed to toast things, chink glasses etc now.
so what's stopping you?
i'll drink to jwd.
Sometimes it seems that way. But don't let it stop you taking the opportunities.
Your point is well taken.
we're allowed to toast things, chink glasses etc now.
so what's stopping you?
i'll drink to jwd.
I just reached 400 posts and I'm still only a senior member. Life is full of disappontments.
we're allowed to toast things, chink glasses etc now.
so what's stopping you?
i'll drink to jwd.
Chris, can I get in on some of that Tex-Mex action? ; Specially if you have some really hot sauce to go w/ Can you say 'crushed jalapeno salsa'YUM
Talesin, I don't think the food here is Tex-Mex, but I'm sure you'd love. I go through periods, like right now, where I really miss the good old USA, but I sure love the food here.
This is such a resplendent thread that I don't want it to die. Also, I want to see if my status changes when I have 400 posts. This 399.
with the cranes .
by awake!
But the question is what is more resplendent the crane or the jarocho tamale?
we're allowed to toast things, chink glasses etc now.
so what's stopping you?
i'll drink to jwd.
Legolas, let me know. We'll make sure the guest bedroom has clean sheets!
All hail the witchtower babble and crap society of crooklyn ny(bc)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here, here.
Legolas and Talesin, here's to the resplendent blue corn tortilla and resplendent money. I'm only on my second drink. Hail the resplendent Cuba and don't forget jarocho tamales.
we're allowed to toast things, chink glasses etc now.
so what's stopping you?
i'll drink to jwd.
Legolas, why don't you come on down. The tamalero doesn't come until 10:00pm. You have plenty of time. I'll buy a few extra resplendent tamales in case you arrive late.
Hi Legolas, yes. See the other thread. Have you sold your house? I hope you get a resplendent price for it.