Thought of some more wackies which have pissed me off
Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, National Anthems, Voting.
To be fair, I absolutely love doing them all now.
what is the wackiest...strangest....most unusual jw teaching or practice?
Thought of some more wackies which have pissed me off
Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, National Anthems, Voting.
To be fair, I absolutely love doing them all now.
what is the wackiest...strangest....most unusual jw teaching or practice?
Totally agree FayeDunaway with the child baptism one. I did this at 14 because my mates were! What did I know? Years later when realising that this was abuse and talking it over with an elder he did actually concede that in the story Jesus chose to do this at 30 when he was of sound mind and age. Yet they carry on forcing youngs ones by pressure to make a decision like this.
Very cultish holmes...very cultish
what is the wackiest...strangest....most unusual jw teaching or practice?
i have seen this over the years that some that get df'd and later reinstated can be the most hypocritical.
one case comes to find about my nephew who was df'd about 10 years ago for cupping a little feel of some dub sisters boobs.
well right away he turns to us non dubs for moral support as he is being ostracized by the dub relatives.
Yep it is so true. Kind of like ex-smokers. Judgement of others is a strong theme in the borg. My younger brother was 15,got himself df'd even though they did not want to do it because of the absolute brainnumbing he felt he needed the punishment!! Had a great old time in the 'world' while out.
Got married, then reinstated himself. got his wife baptized and is now an holier than thou elder who rules his roost and children. I feel really sad for anyone he counsels BECUSE he knows what it is like. Jokes
i've been seeing a brilliant psychologist.
he has been pivotal in drawing the parallels between my jw upbringing - specifically the hypocrisy i saw as a child - and the reason i've tolerated lies and inconsistencies in my most significant adult relationship.. i've seen one other psychologist in the past.
she didn't get the issues surrounding the religion whatsoever, didn't regard that aspect of my backstory as relevant, and was of little help to me.. has anyone else seen a psychologist - whether for help with coping in the aftermath of leaving the religion, or for seemingly unrelated issues that actually turned out to be related?
Hi vodoo lady.
Absolutely yes. I tried a few and have now realised that some professionals/tradesman are better at their craft than others but then you find one that works. I was referred a clinical psychologist and saw her on and off for a few years. Really helped with many areas, it is so corrupt that the borg do not approve of members seeking proper help.
The elderlies prefer the sheeple to look up to them for their sage ( read untrained ) advise so well done on talking to someone that has training on how our environment affects the way we act and think. Awesome. Cheers
due to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
far out Flipper. Do you know that really we all back then probably did not want to believe that this could happen. Oh how they slag 'Christendom's churches' for this type of abuse yet to read these pages as a newbie to this site I now believe that this was always happening. People in power abuse - especially religious ones as they are supposedly more trustworthy right?
Once upon a time when I was associated with these evildoers an elder who took a bible study in his house to go through some book, not sure if they still do that but anyways he got the big heave ho and df'd when it was discovered that he was a pedo who was abusing his stepson. Unbelievably cruel but all he got was that, no criminal charges and they all swept it under the carpet. No one really knew the truth and I stumbled on it by chance. He was allowed to just slip away....
they're baaaack!!!
jws "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months.
i wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
Awesome BOC and well done on raising awareness.
Funny when you look back about the rubbish stories. The leopards on the bed etc. Pure fantasy land, but they are not true but yet they still tell the kids the same rubbish and of course kids love fairy tales.
My teachers on leaving school really encouraged me to stay - saying there were plenty of people for trades and I should carry on my studies for higher education but it was always my destiny to join my families trade practise, do my apprenticeship etc.
One elder in the cong I used to go to was an accountant and university lecturer!! (In fact quite a few Dubs like the university lecturer role, no irony really ) but the rest of the elders were painters and concreter people or office workers yet with this lack of education they still think that they can play physiology 101 with the sheeple in the judicial's they like to hold but being dumbasses how can they profess to know the mind, but they do.
When I was struggling and on the way out and was feeling depressed I got reprimanded for seeing a professional therapist because 'seriously - how can they help you if they don't know gods word.'
These elders who sit in judgement of others should be held accountable for their lack of education.
Good on you for getting back to your higher education. Congrats on your letter and responses. Cheers
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
Its a disgrace what the DF'D program does to family all to supposedly keep the borg clean and encourage them to come back! Both my uncle and brother are df'd. at my Granddad's funeral an elder said to my uncle that it was inappropriate that he was there!! He told him to f off, crawl back into the hole he slime-d out of and he would bury his Dad regardless. Disgraceful. I've been trying to organise my family to get together to celebrate my Mum's life before she gets any sicker but no. The dubs still in it could not put the crap about having a df'd member of the family present so I gave up. It really is shameful and hurtful. I was clever really just sliding out so I can see and talk to my family members but it is a hollow victory when my family is so torn apart.
If the borg actually spent more time looking after its own members wellbeing instead of trying to convert all the time they may have a better unit
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
I liked what stuckinarut2said - Most have shared their stories, and the one thing we all have in common, is an overwhelming happiness that we now are starting IN THE REAL free of fairy tale beleifs and Fear, Obligation and Guilt by a cult and cult minded people.
Perfect. The guilt fear and judgement are gone. Life is free YAY. It's real, working, bills, relationships etc. it's all real and finally we can take responsibility instead of handing that off to some fantasy dream.
18 years and counting being free but if you told me to join a site like this 10 years ago I probs still will have thought it was wrong!!! They do an amazing job with the brainwashing eh?
I've only just joined this site and have to say thank you to everyone. It's a breath of fresh air to find others that express everything I've thought over the years and I guess it validates my no longer being crazy as it were because the Borg did this , not me if you know what I mean.
Oh BTW there are a lot of laughs reading the posts as well. Excellent humour on a disgraceful subject. Awesome
15 years ago i joined this forum under a generic alias.. if it weren't for the fact that i have close family weaved into this tapestry of a religion i think i could have moved on long ago.. when you're connected, you're connected.. to those in the same boat, you're not alone.. we get it, and you.. hugs,.